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365 Money Miracle Prayers - Angel William

M ney Miracle
By Angel William
365 Money Miracle Prayers
A Message From Angel
Dear One,
Before the universe made me an angel, I learned a lot about money on earth. My life was
prosperous, and my family lacked nothing. I was able to build great financial and spiritual wealth.
But it was not always this way for me.
As a young man, I struggled to attract the money that I needed to pay my bills. Making ends meet
every month was stressful and uncertain. Many times, I came up short, and my family suffered
the consequences. I was so ashamed.
I tried many things to increase the balance in my bank account, but nothing worked. I was a hard
worker, and I did a good job. But I was not appreciated, and was often overlooked for raises and
promotions. My wages barely covered my family's needs (if they did at all), and we were always
one emergency away from losing everything.
Finally, I turned to the heavens for help. When all seemed lost, and I had run out of solutions, I
called out to the universe for a money miracle. I needed guidance so that I could attract the
abundance and prosperity that I knew existed in the world. I just didn't know how to tap into it.
So I began praying for a money miracle every day for a year. I passionately requested the things I
needed so that my family and I could live a life of wealth and luxury. And it worked!
That's why I've created this book for you. At times, it was difficult to imagine another way to ask
the universe for support. But I kept at it. And now, I want you to benefit from my efforts. Use
these prayers daily, and I know you will see changes in your life. Keep asking, and do not give up.
Your faith will pay off. I promise you that.
Angel William
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
1. Universe, today marks the beginning of my bouncing back. My
spiritual and nancial life shall be restored. My lost glory shall be
fully recovered.
2. Universe, reveal to me the truth behind my motives so I can better
understand myself and my situation.
3. Universe, I call out to you to teach me how to forgive.
4. Universe, I need more energy so that I may do all of the work that
lies before me. Please grant me the vitality and stamina that I need
to nish.
5. Universe, simplify my life so that I have the extra energy I need to
go after my dreams.
6. Universe, expand my capacity to easily earn and attract money.
7. Universe, clear my schedule of time-wasting activities. Show me
what’s really necessary, and help me get rid of the rest.
8. Universe, increase my energy levels so that I can get more done
each day.
9. Universe, I pray for you to keep me safe and guide me towards the
changes I need to make in my life.
10. Universe, when the mindsets of scarcity and lack creep in, help me
to notice them immediately and push them back out.
11. Universe, help me avoid fruitless activities that suck up my time and
resources. Guide me straight to the things that will pay the highest
Do you feel like something’s missing? Click here to receive your
Guardian Angels’ money blessings directly.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
12. Universe, I am requesting a
nancial miracle. Please grant it to me
quickly. My problems w ith money are never-ending, and I need your
13. Universe, present me w ith the solutions that I seek.
14. Universe, please transform my abundance of debt into an
abundance of cash. I'm asking for a
nancial miracle so that I can
breathe again, and I thank you.
15. Universe, aid me in
nding my tribe.
16. Universe, endow me w ith means great enough to support my ideal
17. Universe, I pray that I stop comparing myself to others, and be
happy and accepting of w ho I am.
18. Universe, send a miracle from heaven in your faithful and unending
compassion so that I may triumph over poverty and lack.
19. Universe, let every rage of evil against my
nancial breakthroughs
be disgraced.
20. Universe, teach me the things that I need to know to succeed.
21. Universe, catch me if I fumble, and reveal to me how to turn any
situation into a blessing.
22. Universe, I thank you for all of the good things you created that
make my life meaningful and w orth living.
23. Universe, activate my destiny to begin to change for the best now.
24. Universe, I surrender the guilt of my transgressions. They w ill burden
me no more.
Your Guardian Angels see how hard you are working. Click here to meet
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
25. Universe, I know that my
nances w ill thrive in your hands, I know
that I w ill be successful in all that I do.
26. Universe, draw my tw in
ame to me so that w e can live
prosperously ever after.
27. Universe, I thank you for my
nancial breakthrough, I trust that it is
28. Universe, w hen I lose my direction, please bring me back to my ow n
true north.
29. Universe, choose a guardian angel for me, that I may alw ays be
w atched over and protected by someone close by.
30. Universe, thank you for the provisions you have made for me. May
they continue to increase.
31. Universe, disperse all of the pow ers assisting poverty in my life.
32. Universe, w hen my savings run low, identify for me the best
investment opportunities so that I may expand my w ealth
33. Universe, purge from me the evil that prevents me from achieving
that w hich I have set out to do.
