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Intellectual Development in Early Civilizations

Intellectual Characteristic
Learning, reasoning, and intellectual development are all intertwined. It's about how people arrange
their minds, ideas, and thoughts in order to make sense of the world around them. Education gives
sufficient opportunity for individuals to develop their intrinsic intellectual capacity, which is
necessary for gaining knowledge, thinking, reasoning, judgment, and generalization. The purpose
intellectual development of the early human civilization is more on the sense of enculturation, which
is the process of cultural transmission and improving their day-to-day activities, can the term
education be applied to early human civilization. Early civilizations have a reasonably stable sense of
cultural continuity and timelessness since their culture is the entirety of their universe. The way of
their day-to-day life is relatively static and absolute, and it is passed down from generation to
generation, thus education can be inferred as a practice in surviving cultures. Mesopotamian formal
education focused on preparing scribes and priests. It was expanded to include higher education in
law, medicine, and astrology, in addition to basic reading, writing, and religion. In general, upperclass youth were groomed to work as scribes, which included anyone from teachers to librarians and
copyists. Priestly schools were reported to be as numerous as temples, an indication how important
and how influential this vocation is. In ancient Egypt the priests, a prominent intellectual elite in
theocracy who also functioned as political bulwarks by suppressing cultural variety, were primarily
responsible for preserving and controlling Egyptian culture and education. Priests, who taught in
formal schools, were in charge of the humanities as well as practical topics like physics, medicine,
mathematics, and geometry. One of the basic forms of education of the early civilization is reading
and writing. The Mesopotamian form of writing is the oldest writing form almost 5,500 years ago.
Early visual signs were gradually supplanted by a complex system of Sumerian sounds represented
by letters. The cuneiform writing system grew more reliable. Curves were deleted, signals were
reduced, and the direct link between the appearance of photos and their original object was
eliminated. Around 3200 BC, Egyptian hieroglyphs first appeared on small ivory tablets used as
grave goods labels in the tombs of the predynastic Kings and on ceremonial surfaces used for
grinding cosmetics, such as the Narmer Palette. Egypt was the first place where ink writing using
pens and reed brushes was discovered. Hieratic was the word given to this type of ink writing,
whereas hieroglyphs was given to the carved and painted letters found on monuments. This
demonstrates that writing in Egypt had two uses from the start: one was ceremonial, and the other
was a display script, with the latter being used for royal and temple affairs. Another field of study in
early civilization is Astronomy, Astronomical observation begins with Mesopotamia's early
civilizations, who recognize and name significant constellations (patterns generated by stars in the
galaxy) just after 3000 BC. Similarly, Mesopotamian astronomers identified the five wandering stars,
which, along with the sun and moon, make up the seven original 'planets' (Greek for 'wanderers').
The Babylonians are the first famous astronomers in Mesopotamia, flourishing from the 18th
century BC. Their number system gives rise to the minutes and seconds of current astronomical
measurement. The Babylonians are also responsible for the development of the beneficial concept
of the zodiac. The Babylonians realized that splitting the zodiac - the constellations along which the
sun and planets appear to move as they transit through the skies - into recognized and equal
segments can be used to calculate celestial time. To represent these segments, they chose twelve
constellations, several of which having animal names. Constellations are linked to seasons by the
zodiac, and constellations have their own set of gods. As a result, the supernatural influence idea is
blended with scientific observations of star locations. The concept of the zodiac is beneficial to both
astronomers and astrologers.
Today our way and purpose of learning is more advanced and civilized. We now study not just for
enculturation and improving our day-to-day task but also for entertainment, hobbies, passion,
awareness, to help, gain deeper knowledge, and etc. Today there are a lot of private and public
educational institutions, though some are still being managed by religious institutions, others are
now handled by the government and private companies. Today we now rarely see a priest teaching a
certain field of study, because it is now handled by professional practitioners who finished the same
field of study. The priests today even though they are still influential, they now have a limited or
minimal appearance in politics and other matters other than their vocation and profession if they
have. Also, from basic reading, writing, religion, scribes, priests, law, medicine, and astrology, we
now offer programs for arts, culture, history, managing business, sports, technology, and etc.
depending on our interests. Centuries following the discoveries in ancient writing, hieroglyphs and
Hieratic had created a comprehensive set of characters. We now have different forms of writing
which includes alphabet which has only 26 characters. Education has become much more accessible
because to technological advancements. There were no books early civilization, and very few had
access or money to educational opportunities. Individuals travel from a very far educational
institutions in order to receive an education. Today, almost all of information are now available at
our fingertips, and formal learning opportunities are available anywhere in the world thanks to the
technology that we have. Technology plays a vital role in our learning and/or educational
advancements, from marking clays and tablets, we now have different papers, cellphones, laptops,
computers, and different gadgets that helps us relay our message easier. As a result of technology
improvements, communication and collaboration options have also improved. Students in the same
classroom or building have traditionally collaborated in the classroom. Previously unimaginable
types of activity, communication, and collaboration are now possible because to technological