EHS ECE PRESCHOOL LESSON PLANS PLANS WRITTEN BY: AGE GROUP: THEME: TITLE OF ACTIVITY: In what area of the room will this take place? DEVELOPMENTAL GOALS: (minimum 3- and write these out) • • • PA EARLY LEARNING STANDARDS: (minimum 2) Include the standard and the indicator- words and numbers. • • DEVELOPMENTAL AREA: CURRICULUM AREA(S): (Use the terms from your CDA book) LEARNING OBJECTIVE: (3 parts) MATERIALS NEEDED: MOTIVATION/INTRODUCTION: PROCEDURES: (List in detail!!) OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS: (Minimum 3 and approximately when to ask them?) CLOSURE: (Summarize the activity) TRANSITION: RESOURCE(S): BACK-UP ACTIVITY: *Is this lesson DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE? Yes/No Explain…