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Bangka-bangkaan Extract as Cockroach Insecticide: A Study

Insecticidal Property of Bangka-bangkaan (Tradescantia spathacea)
Pure Extract Against Common Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana)
Team Procrastinators
Mark Jerson L. Pajelangco
Donnalyn Gordola Dumaplin
James Ryan Goloran Go
Gabriel Olar
Mary Grace Pracullos
Research Design & Methods
Research Design
The researchers use the analytic-experimental type of research design in which
the independent variable is the pure extract of Bangka-bangkaan that was treated to the
cockroach nymphs.
Pure Extract
Number of eradicated
Cockroaches’ Nymph
Baygon Product
Figure 1: Shows the concept map of the study.
Methods and Procedures
First, the Bangka-bangkaan plant was gathered and washed thoroughly with clean
water to remove the soil and dirt then placed it in a clean plastic basket. The Bangkabangkaan plant was then measured in a scale and the 250 grams of the plant was placed
in a 1000mL beaker. The researchers then boiled the Bangka-bangkaan plant without
water until it is rotten in 30 minutes. Then, let it cool for 20 seconds and placed the rotten
plant in the mortar and ground it with the use of a pestle. Then, the plant will be placed in
a cheese cloth then squeeze it to get the extracted liquid of Bangka-bangkaan. Later on,
the extracted liquid is placed in the 50mL beaker to measure the extracted liquid to 10mL.
Then, the 10mL extracted liquid is placed in a plastic spray bottle.
The researchers placed three beakers in the counter and put 10 cockroaches’
nymph in every beaker. Then, the researchers will use the 10ml of Bangka-bangkaan
extract in every beaker with 10 cockroaches’ nymph. Afterwards, the researchers will
observe the condition of every cockroaches’ nymph in every beaker in 15 minutes.
The researches will repeat the process while also changing the amount of the
treatment to 20mL and 50mL. It will be observed in most likely 15 minutes until all
cockroaches’ nymph are eradicated. Everything will be recorded such as the time of
demise, the number of cockroaches that died per minute, and also for the evidences
photos are taken.
Gathering of Bangka-bangkaan Plant
Weighing the Bangka-bangkaan 250 grams, put it inside the
Heating the beaker with the Bangka-bangkaan plant Bunsen
Settle for 20 seconds and then smash with mortar and pestle
Extracting the plant with cheesecloth
Pouring the extracted liquid into a beaker with
cockroaches’ nymph
Checking the time spent for the cockroaches to die
.Figure 2 Flow Chart of the Research Study
Statistical Treatments
T-test result on Experiment 1 shows that the significant difference is less than 0.05.
It means that the Bangka-bangkaan extract (10 mL) is significant to Baygon insecticidal
product (10 mL). Therefore, the two treatment are not similar and has different results.
Bangka-bangkaan has a mean of 8.33 out of 10 cockroaches’ nymph that has survive the
treatment while the Baygon insecticidal product has a mean of 1.67 out of 10 surviving
cockroaches’ nymph.
T-test result on Experiment 2 shows that the significant difference is greater than
0.05. It means that the Bangka-bangkaan extract (20 mL) is not significant to Baygon
insecticidal product (20 mL). Therefore, the two treatment are similar and has same
results. Bangka-bangkaan extract of 20 mL has a mean of 1.67 same as the mean of
Baygon insecticidal product. The results of the 2 nd experiment revealed the insecticidal
property of Bangka-bangkaan pure extract has same fatality rate as the Baygon
insecticidal product. The addition of dosage increases the Bangka-bangkaan insecticidal
In Experiment 3 with 50mL dosage of the two treatment namely the Pure Extract
of Bangka-Bangkaan plant together with the Baygon product was not yet analyze due to
the insufficiency of the materials. The researches decide to continue the experiment when
all materials and treatments are available.