NAME: DATE: TEACHER FEEDBACK: DISCOURSE SKILLS - Individual Please check ONE for each skill: PLAN I plan my response by selecting a response that I have a lot to say about. WEIGH I judge others’ responses, agree or disagree, add thoughts/ideas and explain why. CLARIFY & ELABORATE I read & respond to my peers’ comments with: answers to their open-ended questions, agree/ disagree statements, non-personal and personal connections, elaborations on their ideas, or positive encouragement with reasons 3 YES! All the time! 2 Some of this 1 NO, I did not. HABITS CHECKLIST - Group Please check ONE for each habit: ON TASK We followed and complete all the steps of the routine TIMING We use all the time given for each step ACTIVELY LISTEN We listened to all kinds of ideas, by reading and considering all our responses PEER SUPPORT I encouraged my peers to follow directions using non-verbal cues, and by staying focused on our work 3 YES! All the time! 2 Kind of 1 NO, I did not.