i Republic of the Philippines BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Pablo Borbon Main Campus II Batangas City COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE AND FINE ARTS Electrical and Computer Engineering Department “Identifying of Accident Location and Rescue System” _________________________________________________________ A Research Proposal is presented to the faculty of Computer Engineering Batangas State University _________________________________________________________ In partial fulfillment of the requirement of Research Methods __________________________________________________________ By: Dimaculangan, Lance Nhomer D. Lanting, Aivan Jay G. Macatangay, Jerick G. Submitted To; Engr. Elenor Reyes May 19, 2021 ii APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, this research study “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System”, submitted by Dimaculangan Lance, Lanting Aivan Jay, and Macatangay Jerick is hereby accepted. ________________________________ ENGR. Elenor Reyes Adviser Approved by panel on oral examination with grade of _______. ____________________ ENGR. Chairman _________________________________ _______________________________ ENGR. ENGR. Member Member Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGUNEERING _________________________ Date ___________________________ DR. JESSIE A. MONTALBO DEAN, CEAFA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher would like to extent their profound thanks and gratitude to the following persons who shared time, support and patience in fulfillment of this study. To, Engr. Elenor Reyes, their subject professor, study adviser and also their panel to her effort, understanding and advices in order to improve this study. To their family and friends for their untiring love and support. Most of all, to Almighty God who accompanied us in every step we made towards the accomplishment of this study. iv DEDICATION This modest work is heartly dedicated to our beloved parents, who have been our source of inspiration and gave us strength when we thought of giving up, who continually provide their moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support. To our brothers, sisters, friends, classmates and to our professor who shared their words of advice and encouragement to finish this study. And lastly, we dedicated this book to the Almighty God, thank you for the guidance, strength, power of mind, protection and skills and for giving us a healthy life. All of these, we offer to you. v ABSTRACT In urban areas, traffic congestion and road accidents are major issues. The large number of deaths and injuries caused by road traffic collisions demonstrates the global crisis in road safety. There is currently no equipment available to detect accidents. Additionally, the time it takes for an ambulance to arrive at the accident site and the traffic congestion between the accident site and the hospital raise the risk of a victim's death. There is a need to implement a scheme to reduce the number of people killed in car accidents and the time it takes for an ambulance to arrive at the hospital. To address the shortcomings of the current system, we will introduce a new system in which an accident is automatically detected using sensors installed in the car. The aim of this project is to design and build an Accident Tracking Location and Rescue System that uses GPS and GSM technology. It consists of GPS receiver, microcontroller, and GSM module integration. The proposed device would use multiple sensors to detect the occurrence of an accident, determine the position of the vehicle using the GPS module, and automatically transmit emergency messages and distress signals in the event of an accident. Our device has a GSM module that will be used to send the messages. The target respondents for this study were divided into two groups: 1) Rescuers and 2) Drivers. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………….……………………………………………...….i APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................................ ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... iii DEDICATION.................................................................................................................. iv ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ vi LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... viii CHAPTER I. THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1 Objectives of the Study....................................................................................... 4 Conceptual Framework....................................................................................... 4 Scope and Delimitation of the Study .................................................................. 5 Significance of the Study.................................................................................... 6 Definition of Terms ............................................................................................ 6 II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Conceptual Literature ......................................................................................... 9 Related Literature ............................................................................................. 14 Synthesis ........................................................................................................... 19 III. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY Pre- Research Design........................................................................................ 23 Research Design ............................................................................................... 23 vii Data Gathering Procedures ............................................................................... 23 Materials and Equipment .................................................................................. 24 Prototype Procedures ........................................................................................ 25 Project Description ........................................................................................... 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................... 32 APPENDICES Cost of Material of the System ............................................................................ 35 Block Diagram of the System ............................................................................. 36 Concept Map ....................................................................................................... 37 Curriculum Vitae ................................................................................................. 