34. Universe, I ask that you relieve my heavy burdens of responsibility
so that my life may be lighter and easier.
35. Universe, please bless me w ith peace, prosperity, and happiness for
the rest of my life. I know that nothing happens w ithout your great
blessings, and I request them now.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
36. Universe, purify my e
orts so that they produce the most pro
outcomes possible.
37. Universe, please continue to grace me w ith your bottomless
38. Universe, please make the answ ers clear so that I do not miss them.
39. Universe, give me more than I need so I may use the excess to help
40. Universe, give me the private know ledge that the w ealthy have so
that I may also become w ealthy.
41. Universe, I have toiled for so long. Please make my solutions
obvious, easy, and light.
42. Universe, empow er me to thrive economically despite how dreadful
everything looks right now.
43. Universe, I ask that you point out to me the evidence of my
44. Universe, reinforce my determination to reap the bene
ts of my
45. Universe, I pray that you reveal to me the exact actions I need to
take to get the results I desire.
46. Universe, please bless me w ith
nancial abundance, and I promise
to use the money alw ays for the right purpose for myself, my family,
friends, and those in need.
47. Universe, clarify w hat you w ant me to do, so I may take part in your
divine plan.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
48. Universe, thank you for your signs from above. I see them and
welcome them.
49. Universe, I declare a miracle in my nances because I know that I
am not meant to be anxious or oppressed. Let love be my main
priority, and the money will start to ow.
50. Universe, I pray against nancial oppression and declare nancial
prosperity for myself instead.
51. Universe, prevent my pocketbook from ever emptying. May there
always be plenty of extra.
52. Universe, allow me to show my competence and intelligence to
those who hold the keys to success.
53. Universe, keep me centered and balanced.
54. Universe, make me nancially solvent so that I never have to go
55. Universe, thank you for protecting me as I get closer and closer to
achieving my goals. May no harm befall me as I work towards having
the things that I want.
56. Universe, wash away the scars of my mistakes. Give me a fresh
canvas to create the future of my desire.
57. Universe, provide me with enough means to support my family and
their dreams.
58. Universe, give me the means to do your work and spread your love.
I have so much to give, but I must be supported if I am to survive.
59. Universe, supply me with answers to any questions coming my way.
=>>Click here for direct access to the wealth advice your Guardian
Angels have for you that only you can hear.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
60. Universe, unburden my heart so that living may be light and easy.
61. Universe, make my e orts so lucrative that I have enough to a ord it
all with money to spare.
62. Universe, erase all memory of times when I felt less than. Fortify my
true and abundant spirit.
63. Universe, protect me and my loved ones from pain and misery.
Allow us to enjoy a life of comfort and bliss.
64. Universe, compound my investments so that my returns grow
65. Universe, may you deem it proper that I deserve to earn good
money for my e orts.
66. Universe, ll my life with so many wonderful things that I cease to
worry about having enough money.
67. Universe, present me with opportunities to achieve completion of
my tasks with minimal added e ort.
68. Universe, order my steps into divine prosperity.
69. Universe, remove all marks on my soul. Make me clean and pure so
I may see the world with all the wonder of a child.
70. Universe, amplify my mind to a level of brilliant genius and
exceptional wisdom.
71. Universe, o er me a friendly attitude that will attract others to me so
I won’t have to be alone.
72. Universe, my best e orts have gotten me this far. Please show me
that this matters and that my e orts are good enough.
=>>This communication tool can connect you right to your own Guardian
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
73. Universe, may you grant me food, shelter, and
May you
nancial resources.
nd my work worthy of monetary rewards.
74. Universe, fortify me so that I may persist until I obtain my goal.
Please give me an unyielding spirit and mind to keep going.
75. Universe, block every doorway of poverty, so that I cannot enter
76. Universe, please increase my resourcefulness so that I may
recognize opportunities wherever they occur.
77. Universe, bring others into my life who are friendly and like-minded.
78. Universe, remove the risk that prevents me from acting. Make my
decisions sure and true.
79. Universe, I smash every giant of ‘almost there’ to pieces.
80. Universe, may all divine spirits support me in my prayer for
81. Universe, please grant me the fortitude to withstand your
82. Universe, remove all doubts about myself so that I may go forward
dently and boldly and seal the deal.
83. Universe, I am tired. Please push me through.
84. Universe, ease my trials so that I may rest.
85. Universe, make me able to a
ord the wants and needs of myself
and my family.
