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Camp Samal, Arcon, Tumauni, Isabela
S.Y. 2021-2022
The development of web 2.0 technologies, which combine user-generated content and
simplified web design, has had a significant impact on the way people access information,
news, and communication. New media technologies have increased the active participation of
users in communication and information, as well as altered public perceptions of the internet.
The main functions of the news media in providing news to the public are to inform,
explain, update, educate, and amuse the general audience, among others. The news media is
eager to get the information out to the public. To put it another way: all citizens, including
members of the news media, should be respectful to their audiences and always report the
truth. People are looking for timely and accurate information on what is going on in the
globe. With today's technology, the Internet is a wonderful source for receiving information
that is both fast and simple to find. Radio and newspapers are two additional options for
getting the latest news. With various means of delivering information to audiences, such as
major newspapers, radio talk programs, and the Internet, techniques are selected based on the
audience that is being addressed. The media makes an effort to provide context for events that
have an impact on people.
The new media are characterized by the confluence of media and technology, as well
as the replacement of analogue technology with digital technology. The internet, new video
and audio recording, mobile media, and computer gaming are all examples of new media, as
is the internet (USAID, 2008).
Primarily, the new media's activities were limited to the entertainment and
communication sectors; but, with the development of new media technology, the social,
economic, and political realms of human existence have all been affected (Berger, 2007). In
the context of new media technology, any kind of application that is utilized to transmit
information via digital technology is described as such. In addition to being interactive, it
may be transmitted by enclosing it in a compressed data format that is accessible in many
The aim of data collection was to conduct a group survey on what forms of new
media people use and how they used it. A standard method for the collection of data was used
for an anonymous questionnaire during this study. There were 15 respondents participated in
this survey.
The participants in this descriptive explanatory research were chosen at random from
a group of 15 people.
As you can see from the graph above, Facebook is the most popular website,
accounting for 100 percent of all visits, followed by YouTube, which accounts for 73 percent,
and Twitter, which accounts for 66.7 percent.
53% of the respondents send a link to a video or website more than once a week, 33.3% once
a week and 13.3% once a month.
.On average, 46.7 percent of those who answered the survey question get links to videos or
websites once a week or more often, with the remainder receiving links once a month or less
86 percent of individuals who answered the survey's questions said they typically emailed or
visited a link to a close friend, while 13.3 percent said they sent or visited a link to an
80 percent of the respondents most often received via social networking sites like Facebook
and Twitter, with 20 percent of respondents receiving links through instant messaging
Only 33 percent of those who answered the survey said they looked into videos more closely
on a regular basis, while 66 percent said they did so only sometimes.
The majority of respondents (73.3 percent) often visit YouTube more than once a week, but
others (26.7 percent) frequently visit once a week.
According to the survey results, 86.7 percent of those who responded went on YouTube in
order to listen to or watch music videos, 53.3 percent went on to see news items from news
programs, 40 percent visited in order to see various types of home-made videos, and 33.3
percent went on to watch scenes from television shows or movies, among other things.
66.7 percent of the respondents responded by going to the website on their own, 26.7 percent
answered by clicking on a link or embedded video, and the remaining respondents answered
by clicking on a link sent to them by someone else in the survey.
Eighty percent of them visit Facebook on a daily basis, 13.35 percent visit more than once a
week, and the remaining percent visit once a week.
73.3 percent of them utilize the Facebook group feature, 20 percent do not use it, and the
other ten percent have never heard of it.
Exact 60% of these media users utilized Facebook fan feature while 33.3% do not use it. The
Despite the merge of podcasts, a total of 46.7%, which dominated the response, has never
downloaded podcasts. Meanwhile, a total of 40% is found to have downloaded podcasts. The
remaining 7% have found themselves “hardly ever” in downloading podcasts.
With the onset of advertisements, 66.7% feel that the videos, movies or television shows they
watch are often produced by brands and/or products to promote their products or brand, while
33% are not sure.
A total of 93.3% of the respondents have been drawn to visit a social page through
advertisements on different media platforms while 6.7% have not.
As shown in the graph above, 40 percent answered that they often visit weblogs once a week,
followed by 20 percent who answered more than once a week, 13.3 percent who visit it daily
which is the same percent as those who answered once a month, and the remaining percent
visit it less than a month and never.
Based on the survey result, it appeared that majority of the respondents visit blogs for
entertainment value with a total of 78.6 percent, 50 percent of which indicate that they went
to visit blogs for news value, whereas 42.9 percent looked it for giving opinions on articles
and the rest claimed it for writing or maintaining their own blog.
86.7 percent of those who filled in the questionnaire state that they felt most exposed to
advertisements on the internet and the remaining 13.3 percent state that it is most exposed
while watching or listening to the television/radio.
To be exact, 80 percent of the entire respondents said that they tend to follow their friends on
Twitter the most and the other 20 percent have been using Twitter to follow
According to the findings, 86.7 percent of those who responded intend to follow people or
institutions for entertainment, 60 percent for information/news, and 53.3 percent to gain
insight into people's personalities. Only 6.7 percent of respondents, on the other hand, cite
premiums such as discounts or special offers as a reason.
The media vehicle that most respondents find very overwhelming is poster followed by
billboards social network and online advertisement. On the other hand, some of the
respondents didn’t feel overwhelmed by the media vehicles namely: billboards, spam emails,
radio commercial, magazine ads and viral links.
The media has expanded its reach into the real world, interfering with the lives of
many people. The findings of the survey reveal that when it comes to using media vehicles,
everyone has different habits. Users' active participation and exposure in communication and
information has increased as a result of new media technologies, and public perceptions of
the internet have shifted. Furthermore, the results show that the majority of respondents are
aware of the various reasons why they follow a particular person or institution, visit
platforms, and how these affect their well-being. The reason for media's massive popularity,
is that it has provided netizens with a better channel to connect. This survey simply
demonstrates how ingrained the younger generation is to media in general. To sum up, the
media is viewed as overwhelming, but this does not negate the benefits it provides to society.