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Functional Analysis: Metric & Normed Spaces, Lp Spaces

Chapter 2
Functional analysis
Xiao-Min Huang
Nov 2, 2020
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
What we will learn this chapter
What is a distance (距离)?
What is a metric space (度量空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a metric space?
What is a Cauchy sequence?
What is a normed space(赋范空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a normed space?
What are equivalent norms?
An example of Normed space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
What we will learn this chapter
What is a distance (距离)?
What is a metric space (度量空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a metric space?
What is a Cauchy sequence?
What is a normed space(赋范空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a normed space?
What are equivalent norms?
An example of Normed space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
What we will learn this chapter
What is a distance (距离)?
What is a metric space (度量空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a metric space?
What is a Cauchy sequence?
What is a normed space(赋范空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a normed space?
What are equivalent norms?
An example of Normed space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
What we will learn this chapter
What is a distance (距离)?
What is a metric space (度量空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a metric space?
What is a Cauchy sequence?
What is a normed space(赋范空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a normed space?
What are equivalent norms?
An example of Normed space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
What we will learn this chapter
What is a distance (距离)?
What is a metric space (度量空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a metric space?
What is a Cauchy sequence?
What is a normed space(赋范空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a normed space?
What are equivalent norms?
An example of Normed space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
What we will learn this chapter
What is a distance (距离)?
What is a metric space (度量空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a metric space?
What is a Cauchy sequence?
What is a normed space(赋范空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a normed space?
What are equivalent norms?
An example of Normed space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
What we will learn this chapter
What is a distance (距离)?
What is a metric space (度量空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a metric space?
What is a Cauchy sequence?
What is a normed space(赋范空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a normed space?
What are equivalent norms?
An example of Normed space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
What we will learn this chapter
What is a distance (距离)?
What is a metric space (度量空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a metric space?
What is a Cauchy sequence?
What is a normed space(赋范空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a normed space?
What are equivalent norms?
An example of Normed space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
What we will learn this chapter
What is a distance (距离)?
What is a metric space (度量空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a metric space?
What is a Cauchy sequence?
What is a normed space(赋范空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a normed space?
What are equivalent norms?
An example of Normed space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
What we will learn this chapter
What is a distance (距离)?
What is a metric space (度量空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a metric space?
What is a Cauchy sequence?
What is a normed space(赋范空间)?
What is a converging sequence in a normed space?
What are equivalent norms?
An example of Normed space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Definition: Distance Function
Let E be a set and d : E × E → R be a function.
d is a distance function on E if
i. ∀(x , y ) ∈ E × E , d(x , y ) ≥ 0;
ii. ∀(x , y ) ∈ E × E , d(x , y ) = 0 ⇔ x = y ;
iii. ∀(x , y ) ∈ E × E , d(x , y ) = d(y , x );
iv. ∀(x , y , z) ∈ E × E × E , d(x , y ) ≤ d(x , z) + d(z, y ).
(E , d) is a metric space.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Definition: Pseudodistance(伪距离) Function
Let E be a set and d : E × E → R be a function.
d is a pseudodistance function on E if
i. ∀(x , y ) ∈ E × E , d(x , y ) ≥ 0;
ii. ∀(x , y ) ∈ E × E , d(x , y ) = 0 ⇔ x = y ; ×
iii. ∀(x , y ) ∈ E × E , d(x , y ) = d(y , x );
iv. ∀(x , y , z) ∈ E × E × E , d(x , y ) ≤ d(x , z) + d(z, y ).
(E , d) is a pseudometic space.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Definition: Quadistance Function
Let E be a set and d : E × E → R be a function.
d is a quadistance function on E if
i. ∀(x , y ) ∈ E × E , d(x , y ) ≥ 0;
ii. ∀(x , y ) ∈ E × E , d(x , y ) = 0 ⇔ x = y ;
iii. ∀(x , y ) ∈ E × E , d(x , y ) = d(y , x );
iv. ∀(x , y , z) ∈ E × E × E , d(x , y ) ≤ d(x , z) + d(z, y ).
(E , d) is a quasimetric space.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Consider E = Rn with n ∈ N∗ and p ∈ [1, ∞)
dp (X , Y ) = p ∑ni=1 |Xi − Yi |p
d∞ (X , Y ) = max |Xi − Yi |
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Consider E = Rn and
d2 (X , Y ) = ∑ni=1 |Xi − Yi |2
d2 is a distance:
the Euclidean Distance Function.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Consider E ={functions from R → R defined in 0}.
