FABRICATION OF SPECIAL TOOLS FOR WASTE OIL COLLECTOR BONIFCIS ANAK DAWI 05DAD18F2003 MOHAMAD NAZRUL BIN ZULKIPLI 05DAD18F2008 FRANCIS NUANG ANAK AGAN 05DAD18F2018 LOUIS DHAMON ANAK DAVID DISAM 05DAD18F2022 SUPERVISOR: ENCIK AHMAD AIRFAN BIN KHALID MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT POLITEKNIK KUCHING SARAWAK JUNE 2020 A report submitted in fulfilment of the requirements course DJJ6143 Diploma of Mechanical Engineering Automotive Mechanical Engineering Department Politeknik Kuching Sarawak June 2020 2 AKUAN KEASLIAN DAN HAK MILIK TAJUK : SESI 1. Kami, : SPECIAL TOOLS FOR WASTE OIL COLLECTOR JUN 2020 1. BONIFCIS ANAK DAWI (05DAD18F2003) 2. MOHAMAD NAZRUL BIN ZULKIPLI (05DAD18F2008) 3. FRANCIS NUANG ANAK AGAN (05DAD18F2018) 4. LOUIS DHAMON ANAK DAVID DISAM (05DAD18F2022) adalah pelajar tahun akhir Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Politeknik Kuching Sarawak, yang beralamat di Km.22, Jalan Matang, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak. (Selepas ini dirujuk sebagai ‘Politeknik tersebut’). 2. Kami mengakui bahawa ‘Projek tersebut diatas’ dan harta intelek yang ada di dalamnya adalah hasil karya/reka cipta asli kami tanpa mengambil atau meniru mana-mana harta intelek daripada pihak-pihak lain. 3. Kami bersetuju melepaskan pemilikan harta intelek ‘Projek tersebut’ kepada ‘Politeknik tersebut’ bagi memenuhi keperluan penganugerahan Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Automotive kepada kami. Diperbuat dan dengan sebenar-benarnya diakui oleh yang tersebut; a) NAMA 1 (No. Kad Pengenalan:- 900000-00-0000), b) NAMA 2 (No Kad Pengenalan:- 900000-00-0000) dan c) NAMA 3 (No Kad Pengenalan:- 900000-00-0000) d) NAMA 4 (No Kad Pengenalan:- 900000-00-0000) dan di Politeknik Kuching Sarawak, pada 10 August 2020 Di hadapan saya, ………………… (800000-00-0000) sebagai penyelia projek pada tarikh: ………. ) Bonifcis Anak Dawi ) 990811-13-5511 ) Mohamad Nazrul Bin Zulkipli )001007-13-0559 ) Francis Nuang Anak Agan ) 001115-10-2125 ) Louis Dhamon Anak David Disam ) 970807-13-5537 ) ) ....……………………. ) ………………………. 3 “Saya / Kami* akui karya ini adalah hasil kerja saya / kami* sendiri kecuali bukilan dan ringkasan yang tiap-tiap satunya telah saya / kami* jelaskan sumbernya”. Tandatangan : ...................................................... Nama Penulis : . Mohamad Nazrul Bin Zulkipli. Tarikh : 3 November 2020 Tandatangan : ...................................................... Nama Penulis : . Bonifcis Anak Dawi. Tarikh : 3 November 2020 Tandatangan : ...................................................... Nama Penulis : . Francis Nuang Anak Agan. Tarikh : . 3 November 2020 Tandatangan : ...................................................... Nama Penulis : . Louis Dhamon Anak David Disam Tarikh : 3 November 2020 4 “Saya / Kami*akui bahawa saya telah membaca karya ini dan pada pandangan saya / kami* karya ini memadai dari segi skop dan kualiti untuk tujuan penganugerahan Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (Automoitve.).” Tandatangan :.................................................... Nama Penyelia : Ahmad Airfan Bin Khalid Tarikh :3 November 2020 5 To my beloved mother, father and family 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Almighty GOD, the most gracious and merciful, with HIS gracing and blessing has led to success be upon this report. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the following persons and organization that have directly or indirectly given generous contributions towards the success of the academic study. In particular, we wish to express our sincere appreciation to our thesis supervisor for encouragement, guidance, critics and insightful comment. Without her continued support and interest, this project would not have been the same as presented here. We are grateful to Perodua Matang for their cooperation and services provided to us. Our fellow undergraduate students should also be recognized for this support. Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all of them in this limited space. We are grateful to all our family members who gave substantial moral support to finish to study. Our thanks and gratitude also go to our dearest friend and course mates. We would like them to know that they were of the greatest help and support to us when we needed help and we greatly obligated them. 7 ABSTRACT A waste oil collection apparatus for collecting used oil from an engine and dispensing the oil into tank, such as those in which replacement oil is provided. The apparatus includes a container having a raised cylindrical opening through which waste oil from an engine may be received into the container. A plurality of threaded couplers facilitate an attachment of the bottles to apertures in a sidewall of the container. A plurality of valves allow oil to be selectively dispensed from the container into the bottles from which new oil is supplied. The collector further includes an extensible funnel assent ply and a debris removal assembly having a magnet for removing metal particles from the waste oil. . 8 ABSTRAK Alat pengumpulan minyak sisa untuk mengumpulkan minyak terpakai dari mesin dan mengalirkan minyak ke dalam tanki, seperti minyak di mana minyak pengganti disediakan. Alat ini merangkumi bekas yang mempunyai bukaan silinder yang dinaikkan di mana minyak sisa dari enjin boleh diterima ke dalam bekas. Sejumlah pengganding berulir memudahkan penyambungan botol ke lubang di dinding sisi bekas. Sejumlah injap membolehkan minyak dikeluarkan secara selektif dari bekas ke dalam botol dari mana minyak baru dibekalkan. Pemungut selanjutnya merangkumi lapisan penyaluran corong yang dapat diperluas dan unit penyingkiran serpihan yang mempunyai magnet untuk mengeluarkan zarah logam dari minyak sisa. 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF SYMBOLS x LIST OF APPENDICES xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 1 1.3 Objectives 1 1.4 Scope and Limitation 2 1.5 Category 2 1.6 Significant of the Project 2 1.7 Summary 2 10 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 2.1 Introduction 3 2.2 Concept / Theory 3 2.2.1 Theory of hand tool 3 2.2.2 Concept/theory of drain plug opener 3 2.3 History of drain plug opener 5 2.4 Current available product in market 6 2.5 Summary 7 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 8 3.1 Introduction 8 3.2 Flow Chart 9 3.2.1 Flow Chart Project 1 9 3.2.2 Flow Chart Project 2 10 3.3 3.4 Gantt Chart Project 1 10 3.3.1 Gantt Chart Project 1 11 3.3.2 Gantt Chart Project 2 12 Fabrication technique 3.4.1 Welding 3.4.2 Bolt and nut 13 13 14 3.5 Marketing analysis 15 3.6 Data Collection 17 3.7 Summary 18 11 CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 19 4.1 Introduction 19 4.2 operation and result 21 4.3 process of fabrication 21 4.4 23 process of fabrication (component & price list) 4.5 4.6 24 Analysis 24 4.5.1 Analysis (manufacturing cost) 24 Summary 27 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMEDATION 29 5.1 Introduction 29 5.2 Conclusion 29 5.3 Recommendation 30 12 REFERENCES 31 APPENDICES A Format Sebenar Dalam Teks Penulisan Laporan 32 Halaman Pertama APPENDICES B Format Sebenar Dalam Teks Penulisan Laporan Halaman Seterusnya 33 13 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO TITLE PAGE 3.3.1 Gantt Chart Project 1 11 3.3.2 Gantt Chart Project 2 12 3.6.1 4.4 Specification of data collection Estimation cost (component & price list) 17 22 14 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO TITLE PAGE 2.1 Ratchet 3 2.2 Shaft extension 4 2.3 stainless steel strainer trolley oil reservoir 4 2.4 2.5 2.6 The Indy 500 grandstand The Telemid Master Drainer 80 Kombi Oil extractor 5 6 6 3.1 Major step in implementation project 8 3.2 The process flow of Project 1 9 3.3 The process flow of Project 2 10 3.4.1 Welding process 13 3.4.2 bolt and nut 14 3.5.1 survey 1 15 3.5.2 survey 2 15 3.5.3 survey 3 16 3.5.4 survey 4 16 3.5.5 survey 5 17 3.6.1 component 17 4.1.1 Front view 20 4.1.2 Side view 21 4.1.3 Top view 21 4.6.1 Oil Drain Plug storage 25 4.6.2 Oil Drain Plug storage 25 4.6.3 Oil Drain Plug storage 26 4.6.5 Marketing analysis 27 15 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX PAGE 4.1.1 Front view 22 4.1.2 Side view 23 4.1.3 Top view 23 4.6.1 Oil Drain Plug storage 25 4.6.2 Oil Drain Plug storage 25 4.6.3 Oil Drain Plug storage 26 APPENDICES A Format Sebenar Dalam Teks Penulisan Laporan 32 Halaman Pertama APPENDICES B Format Sebenar Dalam Teks Penulisan Laporan