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To Never Letting Go

Could Have. Would Have. Should Have. But didn’t.
We all have that one moment in life that we’ll realize that we shouldn’t have said something.
That maybe, if we kept our mouth shut things would be better. Things wouldn’t go down as to how it is
right now.
We all know that truth hurts that’s why people’s mind are filled with ‘ifs’ when they have doubts
and thinks that they might have made a wrong decision. Keeping things to yourself is way much better
than hurting someone else’s feelings. For me, being hurt is so much better than hurting other people. In
life, many choices are offered if you would just think about it carefully. Speak up in the right time.
Choose with your brain and heart. You could say anything. You would have chosen whatever you like.
You should have . But yet you didn’t.
She’s always there for everybody’s sake,
And never did she even took a little break,
She always smile like she’s not in pain,
Always feeling the sadness in the middle of the rain,
She laughs to hide that she’s hurt,
And she love like her heart has never been broke.
They flirted all they want,
They kissed everybody they like,
Broke many hearts and including faces,
They’re tough on the outside and in public places,
But little did everybody knew,
They want someone to can accept them for who they are.
A bunch of teenagers who never knew what they truly want so instead they lived their lives to the fullest
and in any way they knew how.
Klea McLean, a girl who has so much in mind and always had something to write but unfortunately she
rarely talks. She is so not fond of talking and chit chatting around the corner. She prefers to sit, watch
and observe people.
Franco Drew, a guy—err not totally a guy though. He’s a bisexual and we don’t think there’s something
wrong about that though. Everyone has their own decisions in life and choices as to how they want to
live it. So as for him, he’s a happy-go-lucky guy that whenever you’d talk to him, you can’t help but smile
and laugh.
Leanne Cray, you’ll hear nothing good about this girl. She’s all messed up because of her—wait we
didn’t really know much about her. All we know is that she totally such a bad ass. Luckily, she’s one of
my bestfriends that she wouldn’t have to pull pranks on me every single day.
Dean Alter, he is someone who’s handsome, hot, smart, sporty and talented. He’s a guy that a girl would
totally fall for because of his personality. He’s not that kind but once you get to know him, you just can’t
stop falling. Even me, had fall for him but it’s in the past though.
Deanna Alter, obviously she’s a twin of Dean. They are very much alike, especially with their face and
also with things that they like. She’s a hottie that guys and even girls would want her to be their
girlfriend. She haven’t officially admitted that she’s a bisexual but oh come on! She even had 3 exgirlfriends already, wouldn’t that count?
People staring at them as they walked along the hallway but they didn’t even mind. How can people not
stare at them? They’re like gods and goddesses who had just descend here on Earth. Beautiful
individuals but with different qualities and personalities. Oh well, they’re kinda used to it. They are
always used to it. And me, I’m just one of those people who adored them from behind the crowd.
Hoping they would glance my way and maybe that would be the moment that would stop my heart
from beating for minutes.
You came into my life with full of surprises,
You’ve picked up my heart that are scattered into pieces,
Giving it back to me was your option,
But you didn’t and kept it as your possession,
Now it is locked away in your prison,
Forever yours to be kept inside your dungeon.
And here I am waiting,
Waiting to meet you, my love
Waiting to be with you and hold your hand,
To hear your voice with my own ears,
To let go of my never ending fears,
To feel your lips are against mine,
Wanting to hug you so tightly and not minding the time.
Never have I imagine to fall madly in love with a girl like me,
And so did you to take me seriously,
Never did I expected for “you and me”
But I wanted and hoped for it, really.
And luckily, it did came true,
A dream came true for a stranger that never expected to meet you.
To be your friend as time was passing,
Then started to love you without even noticing,
You’re never failed to amuse me,
You’re always knew how to read me,
You’re the only one who can shut me up,
Shut me up when I’m about to tell my insecurities,
A story of two people who fell in love with each other. Seems wrong for everybody but felt right for
them. Forbidden but no matter how they conceal and avoid their feelings, the truth remains. The truth
of which they only knew. A love they share but never publicized. An extraordinary love that will remain
for a long period of time. A love that will continue even if they die.