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022201800028 Minaton Naja

A final project report presented to
the faculty of Engineering
Minaton Naja
In partial fulfilment
of the requirements of the degree
Bachelor of science in Civil Engineering
President University
September 2021
MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh is one of the schools located in the business district and near government
offices of Meulaboh City, precisely in the area of Manek Roo road. MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh has
910 students and 44 teachers. The arrival of students and teachers will increase the number of
vehicles passing through the street. If the traffic volume to MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh and the traffic
volume on the Manek Roo road proceed simultaneously, it will cause the traffic volume to reach
a peak. The purpose of this research is to determine the amount of travel from the school entrance
time to the school location, define the characteristics of the vehicles used on the Manek Roo road
and the vehicles entering the school location, determine the contribution of the traffic impact to
the existence of the school, and find the solution deemed appropriate plan.
The survey type used in this study is the traffic counting method, and the survey site is located in
Manek Roo road. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach, a manual calculation based
on the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines. A survey conducted on September 10, 2021,
found that the number of trips to MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh was 260 vehicles, with 484 students and
teachers. The vehicle that is widely used on the road to school is characterized by motorcycles and
cars. This happens because the school is located in the city center and on the route to the local
government office. In addition, the admission time of MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh is 8.00 WIB, while
the peak time of Manek Roo road occurs after the admission time.
In addition, the value of the Degree of Saturation (DJ) obtained is ? with the value of the Road
Service Level Index (ITP) ?, which is characterized by the stable flow. Still, the speed of operation
is started to be limited by traffic conditions. Thou there is no need to set school hours.
Keyword: Peak Volume, School Trip Attractiveness, Road Capacity.
Table of Contents
Abstract........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Background ............................................................................................................................... 11
Objectives and Benefits ............................................................................................................ 13
Objectives........................................................................................................................... 13
Benefits ............................................................................................................................... 13
Scope of Problem....................................................................................................................... 13
Writing System .......................................................................................................................... 14
Literature Review ............................................................................................................................. 15
Definition of Traffic .................................................................................................................. 15
Traffic Management ................................................................................................................. 15
Local Area Traffic Control Management ....................................................................... 16
Integrated Traffic Area Control Management System ................................................. 16
School Traffic Control Management............................................................................... 17
Traffic characteristics ............................................................................................................... 18
Trip Generation ........................................................................................................................ 20
2.5 Road Classification ......................................................................................................................... 23
2.6 Road Performance .......................................................................................................................... 24
2.7 Population and Sample ................................................................................................................... 27
Research Method .............................................................................................................................. 29
3.1 Methodology .................................................................................................................................... 29
3.1.1 Identification of Problem......................................................................................................... 31
3.1.2 Literature Review .................................................................................................................... 31
3.1.3 Data Collection Survey ............................................................................................................ 31
3.1.4 Survey Location ....................................................................................................................... 32
3.1.5 Analysis Stage ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.1.6 Survey and Research Tools ..................................................................................................... 33
3.1.7 Conclusions and suggestions ................................................................................................... 33
3.2 Final Project Implementation Timeframe .................................................................................... 33
Praise Gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, with His Power and Mercy, for giving authors
health and longevity so that they are given fluency in completing this research. Shalawat and
greetings also hopefully pour out abundantly on the Prophet Muhammad SAW; hopefully, we get
mediation at the end of the day.
This final project is one of the requirements for students of the Civil Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering, President University to complete their undergraduate education (S1).
In completing this thesis, the author was guided and assisted by various parties:
1. Parents and family who always pray for and encourage from the beginning of the author's
study until now.
2. Mr. Dr. Ir. B. M. A. S Anaconda Bangkara, M.T., M.S.M. And Mr. Ir. Prihartono,
M.Eng.Sc. As a supervisor in this final project who has provided guidance and motivation
in completing this thesis.
3. Mr. Anggoro Wisaksono, S.T., M.BA. as an Academic Advisor who always provides
guidance and advice to the author while studying Civil Engineering to complete this final
4. Lecturers of Civil Engineering at President University who have provided knowledge and
guidance during the author's study.
5. Civil Engineering colleagues at the President University class of 2018 who also prayed for
and helped until the completion of this final project.
6. Last but not least, I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all
this hard work. I want to thank me for having no days off. I want to thank me for never
quitting. I want to thank me for always been a giver and trying to give more than I receive.