38 viii LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page No. 1 Cost of Materials of the System…………………………………….23 2 Different Views and Dimension of the System……………………..27 3 Different Views and Dimension of Vibration Sensor ………………28 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Title Page No. 1 Research Paradigm of the Study …………………………………....5 2 Tracking using Google Maps ………………………………………11 3 Vehicle Tracking System …………………………………………..15 4 System Architecture ……………………………………………....18 5 Position of Vibration Sensor on Vehicle …………………………...25 6 Project System Design ……………………………………………...25 7 Design of Vibration Sensor 8 Block diagram of the System ………………………………………29 9 Presents the Chronological Process of the System………………….30 ………………………………………26 1 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The vehicle tracking system is a total security and fleet management solution. It is the technology used to determine the location of a vehicle using different methods like GPS and other navigation system operating via satellite and ground-based stations. Modern vehicle tracking system uses GPS technology to monitor and locate our vehicle anywhere on earth, but sometimes different types of automatic vehicle location technology are also used. The vehicle tracking system is fitted inside the car that provides location and the data can even be stored and downloaded to a computer which can be used for analysis in future. This system is an essential device for tracking car any time the owner wants to monitor it and today it is extremely popular among people having expensive cars, used as theft prevention and recovery of the stolen car. The data collected can be viewed via SMS [receiving the position coordinate} or on electronic maps via internet and software. However, the high demand of vehicles has also increased the traffic hazards and the road accidents. Accidents may happen anytime. As a matter of Fact, since the development of automobile as a mode of transportation has increased over the past decades, it has been an important part of our daily lives. However, it also brought disaster to many families. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that there are about 1.24 million casualties and 50 million injuries related to automobiles accidents. In 2010, traffic accident ranked 8th as cause of death worldwide (Aldegheishem et al., 2018) but just after 2 years, it ranked 5th which makes it a bothersome problem worldwide (Ganeshkumar & Gokulakrishnan, 2015). Road traffic death rate is highest in Africa with a ratio of 26.6 deaths per 100,000 population, followed by South East Asia with a ratio of 20.7 deaths in every 100,000 population (World Health Organization, 2018). According to an article from ABS-CBN News, more than 10,000 die annually in Philippines alone due to road crashes of which the 2 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background affected age group is teenagers, ranges from 20-24 (Reformina, 2018). The most obvious reason of a person's death during accidents is the unavailability of the first aid provision due to the delay in accessing the exact information of the accident location. The trivial reasons of unavailability of prompt onsite medical assistance are late reporting of accident, incorrect geographic location, and unreliable mobile application due to malfunctioning of smartphone. The typical scenario is eyewitnesses do not notify hospital and police while an accident takes place. Moreover, accidents occur on highways, vehicles passing the accident location generally ignore their responsibility to notify hospital and police. Life of the people is under high risk. This is because of the lack of best emergency facilities available in our country. With these alarming vehicle-related death cases, it is important to have an effective emergency protocol to rescue victims. Automobile manufacturers have taken the initiative to develop both active and passive systems that are embedded to the manufactured vehicles to reduce road accidents (Fogue et al., 2012). Even with the efforts of government and non-government institutions to somewhat solve these problems, accident may happen no matter what. But lives could have been saved if the information related to the accident is reported on time (Amin et al., 2012). Assisting those who are injured in an accident is vital, because it can either cause further damage to their health or it can save their lives. As a matter of fact, poor implementation of rescue teams during these kinds of emergency can increase high number of traffic fatalities and even death (Wei & Hanbo, 2011). Rescue operation must be fast and efficient to increase the survival rate of those involved in the accident (Fogue etal., 2012). Sadly, there are only 109 countries around the world who have an accessible telephone numbers intended for this service, (World Health Organization, 2018). Literature review revealed that as of the writing of this research, there is no published paper nor developed device in Asian Countries that automatically notifies the police and emergency response team once an accident occurred. As it is done manually there is loss of life in 3 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background golden hours. The accident victim is dependent on the mercy of others to rush him to hospital. Many a times an accident goes unnoticed for hours before help comes in. Due to all these factors, there is a high rate of mortality of the accident victims. In addition to this there is delay in the ambulance reaching the hospital due to the traffic congestion between accident location and hospital which increases the chances of the death of victim. Emergency response time is extremely vital when it involves incidents involving vehicle accidents. Analysis shows that if we decrease just 1-minute in accident response time that can increase chances of saving an individual’s life up to six percent. In order to reduce response time, implementation of enhanced traffic technologies would be necessary, which will help scale back response time and therefore reduce fatalities. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a solution to the mentioned problem by developing a device that will automatically notify the police office or hospital’s emergency once an accident occurred. Automated searching GPS (Global Positioning System) and rescue system that can navigate anywhere to search for accidents location and transfer critical field data back to the console has gained much interest among us researchers. The detection system would help reduce fatalities due to vehicle accidents by decreasing the response time of emergency services. In response to this need, a lowcost innovative GPS system has been proposed. The device will use vibration shock sensor and two modules (GSM and GPS). This GPS and GSM module will be installed to a vehicle having its own system. So, when the sensor is triggered, it will automatically send the signal to the nearest hospital or police station and the rescue level will be depending on the impact. This paper introduces the design of a low-cost GPS (Global Positioning System) search and rescue system. Design and development of the physical prototype and its system are described in this paper. 4 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background Objectives of the Study This study aims to design a system that can locate the accident that occurred on roads in real time. To make the study possible, the proponents aim to achieve the following objectives: Prompt a smart system that track the occurred accident and have rescue immediately by using GPS and GSM module. To design an effective and smart way of tracking accident location To create a system which can locate and respond immediately to the occurred accident. Explore the capabilities and application of GPS and GSM module. Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework of this study used the Input-Process-Output model to present a simple overview of this research study. The focus of this study was on the design of rescue system that would be used to track the location of the accident. From Figure 1, different variables and knowledge needed about the concept of the rescue system were laid out to the input stage of the framework such as the important knowledge or information to the proposed research project and also the hardware and software component that will help to achieve the main goal and objectives of the study. The process stage included the design of the system and the flow on how the system will work. This stage also included the preliminary testing that will determine the operating test for sensor and emergency hotline numbers. During the performance testing, the accuracy of GSM module and functionality of GPS module were being tested. Lastly, the Final testing, this was done by initializing the whole process of a system. 5 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background Automated GPS system with GSM module and vibration sensor would then be developed. It would be used to track the location of the accident and send the coordinates of the location to respond the rescue members in right time, and it was accomplished in the output stage. INPUT PROCESS Knowledge Requirements: System Design: Process and getting information about tracking the location of the accident GPS and GSM module Vibration Sensor Hardware Requirements: Android Mobile Device Operating the Emergency Hotline Numbers Operating Sensors Automated GPS system with GSM module and vibration sensor. Performance Testing: Functionality of GPS module Accuracy of GSM Module on Sending Message System components Sketch up Process and flow on how the system will work Preliminary Testing: Implement Software Requirements OUTPUT Initializing and testing the whole system Figure 1. Research Paradigm of the Study Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study will be focus on design and development of an accident tracking location system for vehicle that aimed to help the driver and passengers to save their lives by getting the rescue in right time when the unexpected accident occurred. In this study, it includes the 3D design of the project. The development of the design project will consider to use the software application which is sketch up to visualize the design of the system. The system used GSM and GPS module that works to navigate and send a message via SMS of the exact location to the emergency hotline where the accident took place. This system is 6 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background limited only for the four-wheeled cars and not for motors because there is different concept of system that works for motors only. Significance of the Study This study was reliable and would be greatly beneficial to different concerned people or groups as this would serve as a basis for many studies related to the usage of GPS and application and innovation of a system which can locate and respond to the location of the accident. To the drivers and passengers, this study will serve as another way of protection and security in the event of an accidents as it will help to quickly provide information to hospitals and policemen for faster rescue. To the policemen and healthcare workers, this study will serve as a great help for quickly responding and locating accidents occurring in the specific area. With the help of this, if there is a quick response or action, the presence of long traffic will be avoided. To the future researchers, this study would act as a basis for future related studies as well as a guide for a better and improved design or developed study. To the researchers, this study would help them to gain more knowledge that would enhance their abilities and skills in their chosen field of specialization. Definition of Terms Presented herein are the terminologies defined for the readers to understand their meanings as used in the study. The terms are as follows: Arduino. An open-source system for constructing electronic projects. It consists of a physical programmable circuit board known as a microcontroller and computer software known as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that is used to write and upload computer code to the physical board. (Ben, 2011) In this study the device used an Arduino which acts as the controller for the other module to operate to their designated functions. It is the brain of the device where all output 7 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background that must be done is processed by this microcontroller. You can tell what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller and it will execute the program that are stored with this microcontroller. Global Positioning System (GPS). A navigation system for air, sea, and land travel that uses satellites, a receiver, and algorithms to synchronize location, velocity, and time data. (Team, 2021) The system in this study used the Global Positioning System (GPS) which is connected to the satellites in order to track and locate the location of the vehicle in terms of accidents. The GPS receiver or GPS module is placed on the vehicle. When an accident occurs, through this GPS, this will provide reliable information to determine and track the exact location of the vehicle through coordinates. The information which represents the exact location will be sent to the emergency responders such as in police or in hospitals. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) Module. A chip or circuit that is used to establish communication between a mobile device or a computing machine and a GSM system. It uses GSM mobile telephone technology to provide a data link to a remote network. (GSM, 2020) The GSM system used in this study serves as a means of communication. When an accident occurs, the GSM module can communicate or send information to emergency responders such as police or hospitals about the accident's location. This system will help emergency responders to immediately react and rescue with that accident. Short Message Service (SMS). A communication service standardized in the GSM mobile communication system, which moves 140 octets (8-bit bytes) of data per message. It is a text messaging service component of most telephone, Internet, and mobile device systems that uses standardized communication protocols allowing the interchange of short text messages. (SMS, 2015) 8 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background In this study, SMS will play an important role because the information in vehicle’s accidents will be sent through this SMS. With this SMS, emergency responders can respond quickly to the accidents. Vibration sensor. A device that measures the level and frequency of vibration in a given system, device, or piece of equipment. Those measurements can be used to detect imbalances or other issues in the asset and predict potential breakdowns and failures. (CMMS, 2019) The vibration sensor used in this study detects vehicle vibration or collision impact. The microcontroller will be alerted if the impact exceeds a given limit for the vibration sensor, and GSM and GPS systems will alert the police or hospital to react or rescue for that accident. Vibration