For f and g in E , define d(f , g) = |g(0) − f (0)|
Is d a distance function on E ?
No, it is a pseudodistance only:
d(x 2 , x 3 ) = 0.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Consider E ={functions from R → R defined in 0}.
For f and g in E , define d(f , g) = |g(0) − f (0)|
Is d a distance function on E ?
No, it is a pseudodistance only:
d(x 2 , x 3 ) = 0.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Consider a set E .
For all x and y in E , define
d(x , y ) = 0 if x = y ;
d(x , y ) = 1 if x ̸= y ;
Is d a distance function on E ?
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Consider a set E .
For all x and y in E , define
d(x , y ) = 0 if x = y ;
d(x , y ) = 1 if x ̸= y ;
Is d a distance function on E ?
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Distance from a Point to a Set
Let E be a metric space with distance d.
Let a ∈ E .
Let X ⊆ E .
The distance between a and X is defined by
d(a, X ) = inf {d(a, X ), x ∈ X }.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
From a Metric to a Topological Space
Let E be a metric space.
Given x ∈ E .
define the open ball around x with radius r > 0 by:
Br (x ) = {y ∈ E | d(x , y ) < r }
Define a topology on E by
T = {O ⊆ E |∀x ∈ O, ∃r > 0, Br (x ) ⊆ O}.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Prove T is a topology.
T = {O ⊆ E |∀x ∈ O, ∃r > 0, Br (x ) ⊆ O}
i. 0,
/ E ∈ T.
ii. Any union of elements of T is in T .
iii. Any finite intersection of elements of T is in T .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
From a Metric to a Topological Space
Given a metric space,
we can derive an associated topological space.
It is a Normal Hausdorff Space.
Given a topological space,
we may not always find a distance
from which the topology derive.
When it is possible, the space is metrizable.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Find a topology which is not metrizable.
Trivial topology.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Find a topology which is not metrizable.
Trivial topology.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Converging Sequences
Let (X , d) be a metric space.
(now also a Hausdorff topological space)
Let (xn ) be a sequence of elements of X .
We say that (xn ) converges to l if
∀V ∈ V (l), ∃N ∈ N, n ≥ N ⇒ xn ∈ V .
It is equivalent to
∀ε > 0, ∃N ∈ N, n ≥ N ⇒ d(xn , l) < ε .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
xn = 1/n2
Prove (xn ) converges to 0.
Let ε > 0.
Let N = [1/ε 1/2 ] + 1.
Then n > N implies n > 1/ε 1/2 .
Thus 1/n2 < ε .
Thus d(xn , 0) < ε .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
xn = 1/n2
Prove (xn ) converges to 0.
Let ε > 0.
Let N = [1/ε 1/2 ] + 1.
Then n > N implies n > 1/ε 1/2 .
Thus 1/n2 < ε .
Thus d(xn , 0) < ε .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
xn = 1/n2
Prove (xn ) converges to 0.
Let ε > 0.
Let N = [1/ε 1/2 ] + 1.
Then n > N implies n > 1/ε 1/2 .
Thus 1/n2 < ε .
Thus d(xn , 0) < ε .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Definition: Completeness
In a metric space,
we call Cauchy sequence, a sequence (un ) s.t.
∀ε > 0, ∃N > 0, m > n ≥ N ⇒ d(un , um ) < ε .
A metric space X is called complete,
if all Cauchy sequences of elements of X converge.
R is complete. Q isn’t.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
xn = 1/n2
Prove (xn ) is a Cauchy sequence.
Let ε > 0.
Let N = [2/ε ] + 1.
Then q > p > N implies q > p > 2/ε implies 1/p < ε /2.
Thus |1/p − 1/q|(1/p + 1/q) ≤ 2|1/p − 1/q| < 2/p < ε .
Thus |1/q 2 − 1/p 2 | < ε .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
xn = 1/n2
Prove (xn ) is a Cauchy sequence.
Let ε > 0.
Let N = [2/ε ] + 1.
Then q > p > N implies q > p > 2/ε implies 1/p < ε /2.
Thus |1/p − 1/q|(1/p + 1/q) ≤ 2|1/p − 1/q| < 2/p < ε .
Thus |1/q 2 − 1/p 2 | < ε .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Let xn = [10n 2]/10n .
x0 = 1.
x1 = 1.4.
x2 = 1.41.
x3 = 1.414.
