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Essay Writing Format: Personal & Creative Responses

English 10-1, 20-1, 30-1 – Mrs. Dallyn
I. Topic – Find the key word(s) in the topic. Then, read the text and consider the
text’s connection to the topic. This will be the focus of your response.
II. Connection – Clarify which source you are responding to (title and author) or
create an obvious connection to the text.
III. Voice – Establish your voice. Who or what are you? How will the reader know
who or what you are? Make it clear, especially in a Creative Response.
IV. Tone – Establish the tone (negative or positive) with which you will address
the topic. In a Creative Response, your tone/perspective should shift.
V. Main Idea – If you are writing a personal essay, your thesis statement should
be the last sentence of your introduction. In a Creative Response, you should
still clearly state a main idea. It should answer the following question: What
does the text demonstrate or teach about the topic?
Body Paragraphs
I. Lead In – As always, highlight the idea that you are going to develop
in the topic sentence of each paragraph.
II. Development – Develop your topic with details. By using details
from the given text and/or your own personal experiences develop all
of the key elements from your introduction. Keep in mind that your
details must work in conjunction with your controlling idea to create
the unifying effect.
III. Lead Out – Use one or two sentences to lead out of your paragraph
and transition to the next paragraph.
Note: In a Creative Response, you should develop a shift in tone or
perspective from your first body paragraph to your second. You must
demonstrate change or growth in the character as he or she relates to
the topic.
One Way to
Structure a
Personal Essay:
Body Para. 1 = How
the text relates to
your thesis
Body Para. 2 = How
a specific personal
experience relates
to your thesis and
the text
I. Reflection – Does the controlling idea develop over your entire response?
Demonstrate that you have reflected on the topic.
II. Interpretation – Although you should include interpretation throughout your
response, ensure that you clarify what you have taught or shown the reader
about the topic in your conclusion. In a Creative Response, demonstrate how
your character has changed or grown.
III. Clinching Statement – As always, end with a bang, not a whimper. Go out on
a strong note so that the reader is left with a positive impression of your writing.
If you have developed a specific image or metaphor as part of your unifying
effect, ensure that you include it in your conclusion.