sensor also play an important role in this study because it will determine what kind of emergency should respond, either policemen or ambulance or both. 9 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presented the conceptual literature, and related literature that will be fundamental in the pursuance of the research study. Conceptual Literature Application of GPS and GSM Modem in Tracking System Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite, receiving and algorithm-based navigation system for synchronization of location, time and velocity data for air, marine and land transportation. For companies and organizations in many different sectors, GPS is a strong and trustworthy instrument. Surveyors, scientists, pilots, boat captains, primary respondents and farm workers are those who use GPS every day for work. They use GPS information to produce accurate maps and surveys, calculate accurate time, and monitor location and navigation (Team, 2020). As Wang S. (2020) stated, Global Positioning System GPS is used in vehicles for both tracking and navigation. Tracking systems enable a base station to keep track of the vehicles without the intervention of the driver where, as the navigation system helps the driver to reach the destination. Rajkiran A. and Anusha M. (2014), with this GPS receiver, the system will provide reliable location and time. GPS provides accurate location and time information for an unlimited number of people in all weather, day and night, anywhere in the world. A GPS tracking system can work in a variety of ways. It may be installed in a car, on a cellphone, or on specialized devices that can be stationary or portable. It can monitor and record a vehicle or a person's movement. Furthermore, GPS transmits special satellite signals that are decoded by a receiver. The GPS receiver can also calculate velocity and time, in addition to tracking the exact location (Bertagna 2010). 10 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature However, based on the Microtronics Technologies (2013), in the GPS tracking system, the location of the vehicle is sent to a remote place which is done by GSM modem. According to Wikipedia, GSM modem or GSM module is a hardware device that uses GSM mobile telephone technology to provide a data link to a remote network. They are basically the same as a regular phone which are capable of receiving and sending data. In addition, a GSM modem is an interface which can communicate through a network with either a cell phone or a modem device to make a computer or some other processor. This requires to operate a SIM card and runs across a network range that a network operator can subscribe to. It can be connected through a serial, USB or Bluetooth link to a device. Transaction terminals, supply chain management, security applications, weather stations, and GPRS mode remote data logging are only a few of the applications for the GSM modem. (ElProCus, 2020) As stated by Hirons (2015), Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) is not a method for Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) but it is used as an Event Activated Tracking System (EATS). Like for example when a thief breaks into the car and attempts to steal it, the tracking system can be triggered by the immobilizer unit or the motion sensor can be activated. A monitoring system will then be automatically informed that the unit has been triggered and begin tracking the vehicle. Meanwhile, according to Karankraj (2020), GPS and GSM-based vehicle tracking systems are commonly used to keep track of vehicles, with the microcontroller serving as the primary component. To ensure two-way communication, this system substitutes a GSM modem for one of the GPS systems. The GSM modem and SIM card combination use the same technique as a regular mobile phone to enforce the tracking method. This system can be fixed or placed in any corner of a vehicle or costly piece of equipment that requires safety. 11 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature Tracking the Location of the Vehicle The GPS technology allows the owner of the vehicle to pinpoint the location of his vehicle that has been enabled for tracking and monitored through a PC, Smart Phone or a personal tracking device. In the design project of Mendoza O. (2017) “Microcontroller-based Vehicle Security System with Tracking Capability using GSM and GPS Technologies” the device will send an SMS message to the preferred receiver. Part of the SMS message is composed of latitude and longitude coordinate values, Example: LAT: 13.52.9088 LONG: 120.54.5848. This follows the format of degrees minute. In order to get the exact degree value, minute value should be divided by 60, as 1 degree = 60min. So, for the particular example, The LAT:13.52.9088 is LAT:13.881813 and the LONG: 120.54.5848 is LONG:120.90808 which gives the exact place of the motor vehicle. Online data communication or the Internet is required to use the features of the project. The device to be used in tracking should be supported by an active internet connection. The location of the vehicle can easily be seen using Google maps, Google Earth and other website place finder using latitudes and longitudes values. Figure 2. Tracking using Google Maps 12 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature Importance of GPS and GSM Module in Tracking Accidents Vehicle accidents are among the leading causes of fatalities. If individuals do not receive help in a timely manner, the consequences can be serious. Poor emergency response may be a significant contributor to our country's high death rate. According to Iqbal and Kousar (2015), in case of an accident, the device will send an alert message along with location data from GPS module to control station using GSM network. It is a comprehensive and effective solution to the poor rescue response in case of an accident. The accident reporting can automatically find a traffic accident, search for the spot and then send the basic information to the rescue agency covering geographical coordinates and the time and circumstances in which a traffic accident took place. Chourasia, Choubey, and Verma (2020), when an accident will happen, the location of the accident is detected by a GPS module and an alert message will be sent with location via GSM module to the registered mobile numbers. This alert message will help in giving quick assistance to the victim. The response time of the proposed device is too little, it implies when the vehicle meets mishap, within a couple of moments the message is transmitted, hence helps in saving the lives of a large number of people. Tiwari et al. (2015) stated that it will be easy to provide the victim with the quick medical aid even in hilly areas, national highways or in remote areas where it is very difficult to locate an accident spot. The system will provide an optimum solution to this drawback. Microcontroller sends the alert message through the GSM modem including the location of both the police control room or a rescue team. So, the police can immediately trace the location through the GPS modem, after receiving the information. Then after conforming the location necessary action will be taken. If the person meets with a small accident or if there is no serious threat to anyone's life, then the alert message can be terminated by the driver by a switch provided in order to avoid wasting the valuable time of the medical rescue team (Radhakrihnan, 2018). 