Halaman Seterusnya 33 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction to the waste oil drain machine A waste oil drain machine and dispensing apparatus comprising a container adapted to be positioned beneath a vehicle engine, a container having a top wall, bottom wall, and a side wall therearound, a container further having an opening in at top wall of the container through which oil from a vehicle engine may flow into a container a plurality of apertures in a side wall. 1.2 Problem statement 1.Dirty hand exposed to engine oil while opening the drain plug. 2.Floor became dirty because of the oil spill on the floor while opening the drain plug. 1.3 Objective The objectives of this project are: i. To design and fabricate drain plug screw opener tools for waste oil drain machine. ii. To avoid hand dirt and oil is not splashed. 1.4 Scope and limitation The scopes of the project: 1. A workshop that has waste oil drain machine 2. Low-cost tool under RM 150.00 3. The weight is 2 kg 1.5 Category The category of this project is a special tool which is use for waste oil drain machine. This tool has three leg that connect to the ring it will be adjusted onto the waste oil drain machine and has a screw to lock the ring from moving. It’s also has a funnel with extension ratchet that attach to it that will be use to open the drain plug. 1.6 Significant of the projects To study the finding of this will contribute to the workshop fabricate special tools for waste oil collector mechanically functioned that help a car service technician to avoid oil spill out and facilitate up their work. This tool is suitable for workshop that has waste oil collector only. The workshop does not need a lot of tools to bring at the car that needs to service. The workshop owner can access a good quality tool for a reasonable price. Material use of this product is affordable and out of best quality. finally, this product can help user to save their time and energy while working. 1.7 Summary In this chapter 1, the introduction of the chapter, the problem statement, the objective, scope of project, limitations, project signification and keyword with definition for this project had been stated. This chapter also reveals more details on the double wheel hoe. In the next chapter, the literature review for this project will be discussed. In chapter 3 which is methodology, the process of making this proposal will be stated. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction To produce a drain, plug opener tools for waste oil drain machine. A drain plug is a plug which is taken out to allow a fluid to be drained from a tank such as an engine oil pan or sump. Remove the oil drain plug and allow oil to drain out. Remove the drain plug under the engine with the wrench, and let the oil flow into the pan. This project aims to developed a mechanism for an improvement on a waste oil drain machine to avoid hand dirt and oil si not splashed while the process of opening a drain plug from the oil pan. The main of this project also provide a stand for the funnel to cover up the worker’s hand while opening the drain plug to make the work as clean and tidy. [1] 2.2 Theory of hand tool 2.2.1 Concept/theory of drain plug opener Figure 2.1 Ratchet [1] Figure 2.2 Ratchet shaft extension [2] Figure 2.3 oil funnel [2] (iv) Trolley oil reservoir Oil Filter trolleys are the best way of transferring fluid from barrels and cleaning fluid in reservoirs, line flushing, hose cleaning, flushing during equipment commissioning. Fluid should always be pre-filtered in any system, even oil from a new barrel. A filter trolley is a vital part of any contamination control process, ensuring clean oil is transferred into the reservoir. [3] Figure 2.4 trolley oil reservoir [3] Flexible Design Which Allows Customization A Wide Range of Flow Capabilities Lower Installation & Maintenance Cost Heavy Duty Trolley Design Quick And & Inexpensive Changes Can Be Made to Increase the Flow and Change the Filtration Two Spin on Filter For High Dirt Holding Capacity Design Allows for Multiple Micron Filtration Options Available in Both Single & Three Phase Options Electric Control Panel with Inline Digital Particle Monitor (Optional) 2.3 History of drain