ROCCIE DAWN O. MISA PHAR 1-A3 GEN 001 LESSON #1 SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 ACTIVITY 1: WHAT I KNOW CHART, part 1 WHAT I KNOW QUESTIONS: WHAT I LEARNED Yes. Informal communication is just a form of communication There is always a message where there is also a message in communication, even in being relayed from the speaker an informal communication. to the receiver and vice versa. No. The speaker is the initiator of the communication he/ she is the The speaker is also known one who is delivering the as the recipient in the message to the receiver or the communication process. recipient. And the recipient is the one who receives the message. Yes. Miscommunication is being made when the communication has not been done properly. Miscommunication is also a product of communication. ACTIVITY 2: CONTENT NOTES 1. In the communication process, there is the sender who develops an idea or message to be sent. 2. The sender then encodes the idea or message into a form that can be transmitted to the receiver. 3. In the communication, the message sent by the sender travels over the channel of communication (the medium being used in transmitting the message) 4. The message being sent has been received by the receiver then he/ she decodes or interprets the message. 5. Then the receiver will provide feedback to the sender. ACTIVITY 3: SKILL-BUILDING ACTIVITY Sender and Recipient Sender is the one who initiate the communication wherein he/ she develops the message then send it to the recipient. While the recipient is the one who receives the message sent by the sender. Encode and Decode Encoding means the creation of a messages while decoding means interpreting the meaning of the message. Barriers and Channel Barrier or noise is the one that interferes or prevents the communication while the channel is a medium being used in transmitting the message. Response and Feedback A response is an answer or a reply, whereas feedback is a critical evaluation of the information sent. ROCCIE DAWN O. MISA PHAR 1-A3 GEN 001 LESSON #1 SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 ACTIVITY 4: SKILL-BUILDING 2 5 TIPS ON HOW ONE CAN COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Speak clearly. Speak in a voice that is loud enough. Speak in a relaxed tone. Make eye contact. Ask your listener what they understood with what you said. ACTIVITY 5: WHAT I KNOW CHART, part 2 WHAT I KNOW QUESTIONS: WHAT I LEARNED Yes. Informal communication is just a form of communication where there is also a message being relayed from the speaker to the receiver and vice versa. No. The speaker is the initiator of the communication he/ she is the one who is delivering the message to the receiver or the recipient. And the recipient is the one who receives the message. There is always a message in communication, even in an informal communication. Yes. Informal Communication is a casual communication with your co-workers which means there is a message being relayed in an informal communication. No. The speaker is the one who sends the message to the recipient. And the recipient is the one who receives the message. But speaker can be a recipient if they interchanged roles. Yes. When communication has not been done well, it can result in a simple misunderstanding or a critical mistake. Yes. Miscommunication is being made when the communication has not been done properly. The speaker is also known as the recipient in the communication process. Miscommunication is also a product of communication. ACTIVITY 6: CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING 1. Speaker 8. Miscommunication 2. Message 9. Response 3. Recipient 10. Feedback 4. Channel 5. Decoding 6. Barrier 7. Encoding