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chapter 10

Virtual Memory
Requirement of keeping the whole
process in memory before the
process can execute…
Dynamic loading
Virtual memory …
Allows execution of processes that may not
be completely in memory. Programs can be larger
than the physical memory available
Separation of user logical memory from
physical memory.
– Only part of the program needs to be in
memory for execution.
– Logical address space can therefore be much
larger than physical address space.
– Allows address spaces to be shared by several
– Allows for more efficient process creation.
Virtual memory can be implemented via:
– Demand paging
– Demand segmentation
Demand paging
Bring a page into memory only when it is
– Less I/O needed
– Less memory needed
– Faster response
Page is needed  reference to it
– invalid reference  abort
– not-in-memory  bring to memory
Valid-Invalid Bit
With each page table entry a valid–invalid
bit is associated
1  legal and in-memory
 0  not legal or not-in-memory
Page table entry for a page that is not
currently in memory is marked invalid.
Access to a page marked invalid  page
fault trap.
Pure demand paging…
Never bring a page into memory
until it is required
Process Creation
Virtual memory allows other benefits
during process creation:
- Copy-on-Write
- Memory-Mapped Files
Copy-on-Write (COW) allows both parent and child
processes to initially share the same pages in
If either process modifies a shared page, only
then is the page copied.
COW allows more efficient process creation as
only modified pages are copied.
Free pages are allocated from a pool of zeroedout pages.
Memory-Mapped Files
Memory-mapped file I/O allows file I/O to be
treated as routine memory access by mapping a
disk block to a page in memory.
A file is initially read using demand paging. A pagesized portion of the file is read from the file
system into a physical page. Subsequent
reads/writes to/from the file are treated as
ordinary memory accesses.
Simplifies file access by treating file I/O
through memory rather than read() write()
system calls.
Also allows several processes to map the
same file allowing the pages in memory to
be shared.
What happens if there is no free
frame ?
Page replacement – find some page in
memory, but not really in use at that
instant in time and swap it out.
Free it by writing all its contents to swap
Page table updated.
Use modify (dirty) bit to reduce overhead of page
Each page or frame has a modify bit associated
with it in the hardware.
Hardware sets it, whenever a word or byte in a
page is written into.
When a page is selected, its checked for its
modify bit.
– If set, page has been modified. Page must be
written to disk
– If not set, page has not been modified. No need
to write it back to disk, its already there.
only modified pages are written to disk.
Find the location of the desired page on
Find a free frame:
- If there is a free frame, use it.
- If there is no free frame, use a page
replacement algorithm to select a
victim frame.
Read the desired page into the (newly)
free frame. Update the page and frame
Restart the process.
Allocation of Frames
How to allocate fixed amount of free
memory among various processes.
If n free frames and m processes,
how many frames does each process
– memory size = 128 KB
– page size = 1KB
– Frames = 128
– OS resides in 28KB
• 28 occupied frames
– 100KB left for user processes
• 100 free frames
If demand paging used…
Free frame list will contain all the 100
pages initially.
First process starts execution…
First 100 page faults will get the free
frames from the free frame list
– No more free frames left
When 101th page fault occurs,
one of the 100 allocated
(in memory) pages will be
page replacement algorithm
Process terminates…
All 100 pages are set free and
placed on the free frame list.
Demand paging combined with
 Two or more processes in memory
• same no of free blocks.
 how to decide which frames go to which
 Minimum no of frames should be allocated
 As # of frames allocated decrease, page
fault rate increases.
 Instruction set architecture decides the
minimum #of frames allocated.
 Multiple levels of indirection…
 Page reference – instruction on page 17 is
referenced and there it says refer to page
 Max no of frames allocated defined by the
no of total physical memory available
Two major allocation schemes…
– fixed allocation
– priority allocation
fixed allocation…
 Two schemes used:
 Equal allocation – e.g., if 100 frames and
5 processes, give each 20 pages.
 Proportional allocation – Allocate
according to the size of process.
Example for proportional allocation…
How many frames to allocate = a
Size of virtual memory for a process = s
Total size of virtual memory for competing
processes = t
Total #of available frames = m
a= [s/t] * m
priority allocation…
Use a proportional allocation scheme
using priorities rather than size or
use a combination of size and
Global vs. Local Allocation
Global replacement – process selects a
replacement frame from the set of all
frames; one process can take a frame from
Local replacement – each process selects
from only its own set of allocated frames.
a process is busy swapping pages in
and out rather then executing it.
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