86. Universe, close the gap that distances me from those who I love.
87. Universe, reveal to me opportunities to help others so that others
will help me in turn.
=>>Still struggling to connect with your Guardian Angels? Click here to
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
88. Universe, please keep me safe from every kind of assault so that I
do not need to worry.
89. Universe, grant that I not only acquire wealth and money, but
spiritual and moral wealth, as well.
90. Universe, let any plan against my nancial future glory be rendered
91. Universe, help me to see the errors in my ways, so I may be of
better use to you, and others.
92. Universe, sharpen my wit so that I may see solutions others have
93. Universe, prove to me that you are in nitely abundant. I need your
help in removing my nancial di culties. Please show me the way.
94. Universe, make me patient with advisors so that I can learn from
what they have to say.
95. Universe, please help me use my skills and knowledge to be of
service in the world.
96. Universe, elevate my soul to its highest potential. Allow my true
worth to shine through on all that I do.
97. Universe, allow me to feel in my heart the gratitude that all is well,
and that you are helping me succeed.
98. Universe, clarify what I need to do to live a blessed and easy life.
99. Universe, thank you for providing me with enough passive income to
enjoy my life on my terms.
=>>Click here to discover the sacred money message that your Guardian
Angels have been trying to get to you for so long!
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
100. Universe, remember my past generosity, that all of my
burdens be lifted.
101. Universe, release me from the w eight of my emotional baggage.
102. Universe, w hen my budget gets tight, infuse in me a spirit of
creativity that allow s me to generate additional funds.
103. Universe, I aspire to reach the greatest of heights. Please raise me
to them.
104. Universe, I stand in front of you now to ask for a
nancial blessing to
help me in my life. My faith keeps me going, and I know that you w ill
provide w hat I need.
105. Universe, ease the expectations others have for me so that w hat I’m
doing is enough.
106. Universe, give me divine boldness to prosper over all of my
107. Universe, show me how I can be more useful to others so that I may
attract usefulness to me.may come out on the other side strong and
108. Universe, re
ne my ideas and plans so that they produce the highest
109. Universe, lay me in a place of bliss, w here I am free of w orry and
w ant for nothing.
110. Universe, lighten my burdens so I may feel free and light and full of
Tired of searching? Go here to skip ahead and get the special nance
message your Guardian Angels have been keeping for you!
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
111. Universe, protect me from loss and grief. Abundantly ll my life with
blessings instead.
112. Universe, remove my fears so that I may rise up and conquer all of my
113. Universe, provide me with access to vast stores of money. I know that it is
out there for me. Please show me where to nd it.
114. Universe, surround me with true friends, so I may enjoy my fortune with
those I love.
115. Universe, may my bank account always show a balance that exceeds my
116. Universe, with your blessings, I know that I can triumph over every
problem I encounter. With your all-abounding love, I’ll surely attain success
in the end.
117. Universe, save my troubles for another day. Today, I ask for peace.
118. Universe, I ask that you expand my consciousness so that I may become
more capable and productive.
119. Universe, supply me with so much wealth that I can take my family on
vacation, and not have to worry about pinching pennies.
120. Universe, show me the meaning behind my mistakes so that I do not
repeat them.
121. Universe, lift me over my di culties with ease so I may know that I am
capable of succeeding in all areas.
122. Universe, highlight the things that I do not really need to do, so that I will
have more time to enjoy the things that I want to do.
Click here for direct access to the exact wealth message your Guardian
Angels need you to hear.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
123. Universe, I pray that you release a miracle over my life so that I can
be like the wise who have wealth and luxury.
124. Universe, release the tight hold I keep on my nances so that more
prosperity may ow in.
125. Universe, remove the bad thoughts that I have about myself.
Replace them with faith and trust that I am capable of achieving
anything I want.
126. Universe, may every evil message coded in my DNA to destroy me
be nulli ed.
127. Universe, bless me lavishly with wealth. Fill my pockets to
over owing so that my family never has to go without.
128. Universe, grant me the resources I require to achieve my intentions.
129. Universe, allow my investments and labors to yield the highest
pro ts.
130. Universe, speed my results and success to me with great haste.
131. Universe, remove my regret and allow me to move forward towards
the brightest of futures.
132. Universe, make me a person of increase so I may provide more for
my family.
133. Universe, my requests are small in comparison with your absolute
power. Please grant me everything that I need in order to live a good
134. Universe, please inspire me to create more things of value.
=>>Routine prayer is important, but if you want to skip to getting your
Guardian Angels’ money miracles directly, click here.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
135. Universe, release me from thoughts of doubt and self-defeating
tendencies. My attempts will not be sabotaged.