I want to thank me for trying to do more right than wrong. I want to thank me for just being
me at all times.
The author realizes that there are still shortcomings and mistakes in writing this final project
that the author is not aware of. Therefore, the writer expects constructive criticism and
suggestions for this final project.
Finally, the author hopes that this final project can benefit the development of science in the
field of Civil Engineering.
Meulaboh, xx
September 2021
Minaton Naja
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
The technological development at this time has had an impact on the process of
travel/movement. The journey that takes place between two places is the result of the process
of moving needs. The location that meets these needs is not one place but is distributed
according to the heterogeneity of land use, thereby generating travel demand. One of the
essential things in travel is transportation.
There are many kinds of needs that require travel. For example, travel is to meet the needs of
work, education, and entertainment. According to each area, the form of travel will be different.
The difference in travel within an area is affected by the characteristics of individual travelers
in the study area.
At this time, education has become a basic need that must be met to create the prosperity and
welfare of social life. Travel that meets educational needs is included in the category that meets
basic needs. Therefore, public and private education development has become a significant
factor in meeting this academic demand.
To support the process of meeting these needs, a system for planning appropriate transportation
facilities and infrastructure is required. This is because the characteristics of each student's
journey are different. The choice of mode affects student travel. Unlike students who live far
away from school, students who live far away often choose an efficient or practical way of
walking to school. Some of the students decided on a particular mode to pick them up
The existence of the educational area will also result in the attraction of travel and an increase
in the volume of traffic. This will affect the performance of the roads traversed to get to the
educational area. As a result, traffic jams often occur on roads in the school area caused by
people who do not obey traffic signs. Another cause is public transportation that usually stops
carelessly and private vehicles that take their children to school.
The problem that occurs is on the streets around the school area. Schools located on the edge
of the main road will also cause road congestion problems, especially in front of the school.
The number of vehicles that take students to school with different arrival directions and the
road condition in front of the school will cause a traffic problem. In addition, the large volume
of traffic on the main road also makes it difficult for students to cross the street to go to school.
This condition is the same as the traffic conditions on the road in front of MTs Negeri 3
Meulaboh. MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh is located in the center of Meulaboh, which is in the
corridor of Jalan Manek Roo. Jalan Manek Roo is the main road that connects various areas
such as commercial areas and district government office areas. This also causes the magnitude
of the travel pull that occurs on the road.
The road in front of MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh has a heavy traffic flow. The existence of public
transportation such as city transportation, pedicab, private vehicles, and motorcycles is the
cause of the density. Another problem is seen when students get off across the school location.
When crossing to school, it will have an impact on passing vehicle traffic. In addition, the
speed of vehicles on the main road is also relatively high.
Gambar 1.1 Location Plan of MTsN 3 West Aceh
The picture above is a floor plan of the research location that was carried out. It can be seen
that MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh is located in the corridor of Manek Roo Street. Manek Roo Street
has two lanes in 2 different directions with a nearby intersection.
The first thing that needs to be done is to analyze the traffic volume on the road in front of
MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh and analyze the attraction of the trip only to the school. So that later
the calculation of the characteristics of the use of vehicles that pass on the Manek Roo road
will be obtained along with the characteristics of the vehicles that go to the school.
Furthermore, it is analyzed the relationship between the peak volume of vehicles on the Manek
Roo road and the volume of vehicles going to MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh. This research was
conducted so that it can be used as a reference for setting school hours based on the level of
traffic volume on a road segment in order to avoid peak hours of traffic density on these roads
and reduce traffic problems that will arise later. For this reason, this Final Project has been
1.2 Objectives and Benefits
1.2.1 Objectives
The research objectives of this final project are:
Identify the number of trips to MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh.
Knowing the characteristics of the type of vehicle to MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh.
Identify the traffic volume due to the activities of MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh.
Identify the contribution of the impact of school activity schedules on traffic
5. Identify the performance of the access road to MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh.
1.2.2 Benefits
The benefits obtained from this research are:
1. Provide an overview of the traffic flow conditions around MTs Negeri 3
2. Consider policies on roads that can be given so as not to cause traffic problems
in the MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh area.
