Uploaded by Stella Poghosyan

My Future Profession: Essay on Becoming an English Lecturer

My Future Profession
Choosing a profession is a really important step in the life of every person. The
choice will influence every single day of your future life, so you should pay it
enough attention and make it right. Some students know what they are going to
do to make a living after leaving school but for others, it’s difficult to give a
definite answer about their future profession.
When choosing a career one should take into consideration all the possibilities
that it might provide, explore the job market from every angle, evaluate our own
abilities and talents.
Since my childhood, I’ve known I want to be a lecturer of English. My choice is
closely connected with the importance of foreign languages and cultures which is
growing nowadays. It’s an official language in a vast number of countries. Besides,
it’s the language of international aviation, sports, medicine, the language of
science and technology, trade, cultural and business relations.
Every coin has two sides and lecturer's job has its own weak points. So, let's take
a look at the pros and cons of this respectable and rewarding profession. Of
course, let's start with positive aspects.
First, it broadens prospects. They discover a lot of new information for
themselves concerning cultural aspects and obtaining a huge communication
experience, it also allows learning new and interesting things from different
spheres of life because English is used in different science branches such as
nuclear physics or molecular biology. In addition, it brings a lot of new
acquaintances and provides opportunities to be well-connected with the whole
On the other hand, I’m quite aware that the job of a lecturer isn’t an easy one. It
is a great challenge to be a lecturer. You have to be very communicative and
responsible, experienced and well-qualified. Moreover, be prepared to work long
hours and move around a lot.
Taking everything into deep consideration, I’d like to point out that, regardless of
the negative sides of the profession of a lecturer, the positive moments outweight
here. One more important fact is worth mentioning: this profession proves the
famous proverb "as many languages you know as many times you are a person".