136. Universe, clarify my purpose so that I know where I am to go.
137. Universe, may my life be sweet and easy, and full of opportunities.
138. Universe, I thank you for your good intentions, and your subtle
arrangements of fate.
139. Universe, soften the requirements for getting what I want, so that they may
come to me easily.
140. Universe, you are capable of granting all things. Please keep me in your
good favor.
141. Universe, I a
rm your all-abounding generosity.
142. Universe, stretch forth your mighty hands to perform signs and wonders in
my life.
143. Universe, when I reach the end of my rope, I pray that you bestow
patience upon me so that I may see my tasks through.
144. Universe, when I run out of ideas, show me divine insight and unending
145. Universe, teach me the truth about who I am meant to be.
146. Universe, may every generational curse and covenant of poverty hiding in
my life be broken and be canceled.
147. Universe, shield me and those whom I love from the evil forces at work in
the world.
148. Universe, thank you for purifying my soul of all evil that has attached itself
to me.
To get an even better read on what your Guardian Angels are trying to
tell you, click here and you will be taken to them directly.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
149. Universe, I know and trust that my debts will be paid and money will
ow into my life.
150. Universe, assign me a helping angel to aid me in managing the many
things I am juggling in my life.
151. Universe, take me to the next level of existence, where all is
peaceful and everything is taken care of.
152. Universe, refresh my mind, body, and soul so that I may nd the
good in all people and situations.
153. Universe, transport me to the next dimension of power, where I may
fully realize my potential.
154. Universe, make me one of the greats. Award me with such talent
that I will always be remembered.
155. Universe, dispatch an army of angels to help me ght the evil forces
that try to sabotage my progress.
156. Universe, I thank you for all of the blessings in my life. They are seen
and appreciated.
157. Universe, rain wealth upon me such that I can a ord to live my
158. Universe, generate so much hope within me that it spreads onto
those around me, creating a hopeful world.
159. Universe, allow me to see through the veil of material reality so that
I may know the truth about how things work.
160. Universe, allow me to make the most out of every day.
161. Universe, let my cries provoke angelic assistance today.
You can discover the secret nancial wisdom that your Guardian Angels
have for you immediately by clicking here!
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
162. Universe, show me how to be the best person I can be so that I will
deserve the best you have to o er.
163. Universe, manifest yourself in your mighty power to bless me.
164. Universe, increase the convenience of my life so that things ow more
easily for me.
165. Universe, make my life over ow with all of the blessings and wealth that
life has to o er.
166. Universe, walk with me and help me to make the right nancial decisions
throughout my life.
167. Universe, allow your guiding hand to rest on me, that whatever nancial
gains I reap, I’ll not forget that they came from you.
168. Universe, show me the way to conquer my trials and emerge triumphant.
169. Universe, upgrade my thought process so that I come up with unlimited
bright ideas.
170. Universe, let my cries attract angelic assistance today, so that my needs
will be met.
171. Universe, reveal to me all of the hints you place in my path. Do not let me
miss your divine guidance.
172. Universe, I thank you for guiding all beings here on earth towards
abundance and prosperity.
173. Universe, ll my heart with pure wonder.
174. Universe, today I pray that you remove the doubt that exists in my mind,
and the worries that I still hold on to.
If you want to cut right to the chase and avoid the wait for your money
blessings, go here and receive your answers directly.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
175. Universe, with you as my guide, I shall never be lost. Thank you for
showing me the way.
176. Universe, remove all sense of scarcity so I can attract the resources
I need to be comfortable.
177. Universe, relieve me of the exhaustion that I feel in my bones. The
road has been long, and I have traveled far.
178. Universe, keep me safe in your arms and cast a hedge of protection
around myself, my family, and all of the world.
179. Universe, when I struggle, I know that you are with me, helping me
to grow.
180. Universe, save me from being kept busy by evil spirits who wish to
distract me from my goals.
181. Universe, reveal to me the secrets that would allow me to skyrocket
my success in no time.
182. Universe, give me the skills I need to accel and succeed.
183. Universe, I ask you to intercede on my behalf. Please provide me
with the nancial means to get through this struggle.
184. Universe, the hinges of physical reality are falling o . Please show
me the way out.
185. Universe, ease my aches and pains. Completely heal me so I may
be whole and lively all of my days.
186. Universe, make the light of my soul shine through so that I attract
other bright lights.
