Reflection for Standard #: Key Element #x Artifact(s) Delete this text and identify your Artifact(s) or assignment(s). You may need more than one Artifact to meet a Standard and Key Element, especially if that Standard and Key Element must meet multiple age group requirements. Standard # and Key Element #x Delete this text and identify and include the complete Standard and Key Element met by the Artifact(s). Context Delete this text and provide an introduction clarifying the context for how the artifact was created (e.g. course project or professional purpose, individual or group project, etc.), the targeted age group and how the artifact represents your professional role (current or future). If there is no targeted age group for the Artifact, please note there is none. Statement of Mastery of Standard and Key Element Delete this text and provide a statement for each artifact that addresses how it provides evidence of your learning and mastery relevant to the chosen Standard and Key Element. This is where you really reflect and think critically about your Artifact and show how you've mastered the Standard and Key Element chosen. Convince the evaluation team of your knowledge of the Standard and Key Element. Show your mastery using your Artifact (assignment) for an example, but do not focus on the Artifact. Focus on how your mastered the Standard and Key Element. Professional Growth Delete this text and provide a personal reflection for the next professional steps you might take in furthering your professional growth as related to the Standard and Key Element used in this Reflection on the Artifact. You will describe how you will learn more about the Standard and Key Element in the future. Please do not discuss the Artifact here at all.