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Unit 8. Sports
LESSON 151 : My favourite sport
Teacher’s name: Sagynbek A.G.
Number present:
Learning objectives(s) that this
lesson is contributing to
5.L5 understand most specific information and details of short, supported talk
on a wide range of familiar topics
5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics
5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe
people, places and objects
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
 Learn and practise vocabulary to talk about favourite sport
 Ask and answer questions, name kinds of sports
Most learners will be able to:
To prepare a short presentation on sports
Make up sentences getting information about the sport
Some learners will be able to:
 Use vocabulary on sports in long sentences and support their peers
Spiritual modernization
to raise students patriotism by spiritual modernization
Language objectives
Practice the use of adverbs of frequency
Value links
Cross curricular links link
ICT skills
Intercultural awareness
Projector or Smart board for presentation
Previous learning
Students will be able to explain what sports they do and what equipment they
Planned timings
Planned activities
5 min
Phonetic drill
I’ve got a racquet
I’ve got weights
I’ve got trainers and
I’ve got skates
I’ve got a bow
I’ve got a cue
I’ve got flippers
and a helmet, too
Sports are great
I love them all
Tennis, golf and basketball
Football, snooker, archery
Come and play
Some sports with me
I like to play sports
All day long
They keep me fit
They make me strong
I’m in good shape
And I feel fine
Because I play sports
All the time
ght [t] weight
a [ei] skate
i [ai] like, fine
ow [au] bow
oo [u:] football, snooker
or [ɔː] sport
a+ll [ɔː] all
ee [i:] keep
ng [ŋ] long, strong
sh [ʃ] shape
10 min
Checking the homework .
Learners read own riddles, other learners guess them.
Activity 1
Aim: to identify different sports and equipment
Ss listen and match each sport with the right picture in pairs.
5 min
4 min
1. Cricket
2. Cycling
3. Football
4. Rugby
5. Tennis
Activity 2
Teacher gives cards. Ss fill in gaps using the words from the box.
Football boots
An oval
1. Racquet
2. Court
3. Helmet
4. Football boots
5. Goal
6. An oval
7. Pads
3 min
10 min
Physical drill.
One of the learners must go the blackboard and show one kind of sport.
Other learners must guess which sport is.
Activity 3
Aim: to talk about favourite sports
Teacher divides the class into three groups. Each group prepares a selfpresentation.
My favourite sport is football / cricket / rugby / cycling / tennis / motor
I need the following equipment to play or do the sport: bat / ball / pads /
jersey / racquet / helmet / bike / car.
The sport is played or done on a pitch / court / road.
The sport is exciting / brilliant / exhausting / amazing / superb because ...
Make a poster about your favourite sport.
3 min
Reflection (W)
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you
plan to give more support?
How do you plan to challenge
the more able learners?
Assessment – how are you
planning to check learners’
Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links
 More support can be given at
the start and in middle of
lesson by providing less-able
learners with story vocabulary
in a word list so they can read
examples of words seen or
 Learners who are less
confident at making up
dialogue, can be given copies
of parts of the dialogue from
the story to read aloud.
 More-able learners can be
encouraged to use the full
range of language from the
video when they practise the
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
What did the learners learn
What was the learning
atmosphere like?
Did my planned
differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings? What
changes did I make from my
plan and why?
 Monitor how much
vocabulary learners can recall
from images on the video
without sound and then from
video with sound.
 Links to the L1: Do learners know this
story in the L1 and do they know any
other Aesop’s fables?
 Monitor learners as they
reorder events from the story.
Can they read and understand
each event and can they sort
them into chronological
order? Notice any sentences
which are difficult for
learners to understand and
adapt for a future lesson.
 Monitor groups of learners as
they agree on and practise
dialogue for the role-play
activity. Do they take turns to
speak? Do they contribute
appropriate language for the
 As the unit is on the topic of values, it is
very important to leave time to discuss
the end two questions with the whole
 Make sure learners have sufficient space
to act out the role-play.
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.