You can skip ahead and get your money answers immediately! Click
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
187. Universe, open my mind to new ideas so that I may learn the things I
need to know.
188. Universe, clear my mind so that I may recognize the truth.
189. Universe, anoint my eyes to see the hidden riches of this w orld.
190. Universe, give me the keys I need to unlock the doors to success
that I have yet to open.
191. Universe, I am but one person. Please surround me w ith many
others w ho are kind and helpful, so that w e may form a strong and
caring community.
192. Universe, enhance my w it so that I may
nd clever solutions to old
193. Universe, I ask that my prayers may merit your blessings.
194. Universe, make me strong and creative enough to build the life I
dream of.
195. Universe, remove the pressure to get things done in a limited
amount of time. Let the pace I’m already going be fast enough.
196. Universe, bring us all together as one people, for the good of
197. Universe, invite good people into my life so that I may
nd my tribe.
198. Universe, I pray that I ow e nothing to anyone – except for my duty to
love others.
199. Universe, show me the loopholes that others see so that I can have
the success that they have.
You can help this process along by making a direct connection with your
Guardian Angels here. They have a money message waiting for you that
only you can hear.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
200. Universe, please assist all of us who are struggling nancially. Help us as
soon as you can, with blessings of money and good luck.
201. Universe, please create the time for me to do it all.
202. Universe, remove any pain in my heart and replace it with love and
203. Universe, I am certain that my persistent prayer will manifest your
blessings quickly.
204. Universe, I am grateful to you for providing my daily needs for spiritual and
physical nourishment.
205. Universe, expand my means to such great abundance that I never have to
worry about having enough money again.
206. Universe, equip me with the gifts I need to bring hope and good fortune to
207. Universe, make my heavy load lighter so that I may buoyantly oat through
208. Universe, cleanse my soul of all mistakes and wrongdoings. I wish to be
wholesome and pure.
209. Universe, I commit to being grateful for all that I now have in my life.
210. Universe, with all of your in nite power and wisdom, please protect me
from the evils of this world.
211. Universe, remove my discomforts completely so that I no longer spend
energy on them that could be better spent on other things.
212. Universe, please work a miracle in this situation. Turn my lack and
insu ciency into abundance and plenty.
Do want to communicate with your Guardian Angels directly? Then go
here for immediate access to the wealth messages your Guardian
Angels have for you.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
213. Universe, it is w ith a thankful heart that I come to ask for your all-
encompassing love and good fortune.
214. Universe, satisfy my need to be perfect, so that I may attain the
progress necessary to achieve my goals.
215. Universe, boost my ability to learn so that I may e
ectively absorb
all of the things I am missing.
216. Universe, I cry out for your peace. Please send me your angels to
comfort me.
217. Universe, you know that I need a
an over
nancial miracle right now. I need
ow of money. Please let the drought that currently
occupies my bank account be gone.
218. Universe, make me notice all of the things that I already have so that
I may feel good about my life and w here it is going.
219. Universe, remove the tendency to w aste time so that I may be
maximally e
ective and e
220. Universe, send a pleasant breeze through my life that brings me
new energy and vitality.
221. Universe, this immense reality exists because of your limitless
pow er. I ask only for a small piece of w hat’s available, so that I may
help myself and those around me.
222. Universe, grant me a clear picture of w here I am going.
223. Universe, please rew ard my e
orts. I am doing my best every day,
but I feel like I am not making progress. Please show me the
abundance I am due.
Go here if you are ready to nish your quest for nancial freedom. Your
Guardian Angels are waiting to help you.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
224. Universe, illuminate the answers for me so that I will know exactly
what to do. Make my steps sure, and my ways con dent.
225. Universe, I pray that you keep me calm and objective, so I may not
fall into temptation.
226. Universe, when I am weak and weary, ll me with hope and
227. Universe, I thank you for the unlimited wealth that is already mine. I
know that it is on its way to me, and I am grateful to have it.
228. Universe, may it be that I always have enough money to meet my
own needs, and plenty to give to others who would otherwise go
229. Universe, I pray for an immediate nancial breakthrough. Please
rescue me from this trouble and burden. Grant my prayers so that I
will be able to stand up again.
230. Universe, extend my in uence to reach the things I need in order to
231. Universe, provide me with all of the good things that life has to o er
until my cup runs over and I am able to bless those around with my
232. Universe, I surrender my nancial a airs and concerns about money
to your ultimate care and love.
