Name: Georges Salgi The research process 1. Subject: Which broad subject did you choose? Birth Control 2. Aspects: Use one of the library reference databases to read some background information and get an overview about your subject. Identify 3 aspects related to it: __Social Aspects___________________________________ __Ethical Aspects___________________________________ __Legal Aspects___________________________________ 3. Source: From which reference source/encyclopedia did you retrieve the background information? Encyclopedia Britannica. 4. Topic: Select one of the above aspects and specify your topic accordingly. Aspect: ___Ethical Aspect__________________________________ Topic: Ethics and the influence of religious systems. 1 5. Problem Statement: Develop your problem statement by adding limiters to your topic. Limiters can include (but are not limited to): region, period of time, social/age group, race, gender, etc. This research discusses whether birth control is in the 21st century considered ethically correct by the Christian religion or not. 6. Keywords: Extract the most important words in your problem statement. Those are the keywords of your research. Birth control Ethically correct Christian religion 21st century 2