1.3 Scope of Problem
To limit the scope of the discussion, this study was conducted with the following
1. This study discusses Traffic Volume Analysis based on the pull that occurs on the
Manek Roo road due to the existence of MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh.
2. The survey activity was carried out in September 2021.
3. The collection of data taken is the Traffic Counting (TC) method. The data taken
in primary data with manual calculation methods and secondary data obtained
from the Ministry of Transportation and PKJI sites (2014).
4. Traffic counting data were taken at 2 locations, namely traffic entering MTs
Negeri 3 Meulaboh and traffic on Jl. Manek Roo Meulaboh for 110 minutes at
7.10 – 08.00 WIB.
1.4 Writing System
To produce excellent and directed writing, the flow of writing this final project is divided
into several chapters which discuss the following:
1. Introduction
This chapter explains the background, research objectives, problem boundaries,
and the systematics of writing the final project report (thesis).
2. Literature Review
Contains the basic theory of traffic, traffic management, local area traffic
control management, integrated traffic control area management system, traffic
control management in schools, generation and attraction of movement, traffic
volume, traffic capacity, degree of saturation, level of service, population and
3. Research Method
Includes procedures for obtaining data in the field and contains methods and
stages in analyzing data obtained by conducting vehicle surveys.
4. Results and Discussions
This chapter describes the implementation and data collection techniques and
the presentation of survey results obtained during field research.
5. Conclusions and Recommendation
This chapter contains the conclusions obtained based on the results of data
analysis, and there are also suggestions from the author in writing this final
2. Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Traffic
Traffic is the movement of vehicles and people in the road traffic space. Meanwhile, road
traffic space is an infrastructure for the movement of vehicles, people, or goods on roads
and supporting facilities. (Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 of 2009)
Traffic and road transport is a unified system consisting of traffic, road transport,
traffic and road transport networks, traffic and road transport infrastructure, vehicles,
drivers, road users, and their management.
Traffic management and engineering is a series of businesses and activities that
include planning, procurement, installation, regulation, and maintenance of road
equipment facilities in the context of realizing, supporting, and maintaining security,
safety, order, and traffic smoothness. (Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 of 2009)
Traffic management and engineering are carried out in the following ways:
1. Determination of the priority of mass transportation through the provision of special
lanes or lanes or roads.
2. Giving priority to pedestrian safety and comfort;
3. Providing facilities for people with disabilities;
4. Separation or segregation of traffic flow movements based on land use, mobility, and
5. Integration of various modes of transportation;
6. Traffic control at intersections;
7. Control of traffic on roads; and/or protection of the environment.
2.2 Traffic Management
Traffic management is the processing and control of traffic flow by optimizing the use of
existing infrastructure to expedite the movement system and provide convenience to traffic
efficiently in the use of road space.
Traffic management includes planning, regulating, monitoring, and controlling traffic
activities. Traffic planning activities include inventory and evaluation of service levels,
determination of desired service levels, traffic problem solving, and preparation of
implementation programs.
Meanwhile, traffic control activities include determining traffic policies on specific
networks or road sections. (Article 2 of Government Regulation No. 43 of 1993 concerning
Road Infrastructure and Traffic).
2.2.1 Local Area Traffic Control Management
Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) is an arrangement of level traffic meetings
between two or more roads in a particular area to improve traffic movement performance,
traffic safety and overcome congestion and traffic conflicts at intersections. Local Area
Traffic Management schemes are often introduced more in enhancing the quality of life for
residents than for traffic reasons. (Palmerstone North City Council, 2003).
Traffic volume and high speed on residential roads can affect:
a. Increase the risk of accidents.
b. The occurrence of unnecessary use of traffic, resulting in increased traffic noise,
and restricted pedestrian movement on the road.
c. Convenience will be disrupted due to delays in entering the traffic flow.
From several studies/research on the handling of Local Area Traffic Management
(LATM) that have been carried out, among others are as follows: (Endri, Yossyafra, and
Hendra Gunawan, 2014)
a. Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) for Jalan Pakubuwono, South Jakarta,
namely by making simple arrangements forbidding right-turning traffic,
improving the geometry of the intersection, creating a traffic island/steering
island, and changing the median of the road.
b. Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) in the residential area of Wyndham
City is carried out to reduce the number of traffic accidents and speeding actions
in the form of speed restrictions.
c. Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) of Bribane city by implementing mode
and route efficiency to minimize traffic impact on residential environment.
d. Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) for the city of Charles Sturt by
determining several roads in the town to be a one-way street to minimize traffic
congestion in the city.
e. Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) for the city of Sydney gives priority to
traffic on main roads and makes modifications to intersections.