233. Universe, when my abilities falter, please provide me with a boost.
234. Universe, today I thank you for all the things I have in my life, both
good and bad.
235. Universe, when things are amiss, guide me back to my truth.
When you pray continually, you know that help is on the way. Try this to
access your Guardian Angels’ money advice for you directly.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
236. Universe, I thank you in advance for the
nancial blessings that are
coming to me. I put my trust in you. I know that you w ill take care of
me and that I w ill prosper.
237. Universe, bolster my belief in myself, so that I may move mountains.
238. Universe, make it easy for me to learn new skills and move on to
bigger and better things.
239. Universe, make me faster at everything I do, so that my results
improve and expand.
240. Universe, create an upsurge of pow er in my life that gives me the
dence to succeed in all areas.
241. Universe, clear my schedule of everything that I don’t w ant to do so
that I have time to do the things I do w ant to do.
242. Universe, may I be blessed w ith a new and unexpected income
stream that w ill allow me to quit my job and be w ealthy.
243. Universe, thank you for surrounding me w ith beautiful people w ho
love and inspire me.
244. Universe, strengthen my relationships so that I may feel loved no
matter w here I am.
245. Universe, please guide me to making good decisions through my
journey in life, so that I may be blessed.
246. Universe, w ard o
evil and darkness. Make my intentions pure, and
my path straight.
247. Universe, guide me tow ards w hat you w ould have me be.
For even more nancial answers that only your Guardian Angels can
provide, click here and connect with them straight away.
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365 Money Miracle Prayers
248. Universe, please guide me away from pitfalls and obstacles so that I
may reap the fruits of my labor quickly.
249. Universe, grant that my sincere e
orts be rewarded with
250. Universe, extend the deadlines that dog me at every turn. Make my
mind quick and my hands nimble so that I get everything done on
251. Universe, remove any powers working against the ful
lment of my
252. Universe, purify my intentions so that goodness directs my course.
253. Universe, ensure that no harm befalls me or my loved ones. Shelter
us from expensive mistakes.
254. Universe, today I ask you to help me acknowledge my own
shortcomings before I acknowledge the shortcomings of others.
255. Universe, let every spirit of fruitfulness in my life come to me now.
256. Universe, I thank you for your generous blessings and kindness.
257. Universe, maximize the payo
for my e
orts so that I can show the
world that I am worthy and deserving.
258. Universe, surround me with loving people who value me for who I
259. Universe, I know that my requests are not in vain. You bless me daily
with all of the good things in life.
260. Universe, show me the goodness that exists in this world.
Sometimes it is hard to see.
261. Universe, I pray for an increase in wealth and a decrease in losses.
Are you nished with prayer and want to communicate with your
Guardian Angels directly? Then go here for immediate access to the
money messages your Guardian Angels have for you.
Page 22
365 Money Miracle Prayers
262. Universe, thank you for making the w ay to my dreams simple and
easy to follow.
263. Universe, make me creative about
so that I su
nding solutions to my problems
er no longer.
264. Universe, send your angels to guide my skills, making me faster and
more e
cient at everything I do.
265. Universe, may every hindrance targeted against my angel of
blessing be dissolved by your pow er.
266. Universe, please ease my burdens and lighten my w ork load w hen I
become overw helmed.
267. Universe, reduce w hat is required of me so that I may w ork less and
play more.
268. Universe, I pray that you w ill not only get me out of this hole but
that you w ill build me up
nancially so that I am in a secure place.
269. Universe, give me the pow er to convert failures designed for my life
into outstanding successes.
270. Universe, send me an angel of abundance to help me a
ord the
things I need.
271. Universe, order my steps into divine prosperity.
272. Universe, magnify my assets so that I can clearly determine their
273. Universe, do not be a spectator of my troubles, but a participant in
my solutions.
274. Universe, show me how to
t the pieces together.
Daily prayer always works eventually. But, try this for instant access to
the nancial advice your Guardian Angels want you to hear.
Page 23
365 Money Miracle Prayers
275. Universe, lend me your power when I am weak.
276. Universe, my time is precious. Please show me how to make the
best use of the time I have.
277. Universe, my di
culties and woes are many. Please be my guiding
light to bring me to happiness and relief.
278. Universe, thank you for making me the best that I can be, and that
my best is always enough to get me to where I want to be.
279. Universe, continue to show me your goodness as I continue living in
abundant gratitude.
280. Universe, thank you for always coming through with unexpected
money whenever I fear that I might come up short.
