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Present Tense-Simple and Continuous

Present Tense – Present Simple and Present Continuous
What does the word “present” mean?
1. ______________________
2. ______________________
What does the word “simple” mean?
What does the word “continuous” mean?
2 Kinds of Present Tense:
1. Present Simple
2. Present Continuous
1. Present Simple
The Present Simple tense shows everyday habits, routines, and actions (“usually” or
The Present Simple tense doesn’t add “-ing.” The Present Simple is the base form of
the verb. (Example: base form of the verb “walk” is “walk”; base form of the verb “work”
is “work.”)
Examples of the Present Simple tense in sentences:
I usually drive to work.
Alice doesn’t have to get up early on Saturdays.
The boys play soccer on Friday evenings.
I go to taekwondo every week.
2. Present Continuous
The Present Continuous tense shows something that is happening right at the moment
of speaking (“right now” or “today”).
The Present Continuous tense uses “-ing” at the end of the root verb.
Examples of the Present Continuous tense in sentences:
What are you doing at the moment?
She’s reading in the garden now.
They’re not standing in the rain. They’re waiting in the garage.
Writing in the Present Simple and Present Continuous Tenses
1. Present Simple: Write a paragraph of at least 6 sentences using the present
simple tense to describe the activities you do every week.
(Example: Every week, I go to church on Sunday. From Monday to Friday, I
go to school…)
2. Present Continuous: Imagine you are visiting a nature pond. Describe what
the creatures there are doing. Use at least 6 sentences.
(Example: The turtles are bobbing their heads up and down in the water.
The ducks are swimming in a line toward the shore…)