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The importance of using the history of mathematics in teaching of mathematics syllabus

History of mathematics is one of the oldest of science; it is also one of the active, and for its
strength is the vigor of perpetual youth. For the trainee teacher it is good to have the
knowledge of the background of the history of the subject for him or her to present the topic to
the students or learners in a good manner. Every human being in existence for several details
that keep man efficient with the important evidence that turns in the lifespan of each other.
Indeed, it is sure that students must be equipped with the historical background of their subject
stipulations for several reasons that will be attempted here under. For this sake, this essay will
discuss the impacts of incorporating the history of mathematics in the teaching and learning
Ho (2008) articulated that knowing the history of mathematics inspires visionary and malleable
thinking by allowing students to see past signs that there are different and distantly valid ways
to seem in the concepts and to carry out the intentions. It is real that mathematics did not
seem in the universe, but it was discovered by certain individuals through their mind and
mobility in thinking and psychological, this can be an encouragement enough to all those
aspiring to study mathematics since the clear evidences that it was through the efforts of man
that mathematics occurs and is in play today in most aspects of life that man can belong.
Here-after, to learn the history of mathematics it makes the great interest and courage of the
students and they can also make it easier as the founders did because they were human beings
just like as. Students acquire the numerous ways of noticing the concepts and carry out various
calculations by making orientations to the founders of the subject as well as making new
participation to the subject to advanced their knowledge. This is because ordinary things have
to be changing and get advanced as the world keeps moving.
Wilder R I (1968) attest that, incorporating the history of mathematics in the teaching and
learning process helps students to see the riches of mathematics that lies before them and
encourages them to continue studying the subject. Of all things that humans do and expect in
lifespan, yield and all good result is what drives humans in all Angeles of this Creation.
Additionally, it is clearly that indicated that the history of mathematics help the students to
have knowledge of the great things that they may attain in their lifespan through the various
It like that because when someone originates to do something, there is always an aim set
earlier even the trip arises. For example, this is an individual who plans to start a business in a
particular society or environment. That particular individual must first be seated to plan how to
achieve the business and also how he or she must calculate the benefits and lose
knowledgeable if at all any .this to be effectively done requires the knowledge of mathematics
so as to calculate what will an individual get after a specified period of time .
According to Sidhu S K (1998). History of mathematics is field of science which forms a bridge
between the past and future. It offers a useful resource for understanding the process where
mathematical thinking is shaped for providing some relevant information on the development of
positive attitudes towards the subject and for employing there understandings in creating
classroom activities. Many educational practices involving the history of mathematics have
commonly intended to enhance the motivation of student toward the course.
The history of mathematics is important also as a valuable contribution to the history of
civilization. Human progress is closely identified with scientific thought.
The claim is made that in education, the main reason for studying the history of mathematics is
to throw some light on the nature of the discipline. It is further claimed that a key is played in
this connection by the distinction and interaction between the content and form of mathematics.
According to Katz V (1998), one of the reasons we use history of mathematics in the teaching and
learning of the subject is that we believe that if mathematical theories are seen only through final
formulation without historical interpretations students can gain a wrong impression about
mathematics: they seem to then see it as an artificial creation, which serves mental imagination
but has no connection to practical work of real - life context.
According to miss m. et al, (2000) teachers might give a place to history of mathematics for 2
purposes in their lesson: To help teaching mathematics and to learn the own history of
mathematics. The dynamic structure of mathematics which is arisen from its own nature is an
actually important in terms of seeing the steps by including history of mathematics.
Therefore, the incorporating the history of mathematics in teaching and learning process is
important as it helps both the learners and the teachers, and then it results to effective learning
and teaching.
This helps the teachers to achieve their goals in teaching and learners to
understand and have an interest towards mathematics this succeed in their learning process.
Ho (2008) the mathematics background. A source book: Princeton.
Katz, V (1998) a history of mathematics: An introduction. University of Chicago press.
Miss, M. All (2000) History in mathematics education. Netherland. Kluwer academic publisher
Sidhu,S .K (1998) the teaching of mathematics. New delhi: sterling publishers.
Wilder, R .I (1968) Evaluation of mathematics concepts: An elementary of study. New York.