2.2.2 Integrated Traffic Area Control Management System
The Integrated Traffic Area Control Management System (Area Traffic Control System /
ATCS) is a highway traffic control system using traffic lights. The traffic light settings at
each intersection are coordinated, so that road users get minimum delays. The
implementation of ATCS or coordinated traffic lights will increase movement efficiency
and increase the capacity of intersections to serve traffic, shorter travel times, reduced
accident risk for motorists, and higher safety for pedestrians and user comfort.
Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) is a coordinated traffic control system in an area,
region, area, and region. According to the Guidelines for Highway Capacity Manual
America 2000 in the Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering by Ronal Merza
Saputra (2014), ATCS is divided into three parts, namely:
1. Unresponsive ATCS
Using a Traffic Signaling Tool (APILL) operated in a fixed setting based
on survey data without any synchronization with the actual traffic rate at
the intersection.
2. Semi-responsive ATCS
Using vehicle detectors at APILL and synchronizing based on actual
traffic at the relevant intersection, there is no comprehensive and
coordinated traffic management in all regions (regions).
3. Fully responsive ATCS
It has an APILL control center connected to a computer and is equipped
with a tool to record the movement of traffic flows in the form of a
detector so that the program for adjusting the headlights can vary.
The functions of the Area Traffic Control System are as follows:
a. Can time the signal at the intersection so that the use of the road
gets the minimum delay.
b. Give priority to the green light at the intersection.
c. In certain circumstances, giving the green light to essential
vehicles such as ambulances, fire engines, and others.
d. Delivering alternative information on trajectories and traffic
e. Provide traffic data records, accident events, and other events at
2.2.3 School Traffic Control Management
Traffic management and safety concerns around schools Children and young people are at
risk in the road environment around schools and colleges because they are smaller and less
visible to drivers. Their behavior is more unpredictable than adults, and they may make
mistakes when dealing with traffic problems. Because their cognition and perception
ability combined with their very active behavior puts them in a high-risk situation in the
street environment, especially in the case of high traffic. Shared responsibility for road
safety means that a solution to a road traffic safety problem, and sometimes a combination
of approaches or solutions will give the best results.
Road safety varies from person to person, and sometimes a combination of methods or
solutions will produce the best results. The road safety methods of the four Es in different
schools may require other solutions to solve the same road safety problem. The most
appropriate solution for a particular school may involve a combination of engineering,
educational measures, enforcement, and encouragement (the four E's to achieve the
expected results).
1. Engineering = implementation of such maintenance as pedestrian crossings,
bus stops, and other measures
2. Educational = In addition to standard road safety, the education curriculum
also plays an essential role, including educating children not to cross the
road and good behavior on the road.
3. Enforcement = It can involve a campaign by police to reduce speed and
action by parking attendants to reduce illegal and dangerous parking
activities. These measures should ideally be supported by appropriate
education through school bulletins.
4. Encouragement = it is intended to change the behavior of parents and
children (e.g., crossing at a specified crossing point).
Safety issues that arise for many schools can be caused by road users (e.g., excessive speed,
poor parking behavior, risky crossing behavior) or by problems in the road environment
(e.g., poor views, inadequate parking spaces, inadequate crossings). ). Maximizing safety
around schools depends on addressing the road infrastructure and the behavior of the
people who use it.
Key factors that contribute to traffic safety in local schools are:
a) Traffic speeds should be kept low - a maximum speed limit of 40
km/h during school hours should be enforced.
b) Crossing facilities for children must be located securely and signed.
c) There should be a road located on the school side of the road for
students walking or cycling to school either from home or from the
bus stop or where they are picked up or dropped off.
d) There should be adequate parking spaces that allow children to be
dropped off and collected safely.
e) The school requires sufficient parking space for staff, parents, and
visitors to comply with Area Plan requirements and ensure no
spillover impact on drop-offs/pick-ups.
f) The level of congestion around schools must be appropriately
managed. Traffic circulation should be good so that vehicles travel
in a direction that allows for drop-off and pick-up at roadside
g) Visibility should be adequate for all road users entering and leaving
the parking area so that students and vehicles can see each other at
entrances, intersections, and crossings near the parking area.