281. Universe, may my bank accounts be limitless and constantly
282. Universe, expand my consciousness of the present moment so that I
may make the most of the time I have.
283. Universe, I pray that you never allow my river of wealth to dry up. I
ask that I always have enough money to
nance my necessities and
284. Universe, I wish for hope and ful
llment. Please bless me with
limitless good fortune.
285. Universe, free me from the limitations that others put on me so that I
can thrive and reach new heights.
286. Universe, keep me from common pitfalls so that I can go the
287. Universe, show me my worth, so that I may disbelieve the
uselessness I feel inside my soul.
Your Guardian Angels can provide you with the hope you need to
receive the gifts that you desire. Click here to connect with them
straight away, and don’t miss a single opportunity for manifesting the
wonderful life that you deserve.
Page 24
365 Money Miracle Prayers
288. Universe, my life over
ow s w ith goodness and w ealth, and I readily
share my excess w ith others.
289. Universe, please give me a
nancial miracle so that I can do your
w ork. I w ill spread the love you have for me onto others if given a
290. Universe, give me the strength to keep my mind focused on w hat is
good for me and my goals.
291. Universe, hear my prayers and hear me now, guide me tow ards the
right path.
292. Universe, position me such that my station is respected.
293. Universe, I ask that you provide me w ith even more w ealth than I
have ever dreamed of.
294. Universe, thank you for allow ing me to get more done every day,
and w ith less fatigue. May I w ake up energetic every morning, and
go to bed satis
ed every night.
295. Universe, amplify my achievements until I attain the abundant
lifestyle I dream of.
296. Universe, I endeavor to alw ays do my best. Keep me on my path to
297. Universe, make my abilities greater than they have ever been
before. I am ready to change.
298. Universe, please grant me riches so great that I may satisfy all of my
w ants and needs and still have money left over.
Your Guardian Angels are here for you, right now. They have been
waiting for you since they chose you on the day you were born. Go here
to get in touch with them immediately. They are so excited to meet you.
Page 25
365 Money Miracle Prayers
299. Universe, boost my ability to say no to things that consume my free
time so that I can do more of the things that I w ant to do.
300. Universe, thank you for making me so w ise that I am able to make
the best decisions, every time.
301. Universe, thank you for providing me w ith everything that I need,
and the means to get everything that I w ant.
302. Universe, I don’t w ant to just pull through; I w ant to have an
astounding victory in your honor. May these debts melt aw ay and
your glory shine through.
303. Universe, please show me the shortcuts so I may achieve my goals
quickly and easily.
304. Universe, send me relief from all of my ailments. Please make me
w hole again.
305. Universe, show me the secrets that w ill simplify everything I do, so
that I do not have to w ork so hard.
306. Universe, w henever I feel disconnected, reveal to me the expansive
love that uni
es all things.
307. Universe, I pray that you help me get all of my w ork done in less
time, so I may have more time to do the fun things I’m alw ays too
busy to do.
308. Universe, teach me the shortcuts that others seem to know, so that I
can get more done and in record time.
309. Universe, I ask for deliverance from the bondage of doubt and fear
that hold me back.
Your Guardian Angels are in nite beings who have been waiting to talk
to you for your whole life. They have a message for you that only you
can hear. Get in touch with them directly by clicking here.
Page 26
365 Money Miracle Prayers
310. Universe, let every dead area of my blessings receive resurrection
311. Universe, may my thoughts be productive and sure today.
312. Universe, provide me w ith comforts so that I can feel content.
313. Universe, I know that w ithout your permission, I can’t obtain the
ts of money. Please grant me the monetary blessings that I
314. Universe, please help me to prosper and achieve my dreams of
w ealth and fortune. I know I can do it w ith your guiding hand and
inspiring presence.
315. Universe, please make my destiny one of health, joy, and
316. Universe, expand my consciousness so I may discover new w ays to
grow my prosperity.
317. Universe, I pray that money locates me w herever I
w orking. I command my dw indling
nd myself
nances to resurrect, and my
money to serve me according to the highest good for all.
318. Universe, provide me w ith a surplus of riches that I may share w hat’s
extra w ith those around me.
319. Universe, I pray that you guide me to make w ise
so that I can reach my
nancial decisions
nancial miracle.
320. Universe, cleanse my motives so that I am only capable of
contributing goodness.
321. Universe, supply me w ith ample love from all w ho I meet, until I am
lled w ith love myself.
If daily prayer has tired you out, feel free to skip ahead with this o er of
direct access to your Guardian Angels. They will show you how to
receive the universal gifts that are waiting for you.
