Back to Basics Basic Arithmetic Operations Table of contents Long Addition 3 Long Subtraction 4 Long Multiplication 5 Long Division 7 Copyright 2 Long Addition 237+80+125=? 1. Write the numbers in the exercise vertically. 237 + 80 + 125 2. Summarize each column separately- starting with the units digits. In case that the sum of any column is larger than nine pass the tens digit to the next column to the left and so forth. 2.1. Begin with the units' column. 5+0+7=12. The digit 2 is written below, and the digit 1 is moving to the tens column. 1 237 + 80 + 125 2 2.2. Continue with the tens' column: 1+3+8+2=14. The 4 is written below and the digit 1 is moving to the hundreds. Do the same with the hundreds column: 1+2+1=4. 11 + 237 + 80 125 442 3. Another technique for long addition is separating each number to small numbers which are easier to calculate: Thus, 237= (200+30+7), 125= (100+20+5), and rearranging the numbers according to their numerical attribution: (200+100) + (80+20+30) + (7+5) = 300+130+12=442 Copyright 3 Long Subtraction 4252 - 823 = ? 1. Write the numbers in the exercise vertically. 4252 - 823 2. Subtract each column separately- starting with the units digits. 2.1. In case the figure of the first number is smaller than the second one we will "borrow" 1 ten from the tens and add it to the units. 3. Continue to subtract the tens, the hundreds etc the same way. We will begin with the units' column. Since 2 is smaller than 3 we need to "lend" 1 from the tens. So we will get 12-3=9. We will write the 9 below. Now we are left with 4 at the tens, 4-2=2. The hundreds are left the same (2-0=2). (5-1) 4252 - 823 9 → 424x - 82x 29 → → 3xxx - xxx 3429 → (4-1) 42xx - 8xx 429 In conclusion: 4252 - 823 3429 Another technique for long subtraction is separating each number to small numbers which are easier to calculate: For example: 2252-823=? 2252=2200 + 40 + 12; 823 = 800 + 20 + 3 → (2200-800) + (40-20) + (12-3) = 1400 + 20 + 9 = 1429. Copyright 4 Long Multiplication 141x 73 = ? 1. Write the numbers in the exercise vertically. 141 x 73 2. Multiply each of the digits of the first (upper) number by the units' digit of the second (lower) number. Write the product below. 2.1. For any product larger than 9, write the units digit, and carry other digits to the next multiplication. 3. Multiply each of the digits of the first (upper) number by the tens digit of the second (lower) number. Write a zero digit under the units' column, and begin writing the product under the tens column, and so forth. First step – multiplication with the units' digit of the lower number. 141 x 73 3 carry 1 141 x 73 23 1 141 x 73 (3+1)23 After multiplying with the lower number's units' digit: 141 x 73 423 Copyright 5 Second step – multiplication with the tens' digit of the lower number. Mark it by writing zero beneath the units' digits column. Don't forget, In case the product of one column is double digit number, write the units digit below, and the tens digit above the next column (one column to the left). After multiplying the next digit, add the tens digit to the product from the last multiplication. 141 x 73 423 0 → carry 2 141 x 73 423 870 141 x 73 423 70 2 → 141 x 73 423 (7+2)870 After multiplying with the lower number's tens' digit: 141 x 73 423 9870 4. When all multiplications are over, add the results by long addition. 141 x 73 423 + 9870 10293 Another technique for long multiplication is separating one of the numbers to small numbers which are easier to calculate by creating "small" multiplication exercises: For example: 16×12 =? 16×12 = 16 ×(10 + 2) = 16×10 + 16×2 = 160 + 32 = 192 Copyright 6 Long Division 1980:15 = ? 1. Write the numbers in long division form. 15 1980 = 2. We will start by checking whether the left digit of the dividend number is bigger or equal to the one of the divisor. 2.1. If the answer is "yes"- divide the digits and write the quotient above (ignore the remainder if there is one). 2.2. If the answer is "no" - write 0 above the number and combine the next digit to get a two digit number. 01 15 1980 3. Multiply the result above the line by the divisor. Write the product under the left digits and then subtract it from the left initial number accordingly. 01 15 1980 -15 480 4. Add the digit right of the dividend number to the result from the last stages (the 8 to the 4) so that you'll get a two digit number. Continue to divide this number the same way as steps 2 and 3: 013 15 1980 -15 480 - 45 30 48:15 = 3 (rem 3) Copyright 7 5. The exercise is done when the result of the subtraction in zero. 0132 15 1980 -15 480 - 45 30 - 30 0 30:15 = 2 The solution is the number received above the line: 132. Another technique for long division, especially when the divisor is relatively small, is by dividing the dividend number to small numbers which are easier to calculate. For instance: 192:3 =? 192:3= (180:3 + 12:3) = (60+4) = 64 Tip It is worth knowing, that in the case of a multiple choice test you can transfer any long division exercise to a multiplication one. We can do so by multiplying the divisor by each one of the answer choices, and examine whether it leads to the divided number that appears in the original question or not, e.g: 11 242 = ? A. 10 B. 20 C. 12 D. 22 E. 24 You can always eliminate by performing multiplications: 11x10 = 110 ☒ 11x20 = 220 ☒ 11x12 = 132 ☒ 11x22 = 242 ☑ division. D is the correct answer, and we managed not to practice long Copyright 8