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Week 1 discussion

Team: Consider problem-based learning. What are the advantages of using problem-based learning?
What is one challenge to implementing problem-based learning, and what strategy would you
recommend to overcome the challenge? How could you incorporate theory at the same time? (Review:
Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing, Ch. 10, 1.1, 1.3)
Problem-based learning is a method of teaching and learning in which all content is learned
through the integration of real-life clinical and professional problems. In problem-based learning,
students, usually working in groups, are presented with clinical issues with the purpose of
promoting the development of critical thinking and decision-making skills. Faculty assist by
facilitating student learning and support the acquisition of new knowledge and skills (Billings
and Halstead, 2016).
There are several advantages of problem-based learning. First, as this method is studentcentered, it encourages students to take ownership of their own learning. Students are not just
passively sitting, listening to a lecture and taking notes – problem-based learning is engaging and
makes students think critically and creatively. Further, as I mentioned earlier, students taught
according to this approach generally work in groups which helps build team work skills that are
transferable outside of that one course.
One of the challenges of problem-based learning is related to students working in groups. Group
dynamics certainly affects the groups ability to work together effectively. People come from
different backgrounds, have different personalities, learning styles etc., so friction among group
members may occur. I believe one way to overcome this challenge is to set some ground rules
for group conduct prior to assigning any projects or tasks. Watson’s theory of human caring
could be incorporated as it places emphasis on respect for other human beings.
Billings, D.M., & Halstead, J.A. (2016). Teaching in Nursing A Guide for Faculty
Development (5th ed.).