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BCIS 5120: Business Information Systems Analysis

BCIS 5120
Analysis of Business Information Systems
Dr. Chang E. Koh
Department of Information Technology and Decision Sciences
College of Business Administration
University of North Texas
Introducing Dr. Koh
Introducing Dr. Koh
Dr. Chang E. Koh
◦ BA: Economics (Yonsei University, Seoul)
◦ MBA (Bowling Green State University, Ohio)
◦ Ph.D (University of Georgia)
◦ Bowling Green State University (1984 - 1986)
◦ University of Georgia (1986 - 1990)
◦ University of North Carolina at Greensboro (1990 1999)
◦ University of North Texas (1999 - )
Dr. Chang E. Koh
IT capability and business performance
Privacy in social media
Neuro IS
International and cross-cultural issues of IT
Faculty Advisor for AIS Student Chapter
◦ Next AIS meeting
 AIS on Canvas
 Self-register at https://unt.instructure.com/enroll/HJ4TPN
 OR scan the QR code
 Extra credit
 5 points for each event up to 25 points
Dr. Chang E. Koh
Office: BLB 319A
Office Hours:
◦ 2:00 – 5:00 pm, Wednesday
◦ And by appointment
◦ Zoom 374-801-7379
Phone: (940) 565-3625 (Voice & Fax)
Cell (940) 368-5530
E-mail: Chang.Koh@unt.edu
Web: http://www.coba.unt.edu/itds/faculty/koh
Course Description
The foundations of business information
systems analysis and design.
 Concentration on contemporary design
methodologies and computer-aided software
engineering (CASE) techniques.
 Topics include strategic information systems
planning, requirements analysis, user interface
design, data design, process design, system
testing, ethics and systems audit ability, control
and security.
Course Objectives
Develop knowledge and skills needed to analyze/design
Develop the ability to use tools and methodologies used to
analyze/design CBIS.
Develop the ability to define and bound a problem, collect
appropriate information, synthesize requirements, and
design a modern CBIS.
Enhance interpersonal and teamwork skills, and project
management skills.
Describe the major alternative methodologies used in
developing IS and the considerations involved in choosing
which methodology to use.
Integrate and apply various SA&D concepts to ‘real-world’
BCIS 3610 or equivalent; 2.7 UNT GPA (2.7
transfer GPA if no courses taken at UNT); a
grade of C or better in each previously taken
BCIS course, or consent of department.
Textbooks and Other Materials
Valacich, Joseph S. and George, Joey F. Modern
Systems Analysis and Design, 9th ed., Prentice Hall,
2020 (ISBN 978-0-13-517275-9) (Required).
◦ The 8th ed. should be fine
◦ Attention to minor changes
Additional, optional books to be announced in
Class Web (Canvas) Site
The course uses Canvas for communication
between the instructor and students and among
Dropbox is a Web-based file hosting service
operated that uses cloud computing to enable
users to store and share files and folders with
others across the Internet using file
◦ www.dropbox.com
Provide e-mail address to Dr. Koh
Dr. Koh sends an invitation to the e-mail address
Follow instructions in the invitation and sign up
Install Dropbox application on your PC
Point Distribution
2 exams (250 each)
Research and Report
Research Presentation
Grading Scale
90.0 – 100 %
80.0 – 89.9 %
70.0 – 79.9 %
60.0 – 69.9 %
Less than 60 %
Up to five assignments will be given throughout the
semester on topics covered in class.
Most of the assignments will require the use of
software such as Oracle, Microsoft Access and
Microsoft Project. Details on the assignments will
be provided in class.
Unless otherwise instructed, all assignments are
due at the beginning of the class on the due date.
Any assignment turned in late (i.e., after
assignments have been collected) will be penalized
by 50 percent of the total possible grade. No
assignments will be accepted after the due date.
Research – Team Project
A team of students (3-4 in each team) is required
to select a topic relevant to the course, conduct
research and present the finding along with the final
written report.
The report must be prepared according to the
following requirements and suggestions:
◦ Search for a topic by scanning the textbook or discussing
with the professor.
◦ Conduct research to expand the topic beyond what is
discussed in the textbook.
◦ Include at least five references used in the research.
◦ Suggested length of the report – 10 double-spaced pages.
Research – Team Project
Follow directions in Canvas for the following
Topic selection (50 points)
Reporting of preliminary findings (50 points)
Research presentation, 15-20 minutes (50 points)
Final report (100 points)
Peer evaluation (50 points)
More details will be discussed and provided in
Attendance & Participation
Regular and punctual attendance for the full class period
is expected. Attendance will be recorded.You must
attend the entire class to avoid being recorded absent.
Any student whose absences exceed the equivalent of
two weeks of the class without proper notice may be
dropped by the instructor with a WF for
You are expected to come to class prepared. That
means you will need to read the assigned chapters
before coming to class and be prepared to discuss them.
Attendance and class participation represent 100
possible points of your final class grade. I will assign
your class participation score based upon your
attendance and the contributions you make in class as
Attendance & Participation
10 points for each class
◦ Attendance – 2 points
◦ Class participation – 2 points
◦ In-class quiz – 6 points
Students with Disabilities
The College of Business Administration
complies with the Americans with Disabilities
Act in making reasonable accommodations for
qualified students with disability.
 If you have an established disability as defined in
the Americans with Disabilities Act and would
like to request accommodation, please see your
instructor as soon as possible.
Course Overview
Systems Analysis
& Design
I. Foundations
II. Planning
III. Analysis
IV. Design
V. Implementation
& Maintenance
1. SD Environment
4. Identify & Select
SD Projects
6. Determine
Systems Req’s
9. Design DB
13. System
2. Origins of
5. Initiate & Plan
SD Projects
7. Structure
Systems Process
10. Design Forms
& Reports
14. Maintaining IS
8. Structure
Systems Data
11. Design
Interfaces &
3. Manage IS
12. Design Dist &
Internet Systems