13 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature Benefits of Having Accident Tracking System Tiwari et al. (2015) stated that government can make this device as a mandatory safety measure to be opted by every vehicle manufacturer which will solve this problem more efficiently. Hence, this device acts like an enhancement to the vehicle’s capability and makes the user more secured in today’s scenario which is full of increasing death rate in road accidents caused due to lack of immediate medical help on the spot of the accident. Its low and affordable cost makes it economically feasible. Based on “Arrive and Alive” (2012) developed by Netsted, insurance companies often offer discounts to companies who implement a GPS vehicle tracking system. This is not only because it encourages safer driving, but also helps recovery if thefts do occur. Other benefits are: Improved health and safety - knowing the location of a worker’s vehicle can be of significant benefit if that person were to require immediate attention when something bad happened occurred. Emergency Assistance - vehicle tracking software will be able to provide accurate information of your car's whereabouts. In an emergency situation, this will enable instant access to receive medical or emergency assistance to avoid losing lives. Vehicle tracking is important technology for the safety not only of fleets of vehicles but also for the ordinary driver. This is to become even more important for road safety as the technology becomes increasingly accessible and inexpensive. In addition, as stated by Rakesh (2014), vehicle tracking systems primarily benefit companies that depend on transportation systems. Since it can display the location of all vehicles in real time, they can generate the expected data. These tracking systems will save all of the information about where the vehicle traveled, where it stopped, and how long it took at each stop, as well as perform comprehensive data analysis. It's also used in buses and trains to determine how far they've traveled and how long it'll take them to arrive at a 14 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature certain station. These systems are used for data collection, storage, analysis, and transmission. Moreover, accident tracking systems in the workplace enable workers to collect, manage, analyze, and respond to detailed incident data more effectively, giving them a proactive advantage in workplace safety. Such systems allow users to see something and say something, reporting new incidents from any web-enabled computer, at any time and from anywhere. Control of all incident data in one easy online system, incident report investigation and management in real time from anywhere, and notifications to alert workers and staff so they can keep on track are only a few of the benefits of this accident tracking system (Zambito, 2018). Furthermore, the high demand of automobiles has also increased the traffic hazards and the road accidents. Life of the people is under high risk. This is because of the lack of best emergency facilities available in our country. An automatic alarm device for vehicle accidents is introduced in this project. This design is a system which can detect accidents in significantly less time and sends the basic information to the first aid center within a few seconds covering geographical coordinates, the time and angle in which a vehicle accident had occurred. This alert message is sent to the rescue team in a short time, which will help in saving the valuable lives (Radhakrihnan, 2018). Related Literature Concept Overview of Vehicle tracking System This vehicle tracking system takes input from GPS and sends it through the GSM module to desired mobile/laptop using mobile communication. Vehicle Tracking System is one of the biggest technological advancements to track the activities of the vehicle. The security system uses Global Positioning System GPS, to find the location of the monitored or tracked vehicle and then uses satellite or radio systems to send the coordinates and the 15 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature location data to the monitoring center. At the monitoring center various software’s are used to plot the Vehicle on a map. In this way the Vehicle owners are able to track their vehicle on a real-time basis. Due to real-time tracking facilities, vehicle tracking systems are becoming increasingly popular among owners of expensive vehicles, (Rakesh, 2014). Figure 3. Vehicle Tracking System In the study conducted by Almomani et al. (2011), they used a web server, SMS server, GPRS server, database, and GSM modem in the proposed GPS vehicle tracking system. The client's application interface is represented by the web server. This receives HTTP requests from both mobile and Web applications. Meanwhile, SMS servers send commands to the GPS device and receive requests from the web server. In General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), this listens to the incoming data from a GPS device attached to the car. The data includes the periodic tracking reports and event notifications that will be forwarded to SMS servers. GRPS includes providing maps to show the user’s vehicle location, detailed reports, and alerts. However, the database stores all the information of the vehicles such as reports, alerts, etc. Lastly, GSM modem which is used for sending and receiving SMS messages like mobile phones. Lee et al. (2014) introduced the vehicle tracking system design and implementation using the GPS/GSM/GPRS Technology and smartphone applications. A unique ID and password is assigned to every vehicle in the system. The GPS module is used by the system to obtain coordinates at regular time intervals. The location of the vehicle is stored in a 16 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature database using a GPRS Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection. Since this database is accessed through a smartphone, monitoring occurs. The database can also be accessed at predetermined intervals by sending a track position SMS through GSM module. Mendoza (2015) carried out a study on a Microcontroller-Based Vehicle Security System with Tracking Capability Using GSM and GPS technology. This system can be used to improve vehicle security by tracking the location of a stolen vehicle and helping authorities in obtaining credible evidence that the vehicle has been stolen. GSM and GPS technologies were used in this study, which included the use of a receiver module, GSM module, and microcontroller. A vibration sensor that senses vehicle movement was also used, as well as a buzzer that sounds an alarm when the sensors are triggered. This device also has the ability to track the position of the vehicle using a GPS receiver that provides data to the location in the form of coordinates. Aranas et.al (2018) conducted a study entitled “GPS and GSM Based Vehicle Tracking System” which continuously monitors a moving vehicle and reports its status demand. In this system, Arduino Mega 2560 is interfaced serially to a GSM modem and GPS receiver. GSM modem is used to continuously send vehicle's position from remote place, while GPS modem is used for navigation system which continuously give the data like longitude, latitude, speed, etc. When a user sends an SMS request to the modem's number, the device automatically sends a response via SMS indicating the vehicle's position in terms of latitude, longitude, and connection to the site. In the study conducted by Calafate et al. (2011), they developed a system which used Android smart-phones and ODB-II connection in a vehicle. When the system detects an accident, it sends an SMS to the emergency contacts specified by the user, which includes information about the accident as well as an automated call to the emergency services. All modern vehicles are equipped with an ODB-II connection, which transmits data about the vehicle in real time, such as acceleration, oil pressure, and speed. 