2.3 Traffic characteristics
Traffic flow is a complex phenomenon. It is enough with just a cursory observation that
when we drive on a toll road (freeway), we can know that when traffic flow increases, the
speed will generally decrease. Speed will also decrease when vehicles tend to gather
together for whatever reason. (Khisty & Lall, 2005: 114)
According to Lay (in Khisty & Lall, 2005: 114-115), traffic flow is a stochastic process
with random variations in vehicle and driver characteristics and their interactions. This
statement requires further explanation. It is common to construct models of reality. The
variation in probability is ignored or averaged, where any known input will give an output
that can be predicted precisely. Another situation is to account for random variations in the
model and then look at the probabilities of the outcomes. This method of creating a
stochastic model considers variations between possible results, not just average results.
Some general definitions and terms in traffic flow characteristics (Ministry of Public
Works, 2014):
1. Traffic Flow/ Volume (Q)
The number of motorized vehicles passing a point on the road per unit time,
expressed in vehicles/hour (Qkend), cur/hour (Qskr), or LHRT (Annual
Average Daily Traffic).
2. Motorcycle (SM)
Motorized vehicles with 2 or 3 wheels (including motorcycles and 3wheeled vehicles according to the Bina Marga classification system).
3. Light Vehicle (KR)
Motor vehicles with two axles of four wheels, the length of the vehicle is
not more than 5.5m with a width of up to 2.1m, including sedans,
minibusses (including angkot), microbuses (including mikrolet, oplet,
metromini), pick-ups, and small trucks.
4. Heavy Vehicle (KB)
Motorized vehicles with two or more axles, 6 or more wheels, 12.0m or
more in length and up to 2.5m in width, including large buses, 2 or 3 axles
(tandem) large trucks, outboard trucks, and trailer trucks.
5. Non-Motorized Vehicles (KTB)
Vehicles that do not use motors and move are pulled by people or animals,
including bicycles, trishaws, push carts, and carts.
6. Light Vehicle Equivalence (ekr)
Unit uniformity factor of several vehicle types is compared to KR
concerning its effect on mixed flow characteristics (for passenger cars or
light vehicles with the same chassis having ekr = 1.0)
7. Capacity (C)
Maximum traffic flow in acres/hour can be maintained along certain roads
under certain conditions, including geometric, environmental, and traffic.
8. Degree of Saturation (DS)
The ratio of traffic flow to capacity. Note: Usually calculated hourly.
9. Kereb
The raised boundary is a rigid and hard material, usually made of concrete
or stone which is located between the outer edge of the road body and the
Tabel 2.1. Light Vehicle Equivalent (Ekr) for Road Type 2/2TT
Two-way traffic flow (kend/jam) Ekr
Road Type
Traffic lane width
≤6 m
>6 m
Source: Ministry of Public Works, 2014
Tabel 2.2. Light Vehicle Equivalent (Ekr) for Split and One-Way Roads
Road Type
Traffic flow per lane Ekr
2/1, and 4/2T <1050
3/1, and 6/2D <1100
Source: Ministry of Public Works, 2014
2.4 Trip Generation
Trip Generation is a modeling stage that estimates the number of movements originating
from a zone or land use and the number of movements attracted to land use or site.
Traffic movement is a land-use function that results in traffic movement. This awakening
includes (Tamin, 2000):
1. Traffic leaving the location.
2. Traffic going to or arriving at a location
Gambar 2.1. Movement Generation and Pull
Source: Wells, 1975 in Tamin, 2000
The output from the calculation of traffic generation and pull is the number of vehicles,
people, or goods transported per unit time, for example, vehicles/hour. We can easily count
the number of people or vehicles entering or leaving a certain area of land in one day (or
one hour) to get the pull and movement generation. The generation and pull depends on
two aspects of land use:
1. Type of land use.
2. The number of activities and intensity of land use.
According to Khisty (in Kumalasari, 2011) Land use analysis is a practical way to study
activities that cause trip generation because travel patterns (routes and traffic flows) are
influenced by transportation networks and land use arrangements.
