What is gained by giving way to art expressions in urban spaces destined for other functions? introduction: Artistic expressions in the urban and corporate world of architecture begs many questions and sparks many debates. Some of which include its advantages and disadvantages or whether it should be classified as vandalism. There are also many issues on how to classify different types of urban art and which ones are more linked to crime. Artistic expressions are traditionally confined to canvases Paragraph 1: Street art is a major representative of a city’s personality and identity, aiding the creation of a sense of community and individuality. Often a vibrant flower in a field of metal it gives repetitive bleak architecture a sense of humanity. Street art is not only beneficial to outdoor engagement but can also be beneficial to the beautification of an otherwise derelict area or neighbourhood. Jim vision’s work is a prime example of how art can transform grey walls and derelict buildings into a kaleidoscope of colours bursting with personality and beauty.