17 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature At the University of Baghdad in Iraq, Ali and Alwan (2015) developed a system that used an accelerometer, GPS, and microphone to detect accidents. When an accident is detected, an alert message is sent to the web server, as well as an SMS to the emergency contacts. The emergency responders must access the web server to know about the accident. The sensors and hardware used by the algorithm were used by their system. The main problem with this system is that the notifications are sent to a web server, and responders must check the web server for accident notifications. Also, there is no system for individual responders who respond to an emergency to track the victim's location, and the system lacks the functionality to send emergency notifications to the nearest emergency center if there are several emergency centers. Thakur et al. (2018) proposed a system not only on accident detection but also sending notifications to the nearest hospital, police station and other emergency contacts. Accidents are detected using three sensors like an accelerometer, force resistive sensor, and gyroscope. These sensors are part of an integrated device that includes an Arduino and a bluetooth module. Using the Accident detection algorithm, the smartphone determines whether or not an accident has occurred. When an accident is detected, an alert is sent to the nearest hospital, police station, and emergency contacts along with the GPS coordinates, blood group, and vehicle plate number. In order to reduce false positives, an alarm system has been also included as soon as an accident is detected. If the driver is safe, he or she can deactivate the alarm and cancel the message's transmission. The alarm rings for about 30 seconds before immediately relaying the alert to emergency personnel and contacts. Prabha et al. (2014) developed an Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Messaging System Using GSM and GPS Modem. The GPS constantly saves the coordinates of the vehicle's position in a database. This study focused on accident detection using a vibration sensor. If the accident isn't too serious, the driver can use the system's 18 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature push button to stop the system from transmitting the accident warning message. The GSM sends a message to the cell phone number if the push button is not pressed. Priyanga et al. (2014) proposed a study about Sensor based Accident Detection and Prevention Technology which contain a number of sensors that detect the vehicle’s speed. In this system, if the speed exceeds a certain threshold, the microcontroller is notified, and the engine speed is automatically decreased. The sensors used are ultrasonic and alcohol sensor. Also, the glass breakage sensor and an accelerometer are used in accident location. When an accident occurs, the GSM and GPS systems notify the cell phone number with the location. Adelabu (2017) design the The Accident Alert and Tracking System is the system which track vehicle current location using global positioning system (GPS). This product gives the live updates of accidental vehicle with their location details. It ensures the vehicle which has got accident to send location details to web server located at emergency ambulance center further that location details of accidental vehicle send to nearby ambulance as well as display it on map. As per the system architecture, Accident Alert and Tracking System is working same as follows. When the accident will be occurred, then the system will direct send the accident alert message along with location details of the accidental vehicle to emergency dispatch sever further it will send that alert message to the nearby ambulance so that it will go to that location. By using system like this we can decrease the mortality rate which is led by accident. 19 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature Figure 4. System Architecture Synthesis After gathering and reading the related literature and studies thoroughly, the researchers found out that the current study has similarities and differences to the other previous studies conducted. The study of Almomani et al., entitled “Ubiquitous GPS Vehicle Tracking and Management System”, uses web server, SMS server, GPRS server, database, and GSM modem in the proposed GPS vehicle tracking system. SMS server sends commands to the GPS device and receives requests from the web server. General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) listens to the reports and event notifications that will be forwarded to SMS servers. Likewise, the study of Lee et al. (2014), entitled “Design and Implementation of Vehicle Tracking System Using GPS/GSM/GPRS Technology and Smartphone Application”, have a unique ID and password which is assigned to every vehicle in the system. The GPS module is used by the system to obtain coordinates at regular time intervals. The location of the vehicle is stored in a database using a GPRS Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection. This database is accessed through a 20 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature smartphone and can also be accessed at predetermined intervals by sending a track position SMS through GSM module. On the other hand, the study of Mendoza (2015) and Aranas et al. (2018) entitled "Microcontroller-Based Vehicle Security System with Tracking Capability Using GSM and GPS technology” and “GPS and GSM Based Vehicle Tracking System”, respectively, both used the GSM and GPS technology to improve vehicle security by tracking the location of the vehicle when it was stolen. Specifically, they used GPS receiver and GSM modem, with the use of a microcontroller such as Arduino, to locate and send data like directions, speed, distance, etc. via SMS in able to track the position and location of the vehicle. However, the study of Calafate et al. (2011), entitled “Providing Accident Detection in Vehicular Networks through OBD-II Devices and Android-based Smartphones”, sends an SMS to the emergency contacts specified by the user when the system detects an accident, which includes information about the accident as well as an automated call to the emergency services. ODB-II connection transmits data about the vehicle in real time, such as acceleration, oil pressure, and speed. In addition, the study of Rakesh (2014), entitled “Vehicle