plug opener Operators and managers often overlook the critical role played by lube-oil reservoirs that support rotating machinery, hydraulics and mechanical power transmissions. Often viewed as lifeless metal tanks and sumps, half-hidden from sight and inaccessible, reservoirs are not only treasure chests of information, but they offer a convenient stage from which to perform remedial tasks. -Hard-working lube oils travel their circuits many times depending on the quantity of oil in the system. However, every drop of oil must return to the reservoir; the time it takes the oil to return depends on the system. A reservoir is like the Indy 500 grandstand; every unit of oil pass in front of it for review. [1] Figure 2.5 The Indy 500 grandstand [4] 2.4 Current available product in market -The Telemid Master Drainer 80 Kombi Oil extractor is designed for simple, userfriendly operation and handling. This Waste Oil Collector has a modern, clean design and great features make a winning combination and a workshop essential for the busiest of service facilities with the features to match. Figure 2.6 The Telemid Master Drainer 80 Kombi Oil extractor [5] 2.5 Summary The drain plug opener is made to save a time and to make work easier for service technician. This technology can also be use by anyone that doesn’t want to spend any money to service/change their engine oil. By using this technology, you done it by yourself and it easy to use but our product has difference feature than other product has we add up a tool opener and holder on it so you just need to do a little thing by that just unscrew the drain plug careful and slowly remove the wrench to let the oil drain to the bucket .it just a simple technology that can help anyone and it easy to use. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction Methodology refers to the theoretical analysis of the methods appropriate to a field of study or to the body of methods and principles particular to a branch of knowledge. The research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. This chapter includes an introduction, project design, Gantt Chart, Flow Chart, marketing analysis, fabrication technique, experimental setup with material and cost as shown in Figure 3.1. PLANNING PROJECT DESIGN ANALYSIS MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT IMPLEMENTATION Figure 3.1: Major step in implementation project. 3.2 Flow Chart A flow chart is about how the works flows according to our fabrication of a process make a drain plug opener. 3.2.1 Flow Chart Project 1 start Briefing for project 1 yes Project title selected Fabrication of project 1 approved yes Literature review no approved yes Approved Planning and project design Approved yes Submit proposal and report project 1 presentation End Figure 3.1 The process flow of Project 1. 3.2.2 Flow Chart Project 2 Start Briefing for project 2 Manufacture of drain plug opener Welding yes Drill a hole yes Installation of component Submit log book and report project 2 Exhibition and presentation End Figure 3.2 Shows the process flow of Project 2. 3.3 Gantt Chart Project 1 Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. Terminal elements and summary elements constitute the work breakdown structure of the project. 3.3.1 Gantt Chart Project 1 Title/weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Briefing project 1 Project title selected Identifying problem Literature review Research methodology Autodesk inventor cost Presentation Planning process Actual process Table 3.3.2 3.3 Gantt chart project 1 Gantt Chart Project 2 Title / week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Briefing project 2 Discussion material used Actual cost Fabrication process presentation project 2(50%) Presentation and demonstration (100%) Planning process Actual process Table 3.4 Gantt chart project 2 11 12 13 14 15 3.4 Fabrication technique Fabrication is the process that occurs during the process of building the project. For this project 2 different techniques are required for this project. 