(Warpani 1990: 111) said, several factors affect trip generation, including:
a) Income Level
The level of family income is a characteristic associated with a person's
travel. This factor is a continuous variable; Although some income groups
are the same, family income is closely related to the number of vehicle
b) Vehicle Owner
This other social characteristic is a continuous variable. Vehicle ownership
is closely related to individual trips (per housing unit) and population
density, family income level, and travel distance.
c) House Structure and Size
This one factor is a factor related to individual movement behavior. This
factor is closely associated with family income level, type of housing/house,
population density, vehicle ownership, destination, and purpose of the trip.
d) Land Value and Residential Area Density
Land values and density of residential areas are only often used for the
purpose of zoning studies.
e) Travel Purpose
The purpose of the trip is a social characteristic of a journey of a group of
people who travel together (for example in public transportation) may have
the same purpose. Still, their intentions may be different, for example,
someone who wants to work, shop, and travel. So the purpose of the trip is
a factor that is not evenly distributed in one travel group.
f) Travel Time
This factor is a continuous variable because it plays a vital role in
determining traffic volume for 24 hours during weekdays and determines
the percentage of specific traffic volumes during peak hours.
g) Travel Mode
The mode of travel can be said as the other side of the purpose of the trip,
which is often used to classify types of trips. This variable is a physical
factor and is not continuous, and uses functions from other variables.
h) Travel Distance
This distance factor is a continuous change that applies to both human and
vehicle traffic. This factor is closely related to population density and
vehicle ownership.
i) Land Area
The land area factor is closely related to the population density of a
particular area, which shows the amount of traffic of people and goods.
2.5 Road Classification
Roads are defined as land transportation infrastructure, including all parts of the road,
including complementary buildings and equipment used for transportation, located on the
ground surface, above the ground surface, below the ground and/or water surface, and
above the water surface, except railroads, lorry roads, and cable roads. (PP RI No. 34 of
The division of roads based on their function is as follows:
1) Road functions are divided into arterial, collector, local and environmental
based on the nature and movement of road traffic and transportation.
2) The primary tissue system is divided into primary arterial, primary
collector, primary local, and primary environment.
3) The secondary tissue system is divided into secondary arterial, secondary
collector, secondary local, and secondary environments.
4) Primary arterial roads effectively connect between national activity centers
or between national activity centers and regional activity centers.
5) Primary collector roads effectively connect between national activity
centers and local activity centers, between regional activity centers, or
between regional activity centers and local activity centers.
6) Primary local roads efficiently connect national activity centers with
environmental activity centers, regional activity centers with environmental
activity centers, between local activity centers, or local activity centers with
environmental activity centers, as well as between environmental activity
7) Primary environmental roads connect between activity centers in rural areas
and streets within rural areas.
8) The secondary arterial road connects the primary area with the first
secondary area, the first secondary area with the first secondary area, or the
first secondary area with the second secondary area.
9) The secondary collector road connects the second secondary area with the
second secondary area or the second secondary area with the third
secondary area.
10) The secondary local road connects the first secondary area with housing,
the second secondary area with housing, the third secondary area, and so on
to housing.
11) Secondary neighborhood roads connect between parcels in urban areas.
The division of roads based on their status is as follows:
National roads;
Provincial roads;
District roads;
City road; and
Village road.
Road classes are grouped based on-road use, the smoothness of traffic and road transport,
and specifications for the provision of road infrastructure. The division of road classes
based on-road use and the smoothness of traffic and roads is regulated following the
provisions of laws and regulations in road traffic and transportation. The road classes based
on the specifications for the provision of road infrastructure are grouped into expressways,
highways, medium roads, and minor roads.