Tracking and Accident Alert System”, takes input from GPS and sends it through the GSM module to desired mobile/laptop using mobile communication. The security system uses Global Positioning System GPS to find the location of the monitored or tracked vehicle and then uses satellite or radio systems to send the coordinates and the location data to the monitoring center. At the monitoring center various software’s are used to plot the Vehicle on a map. In this way, the vehicle owners are able to track their vehicle on a real-time basis. In relation to that,the study of Iraq, Ali and Alwan (2015), entitled “Car Accident Detection and Notification System Using Smartphones”, used an accelerometer, GPS, and microphone to detect accidents. When an accident is detected, an alert message is sent to the web server, as well as an SMS to the emergency contacts. The emergency responders must access the web 21 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature server to know about the accident. The sensors and hardware used by the algorithm were used by their system. Moreover, the study of Priyanga et. al (2014), entitled “Sensor based Accident Detection and Prevention Technology'', contain a number of sensors that detect the vehicle’s speed such as ultrasonic and alcohol sensors. In this system, if the speed exceeds a certain threshold, the microcontroller is notified, and the engine speed is automatically decreased. When an accident occurs, the GSM and GPS systems notify the cell phone number with the location. The study of Thakur et al. (2018), entitled “Automatic Accident Detection and Notification System”, used three sensors like an accelerometer, force resistive sensor, and gyroscope in detecting accidents. These sensors are part of an integrated device that includes an Arduino and a bluetooth module. Their system not only focuses on accidents detection but also sending notifications to the nearest hospital, police station and other emergency contacts. An alarm system has been also included in order to reduce false positives. Likewise, the study of Prabha et al. (2014), entitled “Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Messaging System Using GSM and GPS Modem”, focused on accident detection using a vibration sensor. If the accident isn't too serious, the driver can use the system's push button to stop the system from transmitting the accident warning message. The GSM sends a message to the cell phone number if the push button is not pressed. The similarities of the previous studies to the present study is that GPS and GSM modules will be used in tracking and sending messages via SMS containing the precise location of the accident to the emergency hotline where the accident occurs. Also, the use of vibration sensors will be used to determine the impact of the accident. If the impact reaches a specified limit, the microcontroller will be notified and GSM and GPS systems will notify the police or hospital to respond or rescue with that accident. Meanwhile, the limitation of this study in comparison to previous studies is that it is only for four-wheeled 22 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter I: Review of Related Literature cars and not for motors since there is a particular system concept that works only for motors. The literature presented offers stronger input to fully understand and accomplish the development of the proposed system for identifying and responding to accidents. 23 CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY The research design and research procedures for Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System will be presented in this chapter. In addition, this chapter serves as a comprehensive overview for the researchers on how to conduct this research. Pre- Research Design The researchers gathered data and studies in order to gain a better and clear understanding of their study and to identify the most significant factors for designing a system for accident locations and rescuing. In addition, the researchers gathered information from a variety of sources relevant to their studies. They were also able to gather information on the GPS and GSM module implementations, as well as their importance, advantages, and other relevant information. After gathering all of the data, the researchers were able to compare and contrast various related studies in order to improve the study's development, and they only chose the most important and relevant information. Having the desired information, the researchers would begin the strategic planning in designing and developing the system of this research. Research Design This is the actual construction guide, process and flow on how the system will work. This includes the preliminary design of the system which the proponents used a sketch up software to illustrate the detailed design of the system, interpretation of data and information gathered, planning and proper selection of materials, and the operation of its components to meet the desired output. Data Gathering Procedures This study is a research innovation and creation that includes the engineering planning, design, and simulation about identifying location accident and rescuing system. 24 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology The focus of the study is on how accidents are located and how the emergency responders can respond immediately. The researchers consulted on web-based and document review, based on public records that are conducive in data gathering. Through a thorough reading from the articles, journals, conferences and theses, researchers have gathered appropriate and reliable information and have obtained an effective and sufficient studies to evaluate the possible important factors that can contribute to the system design. The experimental testing approach was used by the researchers in order to assess the system's outcome. Materials and Equipment In order to create a method for locating accident locations and rescuing systems, the researchers plan and use the following materials and equipment. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Part’s Name Arduino Uno GPS receiver GSM module Vibration Sensor 9V Battery Plastic Enclosure Box 200x120x55mm Screw LED Switch USB Connector SIM Card Wires and Cables Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 Cost 599.00 350.00 650.00 150.00 89.00 1 418.50 12 1 1 1 1 5 Meters 120.00 15.00 48.00 80.00 30.00 200.00 Total: Php 2749.50 Table 1. Cost of Materials of the System The materials and equipment utilized in this study are listed in Table 3.1. The Arduino Uno serves as the controller for the other module to operate the designated functions. Meanwhile, a GPS receiver and GSM module were utilized to track and transmit information on the accident's exact position using coordinates. The vibration sensor, on the other hand, was employed to detect vehicle vibration or crash impact. 