Tutorial Request Form (TRF) Pre-Work Inquiry (Before the Tutorial) Subject: Topic/Unit within that subject: Pre-work Inquiry /12 Resources with you in class Name: AVID Period: Date: Collaborative Inquiry/ Participation /1 /5 Note Taking /5 Reflection /7 Total /30 Source, page # &problem #: _______________ /1 Initial/ Original Question: /1 Key academic vocabulary and definition OR formula/postulate associated with topic/question: 1. 2. /2 What I Know about My Question (other information or givens in the problem that are relevant): 1. 2. /2 Identify General Process and Steps (using words, briefly list the steps you worked through on the left side): Critical Thinking about Initial Question (Scratch work or brainstorming): /2 /2 Question from Your Point of Confusion (What’s the specific question you have?): /2 Three-Column Note Taking Directions: Take 3 column notes on separate notebook paper. Even if the question is not immediately relevant to you, take the notes. It will likely help you in future situations when these topics come up. Show your tutor your notes before you leave class. Look below for how to arrange your notes. You will keep these notes in your binder as a resource, either in the AVID section or in the relevant subject. Presenter’s Problem or Question Work to solve or figure out the question (what’s on the board) Using words, write out the steps or process to resolve this question Summary (After the Tutorial) My point of confusion is based on a focus area from my Tutorial Analysis Grade Reflection: I was a student presenter during tutorial today: Yes Yes No No In the space below, write a minimum of 5 sentences summarizing key learning or reviewing in tutorials. Choose one presentation today from your group, either yours or a classmate’s, and explain the following: What was your/someone else’s point of confusion? Summarize the steps of working through the question, either explaining the process or the content covered. Be thorough! Convince us that you really understand. Lastly, try to go a step further to connect this topic/idea/question to previous learning/experiences, yourself and/or the world. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________/7