6/11/2013 3.3.2. METHODS OF MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… Material balances that involves chemical reactions can be analyzed using three different methods: Remember the seven general procedures of material balances, i.e., 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Molecular species balances method (the approach always used for non-reactive systems) 2. Atomic species balances method 3. Extent of reaction method Each method leads to the same results, but any one of them may be more convenient for a given calculation. So it is important to become comfortable w i t h a l l t h e t h r e e m e t h o d s . Drawing the flowchart and labeling Scaling up/down the flowchart Choosing basis of calculation Stating the problem Putting all in one unit Analyzing the degree of freedom (DOF) Solving the problem These procedures are also applied for balances on reactive processes with the degree of freedom analysis for reactive systems differing from the nonreactive ones. 1 2 1 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… Independent Equations, Independent Species, and Independent Chemical Reactions Independent Equations & Independent Species… EXAMPLE 1: To carry out degree of freedom analysis for reactive systems, it is must first to understand the concept of Independent Equations, Independent Species, and Independent Chemical Reactions. Independent Equations & Independent Species 3 4 2 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… Independent Equations & Independent Species… INDEPENDENT CHEMICAL REACTIONS 1. Chemical reactions are independent if the stoichiometric equation of any one of them cannot be obtained by adding and subtracting multiples of the stoichiometric equations of the others. EXAMPLE 2: 2. Applicable ONLY for molecular species balances and extent of reaction methods. EXAMPLE 1: Consider the reactions, ANSWER: 5 6 3 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… INDEPENDENT CHEMICAL REACTIONS… Molecular Species Balances Method EXAMPLE 2: • Must contain generation and/or consumption terms One generation or consumption term • DOF analysis in general is: must either be specified or calculated for each independent No. of unknown labeled variables rxn, which is why each rxn adds a degree of freedom to the system. + No. of independent chemical reactions − No. of independent molecular species balances − No. of other equations relating the unknowns ANSWERS: = No. of Degree of Freedom 7 8 4 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… Molecular Species Balances Method… Example: Dehydrogenation of Ethane (C2H6 Molecular Species Balances Method… SOLUTION: Dehydrogenation of Ethane (C2H6 C2H4 + H2) 9 C2H4 + H2) 10 5 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… Atomic Species Balances Method… Atomic Species Balances Method Example: Dehydrogenation of Ethane (C2H6 DOF analysis in general is: No. of unknown labeled variables − No. of indep. atomic species balances − No. molecular balances of indep. nonreactive species − No. of other equations relating the unknowns = No. of Degree of Freedom C2H4 + H2) Solution: 11 12 6 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… Atomic Species Balances Method… Atomic Species Balances Method… Solution: Solution: (1) 13 14 7 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… Extent of Reaction Method… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… Extent of Reaction Method Example: Dehydrogenation of Ethane (C2H6 • Using expressions for flow rates (amounts) of each species in terms of extent of reaction. C2H4 + H2) DOF analysis in general is: No.of unknownlabeled variables Solution: + No.of independent reactions(in termsof ξ ) − No.of ind. reactivespecies (in termsof ξ ) − No. molecularbalancesof indep.nonreactive species − No.of other equationsrelating the unknowns = No.of Degreeof Freedom 15 16 8 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… EXERCISE SOLUTION: 17 18 9 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… SOLUTION: SOLUTION: 19 20 10 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… SOLUTION: SOLUTION: 21 22 11 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… SOLUTION: SOLUTION: 23 24 12 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… SOLUTION: SOLUTION: 25 26 13 6/11/2013 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… 3.3.2. MATERIAL BALANCES ON REACTIVE PROCESSES… SOLUTION: SOLUTION: 27 28 14 6/11/2013 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES I N V O LV I N G R E C Y C L E 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES I N V O LV I N G R E C Y C L E Reactant Conversion… Reactant Conversion Two definitions of reactant conversion are used in the analysis of chemical reactors with product separation and recycle of unconsumed reactants: Overall Conversion: REACTOR SEP. Overall Conversion = reactant input to process − reactant output from process reactant input to process 29 RECYCLE 30 15 6/11/2013 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES I N V O LV I N G R E C Y C L E Reactant Conversion… 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES I N V O LV I N G R E C Y C L E Reactant Conversion… Single-Pass Conversion = reactant input to reactor − reactant output from reactor reactant input to reactor REACTOR SEP. RECYCLE 31 32 16 6/11/2013 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES I N V O LV I N G R E C Y C L E 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES I N V O LV I N G R E C Y C L E Solution: Example: 33 34 17 6/11/2013 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES I N V O LV I N G R E C Y C L E 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES I N V O LV I N G R E C Y C L E Solution: -1additional relation (n10 = 0.05n7) Solution: 1 35 36 18 6/11/2013 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES I N V O LV I N G R E C Y C L E 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES I N V O LV I N G R E C Y C L E Solution: Solution: 37 38 19 6/11/2013 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES I N V O LV I N G R E C Y C L E 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES INVOLVING RECYCLE Solution: Solution: 39 40 20 6/11/2013 PURGE A "purge" stream is a small stream bled off from a recycle loop to prevent build-up of inerts or impurities in the system. Often, the purge flow is so much smaller than the recycle flow that it can be neglected in the steady state overall material balance. 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES INVOLVING RECYCLE & PURGE PURGING RECYCLE PURGE FEED PROCESS MIX SPLIT below PRODUCT 42 21 6/11/2013 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES INVOLVING RECYCLE & PURGE PURGING… 3 . 3 . 3 . M AT E R I A L B A L A N C E S O N REACTIVE PROCESSES INVOLVING RECYCLE & PURGE PURGING… Fig. 43 44 22