3.4.1 Welding Welding is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually metals thermoplastics, by causing fusion which is distinct from lower temperature metaljoining techniques. We will used gas welding for this project. We weld 3 steel bars that size of 30mm x20mm to the mild steel black pipe in according to the angle of 360 to each steel bar. We also did the same to the ring. . Figure 3.4 Welding process 3.4.2 Bolt and nut A bolt and nut are a type of fastener with a threaded hole. Nuts are almost always used in conjunction with a mating bolt to fasten multiple parts together. The two partners are kept together by a combination of their thread’s friction a slight stretching of the bolt and compression of the parts to be held together. We used bolt and nut to create the joint which it will connect all steel bar with mild steel black pipe and ring. We also use the big screw for the locking Figure 3.4.2 bolt and nut 3.5 Marketing analysis Figure 3.5.1 Survey 1 according to the pie chart around 68.2 % male and 31.8 % female respondent that participate in our survey. Figure 3.5.2 Survey 2 The majority age that more participate in the survey is 23-30 with 40.9 % compare with the other categories age. Figure 3.5.3 Survey 3 According to this pie chart 68.2 % people say yes to our product that will be useful in the automotive industry. While 31.8% thought maybe. Figure 3.5.4 Survey 4 According to this pie chart that 72.7 say yes that our design is safety and 27.3 say maybe. Figure 3.5.5 Survey 5 Only 81.8% say yes that our product is cheap but quality and 18.2% select maybe to our price product. 3.6 Data Collection Table 3.6.1 is the specification of data collection of this project No. Specification Flat bar Length x Width x Thickness Size /Amount 1’ x 1” x 3 mm Black pipe Length x diameter 1’ x 2 “ Oil funnel Length x diameter 6” x 8” Ratchet wrench Number of sets 1 Bolt and nut number of sets 1 Table 3.6.1- Specification of data collection 3.7 Summary In this chapter 3, the introduction, data collection, method of fabrication, flowchart and Gantt chart had been stated. This chapter defined more information about illustration the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of this project. Besides, this chapter gives details on materials and the cost for this project. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction After done with our discussion and planning on our fabrication on this project 1. In this chapter 4 we have made a calculation on how ability that our product can help a small mechanic as our target user for this product. We also have a 3-D view on our project to get your more understanding about its mechanism. Besides that each of us made an analysis on this project one of the analysis is manufacturing cost analysis we find the best and cheap price but with high quality for the material to build this project so we can save our budget and get a low cost tools with good quality. Figure 4.1.1 Front view Figure 4.1.2 Side view Figure 4.1.3 Top view 4.2 Operation and Result The product that we produce is special tools for waste oil collector machine. The working mechanism of this special tools is starting with an adjustment on the three leg to the big oil funnel according to the size. then lock the ring that connect to the three leg by turning the screw lock. then plug in the rachet to begin the work. then after the process done the oil will drain through the small funnel to the waste oil collector without worried that oil suddenly spill out again. 4.3 Process of fabrication The process of fabrication for our project is we used welding; we will used gas welding for this project. We will weld at the half circle steel bar shape to black pipe to create the place for making a hole for joint. We also weld the half circle steel bar shape to the ring which also use to create hole for the joint and lastly, we place the small oil funnel on top of the mild steel black pipe. The two partners are kept together by a combination of their thread’s friction a slight stretching of the bolt and compression of the parts to be held together. We used bolt and nut to create the joint which it will connect all steel bar with the mild steel black pipe and ring. 4.4 Estimation cost (component & price list) MATERIAL PRICE FLAT BAR RM 17.80 BLACK PIPE RM 55.00 OIL FUNNEL RM 13.00 RATCHET WRENCH RM 38.00 BOLT AND NUT RM 5.00 TOTAL RM 128.80 Table 4.5 - Estimation