2.6 Road Performance
According to PKJI (2014), road segment performance can be measured based on several
parameters, including:
PKJI uses travel speed as the primary measure of road segment performance
because it is easy to understand and measure and is an essential input for road user
costs in economic analysis. Travel speed is defined in PKJI as the space average
speed of light vehicles (KR) along the road segment and is calculated using the
For :
V = Average speed of space KR (km/h)
L = Segment length (km)
TT = Average travel time of KR along the segment (hours)
The capacity of urban roads is calculated from the basic capacity. Basic capacity is
the maximum number of vehicles that can cross a cross-section on a lane or road
for 1 (one) hour in near-ideal road and traffic conditions. The amount of road
capacity can be described as follows:
𝐢 = πΆπ‘œ × FCLJ × FCPA × FCHS × FCUK (skr/hour)
C = Capacity
CO = Base capacity (cur/hour)
FCLJ = Traffic lane width adjustment factor
FCPA = Directional separation adjustment factor
FCHS = Side barrier adjustment factor
FCUK = City size adjustment factor
a. Base capacity
Tabel 2.3. Urban Road Base Capacity
Road Type
4/2T or a one-way
2/2 TT
Basic Capacity
per lane (one way)
per lane (both ways)
Source: Ministry of Public Works, 2014
b. Capacity Adjustment Factor for Traffic Lane Width (FCLJ)
Tabel 2.4. Capacity Adjustment Factor for Traffic Lane Width (FC )
Effective traffic lane width
(WC) (m)
Per lane
Total two
Road Type
4/2T or a one-way road
2/2 TT
Source: Ministry of Public Works, 2014
c. Capacity Adjustment Factor for Directional Separation (FCPA)
Tabel 2.5. Capacity Adjustment Factor for Traffic Lane Width (FC )
Separation of
FCPA 2/2 T
55-45 60-40
Source: Ministry of Public Works, 2014
d. Capacity Adjustment Factor For Side Barriers (FCHS)
Tabel 2.6. Capacity Adjustment Factor For Side Barriers (FC )
Side Barrier Class
Very Low, SR
The value of the
frequency of
occurrence (on both
sides) times the
Low, R
Urban Street
Residential Areas; road
with side road
Residential areas; some
public transportation
Average, S
High, T
Very High, ST
industrial area; some
shops on the side of the
Commercial area, high
street side activity
Commercial area with
market activity beside
the road
Source: Ministry of Public Works, 2014
e. Capacity Adjustment Factor for City Size (FCUK)
Tabel 2.6. Capacity Adjustment Factor for City Size (FC )
The adjustment factor for side resistance and
FCHS barrier distance
Side Barrier
Distance: nearest kereb-barrier LKP, m
Road Type
< 0,5
> 2,0
4/2 T
2/2 TT
Or a
Source: Ministry of Public Works, 2014
Degree of Saturation
The degree of saturation is the principal measure used to determine the performance
level of a road segment. The DS value indicates the quality of traffic flow
performance and varies from zero to one. A value close to zero indicates an
unsaturated current, which is a loose current condition where the presence of other
vehicles does not affect other vehicles. Values close to one indicate current
conditions at capacity conditions, medium current density with a particular current
speed that can be maintained for at least one hour. DS is calculated using the
𝐷𝑆 = … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
DS = Degree of saturation
Q = Traffic flow, cur/hour
C = Capacity, cur/hour
Level of Service (LoS)
Service level is a qualitative measure used in HCM 85 in the United States. It
describes the operational conditions in traffic flow and its assessment by road users
(generally expressed in terms of speed, travel time, freedom of movement, traffic
interruptions, convenience, comfort, and safety). ). (MKJI, 1997)
Tabel 2.7. LOS Value Standard
Level of Service
Free traffic flow conditions with
high speed and low traffic
The flow is steady, but the
operating speed starts to be
limited by traffic conditions
The current is stable, but the
speed of the vehicle is controlled
The current is close to stable; the
speed can still be controlled, the
V/C can still be tolerated
Unstable flow, speed sometimes
stalls, demand is approaching
Forced flow, low speed, volume
overcapacity, long queues
(traffic jam)
DS (Q/C)
Source: Ministry of Public Works, 2014
Side Barriers
Side Barriers are impacts on traffic behavior due to roadside activities such as
pedestrians, cessation of public transportation and other vehicles, vehicles entering
and leaving the side of the road, and slow vehicles. (PKJI, 2014)
2.7 Population and Sample
1) Population
The population is an area consisting of objects/subjects with specific
qualities and characteristics determined by the researcher to be studied and
then concluded. (Sugiyono, 2010:61)
2) Sample
The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the
population. (Sugiyono, 2010:62)
The Slovin formula is used to determine the minimum number of samples
that may be taken based on the total population. The following is Slovin's
formula to determine the number of samples:
1 + 𝑁𝑒 2
Information :
n = Sample size
N = Population size
e = Percentage of allowance for accuracy of sampling error that can still be
tolerated. (commonly used 1% or 0.01, 5% or 0.05, and 10% or 0.1)
3. Research Method
3.1 Methodology
The research methodology is a framework that systematically provides an overview of the
stages of work and problem solving to obtain research results. The work plan can be seen
from the flow chart in the following figure:
Identification of problems :
1. Background
2. Purpose and Benefits
3. Problem Limitation
Literature Review
Data Collection Survey
Primary data :
Secondary Data:
1. Pull Data
A. Number of Students and Teachers
2. Traffic Volume Data
B. School Entry Hours
3. Vehicle Usage Characteristics
C. Map of Study Area
D. Road Classification
Analysis and Discussion:
1. Travel Pull
2. Vehicle Usage Characteristics
3. Traffic Volume Due to School Activities
4. Road Performance
5. Policies That Need to be Implemented
Conclusions and Suggestions
Image 3.1. Work Plan Flowchart
3.1.1 Identification of Problem
Problem identification is made to find out the cause of this research. The problems that
arise will be researched, and solutions will be given to overcome them. In the
identification of the problem, there is also the purpose and benefits of doing this research.