25 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology Prototype Procedures The following will be followed in project development of an identifying location and rescue system. The process will be discussed in this section. First, prepare all the necessary materials and equipment needed in this project, make sure that all electrical equipment is being tested and replace the damage equipment to avoid electrical accident. After that, connect the materials that are needed to be connected in Arduino Uno such as GPS, GSM module, and Vibration shock sensor. Check if the connections are in right pins because it may ruin the circuit once that one of the materials are being connected to the wrong ones. Check the system if every component of it is running properly especially the GPS and GSM module before starting to make a case for it. The battery that will be supply the entire circuit is from 9V battery. Then once the connection is finished and the function of each component were tested, start making the case of the project. The design and size of the case will be constructed base on the 3D structure given by the proponents. At the enclosure box, make some holes for the passage of the cords and wires for the connection of sensor that will be placed outside of the box. Once finishing the case, carefully put the components inside to not ruin the connection and fixed it to not being shaken once the system are being placed inside the car. Lastly, finalized the design of the system. Project Description Accident location and rescue system will help the driver and passenger of the vehicle when there is a sudden accident by giving the exact location where the accident occurred to allow early response and rescue the accident victims. The system will work when the vibration sensor triggered and there are two ways to trigger the sensor, first is when there is a sideswipe collision or light accident that gives scratch or light damage to the other car and the system will give information to the police hotline, last is when there is a head-on crash that gives major damage to both cars, the system will give information both emergency and police hotline. 26 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology The main system will be placed under front dash of the car and the sensors will be placed two on the front bumper and another two at the rear side of the car. The figure below shows the position of the system and sensors in the car. Figure 5. Position of Vibration Sensor on Vehicle Project Design Figure below shows the design of the system which composed of 150mm x 120mm x 50mm enclosure box. The core components of the project were placed inside the box and from the outside you can see the antenna for GMS module, switch for the battery, and Arduino port. While of figure 3 which shows the design of vibration sensor that has wire connected to the system. Figure 6. Project System Design 27 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology Figure 7. Design of Vibration Sensor Project Casing The Table below presented the four different types of view, front, back, side, and top view. It also indicated the detailed measurement of the casing to fully understand the procedure when doing it in actual. FRONT VIEW BACK VIEW 28 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW Table 2. Different Views and Dimension of the System 29 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology FRONT VIEW BACK VIEW SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW Table 3. Different Views and Dimension of Vibration sensor 30 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology Block Diagram Power Supply GPS GSM Modem Arduino Microcontroller Mobile Phone Vibration Sensor Figure 8. Block diagram of the System The block diagram of Accident Location and Rescue System was shown on figure 2. It shows the relationship of each hardware components of the system. Arduino Microcontroller serves as the soul of the entire system because the purpose of it is to communicate with the electronic devices on how they will act in the entire process. Power supply, GPS, and Vibration sensor serves as the input part of the system and gives the information to the microcontroller then the GSM will serve as the output of the system that send the information that being gathered from the input part of the system. 31 “Identifying Accident Location and Rescue System” Dimaculangan, L. N. D., Lanting, A. J. G., Macatangay, J. G. 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European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 35 APPENDICES APPENDIX A Item No. Part’s Name Quantity Cost 1 Arduino Uno 1 599.00 2 GPS receiver 1 350.00 3 GSM module 1 650.00 4 Vibration Sensor 1 150.00 5 9V Battery 1 89.00 1 418.50 Plastic Enclosure 7 Box 200x120x55mm 8 Screw 12 120.00 9 LED 1 15.00 10 Switch 1 48.00 11 USB Connector 1 80.00 12 SIM Card 1 30.00 13 Wires and Cables 5 Meters 200.00 Total: Php 2949.50 Table 1. Cost of Material of the System 36 APPENDIX B Power Supply GPS GSM Modem Arduino Microcontroller Mobile Phone Vibration Sensor Figure 8. Block diagram of the System 37 APPENDIX C START Initialization of GPS and GSM Waiting for Accident Accident Detected Vibration Sensor Triggered GPS Get the Exact Location and GPS Send SMS to Major Damage Yes No Police Hotline Emergency and Police Hotline Responder Reach the Destination to Provide Assistance STOP Figure 9. Presents the Chronological Process of the System 38 APPENDIX D CURRICULUM VITAE Dimaculangan, Lance Nhomer D. City Address: Contact Number: E-mail Address: Natunuan North San Pascual, Batangas (+63) 9214525836 lancenhomer.dimaculangan @g.batstate-u.edu.ph PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Age: Sex: Citizenship: Religion: Marital Status: Mother Name: Father Name: September 10, 1999 Batangas City 21 Male Filipino Catholic Single Garcia, Noime Dimaculangan, Lamberto ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Tertiary: Batangas State University-Alangilan Alangilan, Batangas City 2018-Present Secondary: Batangas State University Rizal Ave, Extension, Batangas, 4200 Batangas 2012-2018 Primary: Natunuan North Elementary School Natunuan North San Pascual 2006-2012 39 CURRICULUM VITAE Lanting, Aivan Jay G. City Address: Contact Number: E-mail Address: Bagumbayan Tanauan City, Batangas (+63) 9298660067 aivanjay.lanting@g.batstate-u.edu.ph PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Age: Sex: Citizenship: Religion: Marital Status: Mother Name: Father Name: August 16, 2000 Tanauan City 20 Male Filipino Catholic Single Gonzales, Ceferina Lanting, Anselmo ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Tertiary: Batangas State University-Alangilan Alangilan, Batangas City 2018-Present Secondary: First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities Tanauan City, Batangas 2016-2018 John David Christian School Calamba City, Laguna 2012-2016 Primary: Bagumbayan Elementary School Bagumbayan Tanauan City 2006-2012 40 CURRICULUM VITAE Macatangay, Jerick G. City Address: Contact Number: E-mail Address: Sitio 7 Balagtas, Batangas City (+63) 9179374907 jerick.macatangay@g.batstateu.edu.ph PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Age: Sex: Citizenship: Religion: Marital Status: Mother Name: Father Name: May 14, 1999 Batangas City 22 Male Filipino Born Again Single Macatangay, Erlinda G. Macatangay, Joel R. ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Tertiary: Batangas State University-Alangilan Alangilan, Batangas City 2018-Present Secondary: Batangas State University- Alangilan Alangilan, Batangas City 2016-2018 Cavite Institute Silang, Cavite 2012-2016 Primary: Silang Central School Silang Cavite 2006-2012