GRADE 4 PEACE DAY CELEBRATION – SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 Sing as a class: “Teaching Peace” song - Watch or read the story, “The Peace Book” by Todd Parr Peace Day activities: Choose 1 activity 1) Writing – choose 1 from the 5 prompts below: • What makes you feel peaceful? • Why is it important to have Peace Day? • Write a poem about what it sounds like, feels like and looks like to be peaceful. • How can we teach people to be peaceful? • Describe peace in five words. 2) Write what peace means to you on one heart, then stick some coloured streamers or crepe paper on the heart. Fan out the other heart templates at the top to create this gorgeous peace mobile to hang in your house. 3) Reach out to someone who has angered or upset you, or someone you don't like very much. Either send them peaceful thoughts or actually make amends with them. (Extension: Resolve to create a more peaceful life with yourself and evaluate your relationships. Ask yourself: are there people around you who cause you stress or make you angry? Can you look at these relationships and see if they can change for the better? Can you sit down with him or her and resolve to bring more peace to your lives?) 4) Watch “The Breadwinner” on Netflix with your family. Make a card for one of the characters in the story.