cost (component & price list) 4.5 Analysis 4.5.1 Analysis for manufacturing cost The cost of this project is RM 128.80 based on table 4.5 above there are the list of the material that we need to build this project. The minimum cost that we guess is about RM 350 to build this project but the total price for all the material to build this project is only RM 128.80 we expect it more that RM 128.80 The cost is affordable and we are able to find the material at online website such as Lazada and Shopee, the price is cheaper and the quality is very good. This makes four of us easy to buy the material and save our money because we are still students. This cost can save money and can build this fabrication more than one and this is one of benefits for us. we can build this project more than one and makes this project can be continue without any cost problems. We also can use the extra money to improve the project if there is a lack or problem to the project. With this cost to build this project it also can save cost of any service center out there to buy this project with this affordable cost. 4.6 Summary In this chapter 4, we have made a calculation on how we analyses the ability of this project. How it can be useful for other people beside than a mechanic in small workshop use. Other than that, we also mention about the process of fabrication to make people understand more on how it was made. Lastly, we also state a budget that we spend on making this project and also, we have spilt into difference part of analysis about this project 1. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Introduction As we can see, there are all over the world using drain plug opener for removing car engine oil. Back to our topic, our project is to upgrade the old version of drain plug opener to the new oil drain plug opener. The purpose of this project is to avoid the oil from the oil pan to stain all over the workplace. In addition, we build this drain plug opener that has a strainer at the top of the drain plug so this may avoid the bolt from the oil pan to drop into the oil tank when we change the oil engine. Therefore, our drain plugs opener project builds small wheels under the oil tank that gives the auto technician too easy to carry around the workplace. 5.2 Conclusion Based on our product, we assume that our drain plug opener is essential to our users especially to the workers that we have surveyed. This is to overcome the problems in the workshop and facilitate the workers by using our product. Therefore, this is to facilitate and save employee time. So, we hope that we successfully produced the product and meet the specification of the existing problems. As we know that our product is quite simple, cheap and affordable in accordance with our target users. 5.3 Recommendation Our recommendation about our product is that we can meet the needs of today’s users and hope that we can fabricate the product by upgrading to more advanced. In addition, we also recommend to other users other than our target users to use our product as we have surveyed from the google form for public opinion. Last but not least, we hoping that this product still be used until next time and achieved our target. References [1] A. group, "alibaba group," Alibaba group holding limited, 4 april 1999. [Online]. Available: https://alibaba.com/product/60734684048/lathe-CNC-machine-AdjustableFlexible-Metal.html. [Accessed 10 may 2015]. [2] D. p. opener, "walmart store," Walmart Inc, 2 july 1962. [Online]. Available: walmart.com. [Accessed 31 october 1969]. [3] s. s. strainer. [Online]. Available: https://www.amazon.in/Stainless-strainer-RedsignCockroach-Protector/. [4] t. o. reservoir. [Online]. Available: trolley oil reservoir https://www.hydraulicspareparts.com/hydraulic-oil-filteration-trolley.php. [5] t. i. 5. grandstand. [Online]. Available: the indy 500 grandstand https://www.poselg.biz/blog/info/setting-up-a-tank-for-contaimination-control-and-oilanalysis. [6] t. t. m. drainer. [Online]. Available: https:www.commersialfuelsolutions.couk/Tecelamit-Master- . APPENDICES A Format Sebenar Dalam Teks Penulisan Laporan Halaman Pertama Setiap Chapter Baru APPENDICES B Format Sebenar Dalam Teks Penulisan Laporan Halaman Seterusnya