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Summer 2021

Final-Term Exam Summer – 2021
Embedded Systems
Instructor: M. Khalid
Program: BE(EE)
Submission Duration:
Submission Date:
Max. Marks:
3 Hours
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Question No 1
[10 Marks]
a) Design a code that controls the switching frequency of an LED. Use a Soft Potentiometer to
provide an analog input to the Arduino and control the switching frequency via the Soft
b) It is required to interface a single digit 7 segment display with Arduino board. Design hardware
for the said task using the pin layout. Additionally, write a code that will count from digit 9 to
0 with a delay of one mile sec, iteratively.
Clarity/ legibility
Correct Approach
Full Steps
Develop possible example
= 2 Mark
= 2 Mark
= 3 Marks
= 3 Marks
[10 Marks]
a) Design a code that uses shift register IC 74HC595 to blink 4 LEDs in Ping Pong fashion, such
that the LEDs blink in a to-and-fro manner.
b) Interface a push button and an RGB LED to the Arduino. The RGB LED should switch its
color whenever the push button is pressed. Your code should include Red colors that can be
displayed by an RGB LED. Draw the circuit diagram of this scenario
Clarity/ legibility
Correct Approach
Full Steps
Develop possible example
= 2 Mark
= 2 Mark
= 3 Marks
= 3 Marks
[10 Marks]
a) Design an embedded system using two Arduino boards such that counting from 9 to 0 is
displayed on a 7-segment connected on first Arduino, when the counter reaches 0 the first
Arduino serially transmits an interrupt to the second Arduino. Upon the reception of the
interrupt, the second Arduino starts counting on another 7-segment connected at its IO
from 9 to 0. Upon completion of counting at second Arduino, it transmits an interrupt to
the first Arduino, which in turn starts counting in a descending order from 0 to 9 and the
same process continues. Also draw the circuit diagram of the scenario.
b) Describe the function and arguments of the following commands:
pinMode & servo1.write
digitalWrite & digitalRead
analogRead & analogWrite
constrain() & map()
Serial.begin & Serial.print
Clarity/ legibility
Correct Approach
Full Steps
Develop possible example
= 2 Mark
= 2 Mark
= 3 Marks
= 3 Marks
[10 Marks]
a) Write short notes on the following:
i) Differentiates Arduino and raspberry pi? With suitable piratical examples.
ii) Difference between the model a, the model b, and the model b+?
b) Write a code to control the toggling frequency of two LEDs using analog input. Also draw
the circuit diagram.
Clarity/ legibility
Correct Approach
Full Steps
Develop possible example
= 2 Mark
= 2 Mark
= 3 Marks
= 3 Marks