Uploaded by Amber Carrigan

Token Economy for Water Consumption: A Case Study

Baseline Treatment Phase Water Consumption
Baseline Treatment Phase
Token Economy
Amber Carrigan
Psych 320
Liberty University
Professor Conner
Baseline Treatment Phase Water Consumption
Treatment Behavior
The target behavior chosen for this report was intensity and increase of water intake in a sevenday period. The report began immediately after the baseline phase report.
Treatment Method
The treatment utilized in this study is token economy reinforcement. The subject employed the
help of her husband, and an application from the Google Play store (Google Play 2021)
downloaded onto her phone and her husbands to help to keep the results unbiased.
Observation Period
Immediately following the baseline phase the participant began to record data from her natural
surroundings and followed suite for the next 7 days. This began on September the 27th and ended
on October the 3rd 2021. The intensity and frequency, along with when where and how was
Experiment Narrative
Upon completion of the baseline phase the participant structured a treatment plan and introduced
an application from the Google Play Store onto her Android cell phone. For this experiment (her,
Baseline Treatment Phase Water Consumption
and him) refer to the participant and her husband who helped to record data. For the data
recorded onto the cell phone for this experiment the application was Samsung Health. Over the
course of seven days the participant recorded the consumption and intensity of her water intake.
For every full 8 oz- 8times a day she was rewarded a token The token was equaled to the amount
of ten dollars to spend on herself. 8oz x 8 times a day =$10. By the end of the treatment, she had
the ability to be rewarded with 70 if she followed instructions and was honest about her
consumption. To aid the subject in an unbiased fashion her husband was employed for the task as
Summary of Treatment
The subject struggled to stop and record her data and contact her husband also on day one. Her
goal of 1.5 liters in the first 24 hours was not met. By the fourth day the participant had however
developed a strong habit of stopping to record the data on her phone and then calling her
husband so he could record as well. An in crease in water consumption began on day two. The
goal of 1.5 liters was met. On day three she failed to meet her goal, but there were stressors that
factored into the equation that day also. By day four she had developed a strong baseline that
continued until the final day. On the seventh day she was rewarded with $50 dollars to spend
anyway she saw fit. There was a clear incline in the intensity of water consumption. Based upon
this research and theory a strong habit was formed to continue.
The outcomes of this water consumption therapy demonstrate that the treatment was successful
for the individual. The implementation of the token economy was able to reinforce the
participant's desire to consume enough water throughout the course of a 24-hour period. Adding
additional water to the application held the participant accountable while using it. Seeing the
participant's water consumption increase while getting closer to the daily sufficient intake was a
Baseline Treatment Phase Water Consumption
motivator. The participant works in a fast-paced workplace where he is always on the go. These
working circumstances were detracting from water usage.
Google Play Store 2021 (Samsung Health Application)
Baseline Treatment Phase Water Consumption