The scope of the problem is limited to explain what analysis will be carried out.
3.1.2 Literature Review
The literature review consists of theoretical foundations and the results of other research
studies related to traffic management. At this stage, the authors searched for materials
downloaded from the internet, the previous year's student thesis, journals, and various
supporting books related to traffic management.
3.1.3 Data Collection Survey
To identify existing problems, it is necessary to collect data. Data collection is an effort
to obtain the data needed to identify issues to be analyzed and discussed following the
aims and objectives of this study.
The research was conducted by collecting data both primary data and secondary data.
Primary data is data obtained from observations in the field. In comparison, secondary
data is data obtained from previous studies and related agencies.
1. Primary Data Collection
Primary data that will be calculated in the field is the volume of traffic on the Jendral
Manek Roo road and the characteristics of vehicles that pass through the street. In
addition, it is also calculated how many vehicle trips to MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh are
caused by the journey of students and teachers at the school. In order to be able to see
the performance of the road section along with the side barriers that exist on the road
2. Secondary Data Collection
Secondary data can be obtained from previous research or agencies related to this
research. The data needed are the number of students and teachers, road
classification, road geometry, land use, study area maps, and related school admission
3.1.4 Survey Location
This research was conducted in the city of Meulaboh, namely at MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh
and on the Manek Roo road in front of MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh. The survey will be
conducted in front of MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh as shown in the circle shown in the
following figure.
3.1.5 Analysis Stage
A. Travel Drag Analysis
This is done by counting the number of vehicles traveling on the road in front of
MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh and counting how many vehicles are going to MTs
Negeri 3 Meulaboh.
B. Analysis of Vehicle Usage Characteristics
This is done by counting the number of vehicles passing on the road in front of
MTsN 3 Meulaboh based on the type of mode used and counting the number of
students who take public transportation, private vehicles, and the use of other
modes. To get the characteristics of the use of vehicles due to the trip to MTsN 3
C. Comparison of Peak Volume on Roads and Schools
This is done by analyzing the time difference at the peak volume on the Manek
Roo road and the peak volume at MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh. This study shows
how enormous the contribution of trip attraction to MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh is to
the traffic volume on Jalan Manek Roo. If the peak volume on the Manek Roo
and MTs Negeri 3 Meulaboh roads occurs at the same time, indeed MTs Negeri 3
Meulaboh will contribute to the density of traffic flows that happen on the Manek
Roo road section, Meulaboh City.
3.1.6 Survey and Research Tools
The equipment used in this research are:
Survey forms, survey boards, stationery, and other aids.
Counter to calculate the volume of classified traffic manually.
Clock and stopwatch to calculate time ranges.
Video camera for documentation tool.
A computer for data compilation and analysis.
3.1.7 Conclusions and suggestions
The conclusion contains the results of the data analysis that we have obtained from the
field survey from the study we can conclude.
Suggestions contain opinions expected by the author for further research so that further
research can run smoothly and well and obtain data or information following the plan or
3.2 Final Project Implementation Timeframe
This final project research was started after the proposal seminar was held. The research
is calculated two months after the proposal seminar, which was held in September. By
November, the research should have been completed. Graduation for the next period is in
October 2022.