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7408 iSecurity Quiz_WBT, set 1
1 You are attending an important telecon with your client manager. All of a sudden, you hear a fire alarm. What should you do?
- Inform the client at other end about the fire alarm and evacuate the building using closest fire exit along with others.
2 Your colleague is on leave and the PL requests you to use your colleagues ID for login to complete the work. What will you do? Select only one answer.
- You will refuse to use someone else's ID and password to do work.
3 You are searching the Internet for some information. After clicking a link on one page you become suspicious that it may have triggered a virus or something which is wrong. What should be your immediate reaction? Select all that apply.
- Isolate the machine from the network. (Disconnect from the network)
- Call up Information Security Manager and wait for instructions.
4 Your college friend shares with you code for e-mail agent which can auto-respond to specific users with pre-defined content. Is it appropriate for you to implement this agent in TCS for a specific business purpose? Select only one answer.
- No
5 You need to mail the estimation sheet created as a response to one RFP to your Onsite BRM. What care will you take while sending the e-mail with regards to its label? Select all that apply.
- Document must be labeled as TCS Confidential
- E-mail must be labeled as Confidential
6 If you are working on a sensitive application which uses a default password what should you do?
- Change the default password after first logon.
7 You are working on a sensitive project being delivered from multiple locations - Onsite/offshore. There is a conference call setup to discuss project requirements with members joining from these locations. What precautions must you take?
- ensure
- take
8 You find that your webmail ID is compromised. What could be the possible reasons?
- you accessed ...
- You did not change your webmail password in a very long time.
9 You are being stopped at Security desk before entering the office. The security guard requests you to open your baggage ‘or ,
- Cooperate with the security guard for baggage check and display your ID card as requested
10 Which of the following is not true about information classified as Private and confidential?
- Information is not specific to individual.
- Information always belongs to TCS.
11 While working on office network, which of the following are not acceptable practices?
- transmission
- publishing
- sending
12 You are working on an application development project. The contract was signed recently for a new client. Being a startup
evaluation period is maximum one for a month. Select the appropriate choice/s to handle such a situation
- planning
13 You going to do a project audit and realize that you do not have access to the Offshore Development Center (OD
- Request the Auditee to escort you into the ODC. Make sure that you sign the visitor register when entering ar
14 YOU are Executing a project and you have come to know that
- Communicate to the customer that information has to be retained beyond project duration with the reason
15 Where can you find TCS process for Business Continuity Management?
- In iQMS Wiki
16 What data would you typically select for the back up?
- Data a Ot vi cae ey ution thus acting TCS or its customer
17 If you find a person whom you know tailgating what should you do?
- confront
- log
18 You just received an e-mail from your bank asking you to confirm your online activities by logging on ia your
- set 19 Information such as BGC reports, salary increment letter and $0 on should be labeled
- Private and Confidential
20 You are working on customer network and there is unrestricted access to the Internet to sites like Ye
- Even though access is available from client network, it is inappropriate to access these sites as (!
21 One day when you log on to your e-mail, you find that there is an unsolicited e-mail having abusive and offensive co
- Report an incident along with the evidence (Header information and copy of e-mail) and then delete «
22 There is a fire in your Offshore Development Centre (ODC) which has disrupted your project work.
- Business
23 You are the owner of the information and you have to share it with the client. For some reason, it is not possible to label the information. What should you do while sharing the information
- while sharing
24 You have backed up your project information on media. The project will continue for the next two years. How |
- should be done regularly
25 Due care must be taken for virus check while opening encrypted attachments as compared to unencrypted attachments in e-mail. Is this staement True or False?
- True