10/11/21, 8:41 AM Camera Shots, Angles and Movement - EMERSON MEDIA ARTS EMERSON MEDIA ARTS HOME ACADEMY TIME GRAPHIC ARTS Contact via email MEDIA ARTS COURSES RUBRICS LIFE SKILLS RESOURCE FINAL PROJECT Birds Eye Shot also called High Angle (HAS) Close Up (CU) Tight Shot (TS) Dolly Shot (camera moves backward and forward) Establishing Shot (ES) Extreme Close Up (XCU) Follow Shot (camera moves along side, behind or ahead of the the subject) Full Shot (FS) Whole Body High Angle Shot (HAS) Low Angle Shot (LAS) Medium Shot (MS) - from the waist and up Long Shot (LS) Subject, background and foreground POWERED BY Create your own unique website emersonmediaarts.weebly.com/camera-shots-angles-and-movement.html 1/2 10/11/21, 8:41 AM Camera Shots, Angles and Movement - EMERSON MEDIA ARTS Reverse Angle Shot - Completes a Pan Shot (PSR) - In this example, Over the Should Shot (OTS) conversation scene camera pans left to right Point of View (POVE) Tight Shot (TS) Tilt Shot (TLT) Two Shot (specific to two people) - uses rule of thirds Low Angle Shot (LAS) ... sometime referred to as Worms Eye POWERED BY Create your own unique website emersonmediaarts.weebly.com/camera-shots-angles-and-movement.html 2/2