Page 27
365 Money Miracle Prayers
322. Universe, envelope me in the abundant love that exists everyw here,
and at all times.
323. Universe, may the angels of the universe search the land of the
living and the dead and recover all of my stolen w ealth.
324. Universe, I release all negative thoughts about money, and know
that prosperity is my true state.
325. Universe, angels, and all celestial beings, I thank you for the
abundant prosperity and blessings that you provide for me every
326. Universe, let my angel of blessing smile upon me today.
327. Universe, make my visualizations of w ealth for me and my family
become a reality.
328. Universe, thank you for allow ing me to w ork through my tasks
quickly, so that I have plenty of time left over to do the things that I
love doing.
329. Universe, I ask only for comfort and peace today. Please ease my
w orries and quiet my mind.
330. Universe, I ask that you remove my w orries, anxieties, and fears
about money, and replace them w ith faith.
331. Universe, teach me to manage my
nances w isely, and to seek help
w here it is needed.
332. Universe, purge any problematic tendencies from my daily life, so
that my e
orts produce the best possible returns.
333. Universe, destroy any pow er that has been supplying strength to the
problems in my life.
Want bigger results? Your three Guardian Angels are ready and waiting
to shower you with all of the abundance that the universe has for you.
You can access them by clicking here right now!
Page 28
365 Money Miracle Prayers
334. Universe, I need your help and guidance. Please remember me as I
make this journey.
335. Universe, defend my soul from the evil forces that w ish to harm me.
336. Universe, deliver me from all pain and su
ering. I have struggled
long enough.
337. Universe, attract the right people to me so that I may be
encouraged and supported.
338. Universe, create the space and time for me to innovate and
339. Universe, remove my unnecessary responsibilities so that I may be
340. Universe, may every rage of evil against my coming breakthroughs
be destroyed.
341. Universe, ensure that I never become a burden for anyone else to
342. Universe, raise my belief in myself to a level that makes me
343. Universe, help me
nd w ays to reduce w asting time so that I w ill be
able to get the important things done.
344. Universe, deliver me from hard w ork and constant struggle into a life
of rest and ease.
345. Universe, guard all of my plans w ith your divine light, so that no one
gets hurt in the process of completing them.
346. Universe, I humbly ask you to let your glorious miracles befall me
so that I can pay o
all my debts.
To hear your angelic wealth message directly, go here and meet your
own personal Guardian Angels. Page 29
365 Money Miracle Prayers
347. Universe, download the information that I need into me so that I may
reach my goals and aspirations.
348. Universe, guide me in the steps I need to take to achieve nancial
349. Universe, open my eyes to see the hidden riches of this world.
350. Universe, I pray for victory against all challenges that come my way.
351. Universe, today I ask you to remove my self pity and all of the
sadness that it causes.
352. Universe, thank you for freely giving me everything that I need, so
that I may easily a ord everything that I want.
353. Universe, upgrade my lifestyle so that my external reality matches
my inner dreams.
354. Universe, reveal my hidden talents so that I understand my true
purpose. Show me the way to accomplish my dreams.
355. Universe, elevate my position with the angels so they will smile
upon me and send me good wishes.
356. Universe, minimize what is required of me to achieve greatness.
357. Universe, show me how to think outside the box. Give me great
ideas that will allow me to improve my lifestyle.
358. Universe, supply me with the helpers I need so that everything
always gets done.
359. Universe, lighten my burden so that I can live a life of ease and rest.
360. Universe, allow my dreams to come to fruition.
To discover your Guardian Angels’ Money Message for you right now, go
here and meet them.
Page 30
365 Money Miracle Prayers
361. Universe, bring together the things that I need to improve my life
362. Universe, may my e
orts become more e
ective so that results
come to me freely.
363. Universe, comfort me w ith your grace. Surround me w ith your ample
protective embrace.
364. Universe, make my life simple and full of ease so that I may relax
and enjoy it.
365. Universe, ensure that my bank account over
may a
ow s w ith riches so I
ord all of the things I w ish for.
To learn what your Guardian Angels have to say to you about your
nancial situation right now, go here and meet them.
If you are ready to hear the exact money message your Guardian Angels
have for you, that only you can hear, click here now!
Page 31
And so concludes
your best year
You have done what so few others have.
Prayer is a fantastic solution to many of life's
Keep your eyes open for your nancial miracle,
and know that everything will be alright, for I
am watching over you as your advocate to the
Angel William