Initial Vision focuses mainly on ICT equipment e-Enabled e-Learning vision is developed by ICT Team Plan Basic ICT Plan is in place E-learning Plan has been developed by ICT Team. One teacher assumes leadership for ICT planning Integration Focus is mainly on ICT equipment and the acquisition of basic ICT Skills Focus is mainly on supporting the integration of ICT usage throughout the school Acceptable Use Policy School has developed an Acceptable Use Policy for the Internet School has developed an AUP following consultation with staff, students, SCA and School Council Leadership & Planning Vision e-Confident e-Learning is fully integrated into the school vision e-Mature e-Learning vision is wide ranging and shared by all stakeholders. It is actively tested through the student learning experience Comprehensive Teachers e-Learning Plan implement the is integral to e-Learning the whole Plan in their school plan. daily work. Development of Staff and such a plan is students are led by actively Principal/ICT engaged in Coordinator/ICT innovative and Team exemplary practice Focus is mainly Focus is mainly on supporting on supporting more and facilitating comprehensive personalized integration of and selfICT and the directed exploration of a learning. new and more effective approaches to ICT integration School has The AUP developed and accommodates ratified an AUP innovative use for Internet and of new ICT use technologies following and facilitates consultation the with staff, development students, SCA of an ethical and School and Council responsible All stakeholders approach to are familiar the use of with its Special Education Needs Support of ICT as a tool for learning in special educational needs exists but is uncoordinated Use of ICT is focused on the areas of learning support and teaching resources contents and the plan is fully implemented these technologies School supports and encourages the use of a wide range of ICT resources and assistive technologies throughout the school to facilitate the inclusion of students with special educational needs in line with the MoET’s Inclusive Education Policy School includes the use of ICT and assistive technologies in the development of all individual plans for students with special educational needs and uses ICT in all aspects of special educational needs assessment