Uploaded by Tish Ebra

Sika veekindlad süsteemid: tehnilised detailid

Overlapping cladding
Dpc between concrete & bottom plate
Sikafloor-400 N Elastic kerb/detail
Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
Sikaflex-Tank N fillet or cove
Concrete plinth
Waterproof wall paint or overflash
termination of Sikafloor-400 N Elastic
Termination into chase or mortar joint
Sikafloor-400 N Elastic kerb/detail
Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
Sikaflex-Tank N fillet or cove
Concrete or Masonry wall termination
Sawn chase in concrete
Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
Horizontal termination
Sika Trafficable waterproofing
Scale 1:5
Rebate concrete and rebuild
to form ramp using Sikadur-41
Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
Horizontal termination into floor joint
(rebuild shoulder option)
Vent or penetration
Sikaflex-Tank N on backing rod
Sikafloor-400 N Elastic
Box and form new plinth
Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing
Sikadur-32 epoxy tie coat
Vent / Penetration detail
Bolt equipment etc. on bed of
Sikaflex-Tank N
Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
Threaded rod
Sika AnchorFix-3+
Typical Mechanical fastening
Sika Trafficable waterproofing
Scale 1:5
Chase or cut or joint to
minimum 6mm x 6mm 1:1
Sikaflex-Tank N sealant
Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
Cold joint or crack in concrete
Sikaflex-Tank N sealant
Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
PF backing rod
Control joint - Option 1
Sikaflex-Tank N sealant
Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
Slip tape
Control joint - Option 2
Sika Trafficable waterproofing
Scale 1:5
Cold joint in traffic coat
(Sikafloor-350 N /-375 joints are staggered)
Sikafloor-350 N membrane sand back
and overlap with new by minimum 50mm
Lap in Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
Dynamic Crack Bridging
Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
Cold joint in traffic coat
Stripe coat Sikafloor-350 N
or Sikafloor-375
50mm min.
Cold joint in Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
Sikafloor-350 N membrane return into
fibreglass reinforced drain
Clamp ring and grate
Sika Traffic Deck Waterproofing System
Concrete slab
Base flange
All proof drain detail
Sika Trafficable waterproofing
Scale 1:5
Rebated Combiflex
- Trafficable System
Not To Scale "Version 24/03/16"
Allow gap for seismic movement
Sikafloor-91 or Sikadur bearing pad
to provide a waterproof wear surface
Sika waterproofing
Sikadur Combiflex SG System
(Drain as required)
Steel cover plate - fix on one side or
slot other side to allow for movement