Uploaded by Anne Clifton-Waite

Anatomy & Physiology Dissection Project

Anatomy and Physiology
Full Organism
“How does structure and function relate in a living organism?”
Introduction to Final Project 2021
You will begin your study of mammalian systems through the dissection of either
an adult cat, a fetal pig or various organs this week. Although you are not being graded
as a dissection team, team members must work together to complete the tasks required of
the project as each organism is being assigned to a group of 3 – 4 students. Together you
are responsible for being able to locate, identify and name select structures of the four
specific body systems listed below. In addition, individual team members will be
responsible for researching the function of these structures.
For those students who are working remotely, you will have a choice of working
with an in-person team or working independently on three possible virtual dissections.
Those three options are the human cadaver, the cat or the fetal pig. These are all available
through Pearson’s Mastering A&P.
The project will consist of creating a Google Slides presentation illustrating
anatomical structures and describing their corresponding functions. You will be expected
to take pictures throughout the dissection process. More details will be found on the Final
Project Slides Requirements – Organism A document.
1) Students will learn the location and position of anatomical structures of select
organs of four body systems within the preserved mammalian organism of
2) Students will examine the select structures and research their function(s) to
understand and explain how structure and function are related.
3) Students will learn how different body systems support one another and how
they interact to support homeostasis within the body.
! Instructions for conducting whole animal dissections: I will walk all
teams through the initial opening of the organisms. Afterwards please proceed with the
use of any video or resource I have posted below. I have directed you to the videos and
resources which are best for our purposes below.
The Four Body Systems to examine in your dissection include:
o Digestive
o Respiratory
o Urinary
o Reproductive
My expectation is that all team members support one another during the
dissection and those who feel most comfortable will take responsibility for dissecting out
structures. Obviously, if several people are comfortable with the process then you must
find a way to allow equitable amount of time among the team members to dissect the
It is also my expectation that all team members take responsibility for cleaning up
your dissecting table and placing all used equipment and PPE into appropriate bins for
later cleaning. The specimen must be properly stored for your next use. No one is
allowed to leave the class until I have checked if these have been completed .
Time allotted to work on the final project in class:
May 20/21 Thurs/Fri
May 24/25 Mon/Tues
May 27/28 Thurs/Fri
June 1 / 2 Tues/Wed for 45 Minutes Only! Last 45 Minutes for Closing of Year.
1) This is a great on-line dissection guide for the cat. I suggest everyone using a cat
to begin with this guide. Find the link in Google Classroom
2) This is a great on-line dissection guide for the fetal pig. I suggest that students
check this out early as well as resources found in Mastering A&P.
3) Mastering A&P – Has excellent videos of the cat, fetal pig as well as individual
videos of the brain, heart and kidney organs.
To find the videos, click on Study Area  Choose Animations and Videos (4th
one down on list)  Choose Bone and Dissection Videos (3rd one down on the
list)  Then choose “Cow and Sheep Dissection” for the individual organs, or
Cat Dissection, or Fetal Pig Dissections.
Each video is instructive as to how to access some structures and very
informative as to what the function of some structures are!
4) PAL – Practice Anatomy Lab on Mastering A&P – Has excellent pictures of
the anatomical structures of the human cadaver, cat and fetal pig. To find these
images, click on Study Area  PAL  and then choose between the three
options listed above.
5) **Don’t forget your e-text for all the information you might want on any of the
four body systems.
6) Classroom resources - Feel free to use any of the resources in the classroom, but
DO NOT remove any of them from the classroom. Many of them were
personally purchased by me and some are very expensive to replace!
List of important structures by Body System is below.
Terms for body cavities:
Ventral Body Cavities – Be able to know where each of these cavities are located
and refer to them correctly throughout your presentation.
1. Thoracic cavity
2. Abdominopelvic cavity
4. Visceral peritoneum
5. Pericardial cavity
3. Parietal peritoneum
Digestive System – You should locate and know what each of these structures do,
but for your presentation – choose 5 – 6 to highlight the functioning of the system.
(It is not necessary to include a picture of every one of these structures!)
1. glottis
2. esophagus
3. cardiac stomach (fundus)
4. pyloric stomach
5. pyloric sphincter
6. greater omentum
7. pancreas
8. gall bladder
9. cecum
10. duodenum
11. jejunum
12. ileum
13. large intestine or colon
14. rectum
15. anus
Cut open the stomach and intestines to compare the internal surfaces of both
Note: The human cecum includes a fingerlike tube extending from it, known as the
appendix. The large intestine of the human includes a sigmoid colon between the
descending colon and rectum, which is marked by an S-shaped curvature.
Respiratory System – Given the small number of structures in this system, feel
free to include them all in your presentation. (It is not necessary to illustrate every
lobe of each lung however!)
1. trachea
2. larynx
4. right and left principal (primary) bronchi
5. How many lobes of left lung? Name them.
7. How many lobes of right lung? Name them.
3. diaphragm
Note: The human lungs include: Left lung divided into superior and inferior lobes,
while the right lung is divided into 3 lobes = superior, middle and inferior.
Urinary System - Given the small number of structures in this system, feel free to
include them all in your presentation.
1. kidneys
4. urethra (may be unable to see)
2. ureters
3. urinary bladder
5. External opening for urine
Note : The dissection of either the male or female reproductive system is a difficult
and delicate process. Do not wait until the last day to start on this dissection. Since
there are multiple people in the group, I suggest that someone begin on this
dissection within the first or second class day we meet.
Female Reproductive System – Find as many of the structures to document as
you can.
1. ovaries
4. vagina
2. oviducts (uterine tubes)
3. uterus
Note: The uterine tubes of the human female are comparatively much greater in length.
The uterus in the human is not Y-shaped, but resembles the shape of a pear, instead. The
constricted part of the uterus is known as the cervix. The junction of the uterus and
vagina is a distinct separation between the two organs in the human.
Male Reproductive System- Find as many of the structures to document as you
1. scrotum
4. ductus deferens
2. testis (testes)
5. prostate gland (too difficult to find)
3. epididymis
6. penis
Note: The human penis is not contained within a sheath as in the cat or pig but hangs
freely from its attachments to the pubic symphysis by way of the crura (tough bands of
connective tissue).
That concludes a list of all structures for which you are responsible in your organism.
Please refer to Final Project Google Slides Requirements document to learn what
should be included in your final presentation.