(xn ) is a Cauchy
Its limit is 2.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Definition: Norm
Let E be a vector space and N : E → R a function.
N is a norm on E if
i. ∀x ∈ E , N(x ) = 0 ⇔ x = 0.
ii. ∀(x , λ ) ∈ E × R, N(λ x ) = |λ |N(x ).
iii. ∀(x , y ) ∈ E × E , N(x + y ) ≤ N(x ) + N(y ).
Assertions (ii) and (iii) imply N(x ) ≥ 0 for all x in E .
(E , N) is a normed vector space.
N(x ) is usually noted ||x ||E or simply ||x ||.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Definition: Seminorm
Let E be a vector space and N : E → R a function.
N is a seminorm on E if
i. ∀x ∈ E , N(x ) = 0 ⇔ x = 0. ×
ii. ∀(x , λ ) ∈ E × R, N(λ x ) = |λ |N(x ).
iii. ∀(x , y ) ∈ E × E , N(x + y ) ≤ N(x ) + N(y ).
Nevertheless, assertions (ii) implies N(x ) = 0.
(E , N) is a seminormed vector space.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Examples of norms
Consider E = ℓ∞ ={bounded sequences}.
For u in E , define N(u) = sup{|ui |, i ∈ N}
N(u) iff u = 0.
N(λ u) = |λ |N(u), for any real number λ .
N(u + v ) ≤ N(u) + N(v ).
(E , N) is a normed space.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Examples of norms
Consider E = Rn with n ∈ N∗ and p ∈ [1, ∞).
||X ||p =
∑ |Xi |p = dp (X , 0).
||X ||∞ = max = d∞ (X , 0).
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Consider E = {functions from R to R defined in0}.
For f in E , define N(f ) = d(f , 0) = |f (0)|.
Is N a norm on E ?
No. It is a seminorm only:
||x 2 || = 0.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Consider E = {functions from R to R defined in0}.
For f in E , define N(f ) = d(f , 0) = |f (0)|.
Is N a norm on E ?
No. It is a seminorm only:
||x 2 || = 0.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
From a Normed to a Metric Space
Let (E , N) be a normed space.
Given x and y in E ,
define d(x , y ) = N(y − x )
(E , d) is a metric space.
The unit open ball associated to the norm is
B = B(0, 1) = {x ∈ E | N(x ) < 1}.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
From a Normed to a Metric Space
Let (E , N) be a normed space.
Given x and y in E ,
define d(x , y ) = N(y − x )
(E , d) is a metric space.
The unit open ball associated to the norm is
B = B(0, 1) = {x ∈ E | N(x ) < 1}.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
From a Normed to a Metric Space
Let (E , N) be a normed space.
Given x and y in E ,
define d(x , y ) = N(y − x )
(E , d) is a metric space.
The unit open ball associated to the norm is
B = B(0, 1) = {x ∈ E | N(x ) < 1}.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
From a Normed to a Metric Space
Let (E , N) be a normed space.
Given x and y in E ,
define d(x , y ) = N(y − x )
(E , d) is a metric space.
The unit open ball associated to the norm is
B = B(0, 1) = {x ∈ E | N(x ) < 1}.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
From a Normed to a Metric Space
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
From a Normed to a Metric Space
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
From a Normed to a Metric Space
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
From a Normed to a Metric Space
Given a normed space,
we can derive an associated metric space
d(x , y ) = ||x − y ||.
Given a metric space,
It may not be a linear space.
Even if it is a linear space,
There may be no norm inducing the distance.
For example: d(x , x ) = 0 and d(x , y ) = 1 for x ̸= y .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
From a Normed to a Metric Space
Given a normed space,
we can derive an associated metric space
d(x , y ) = ||x − y ||.
Given a metric space,
It may not be a linear space.
Even if it is a linear space,
There may be no norm inducing the distance.
For example: d(x , x ) = 0 and d(x , y ) = 1 for x ̸= y .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Topological, Metric and Normed Vector Spaces
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Converging Sequences
Let (X , N) be a normed space.
Let (xn ) be a sequence of elements of X .
We say that (xn ) converges to l if
∀ε > 0, ∃N ∈ N, n ≥ N ⇒ xn ∈ Bε (l).
It is equivalent to
∀ε > 0, ∃N ∈ N, n ≥ N ⇒ ||xn − l|| < ε .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Remember last chapter?
The norm is a continuous function.
|N(xn ) − N(l)| ≤ N(xn − l) = d(xn , l)
If (xn ) converges to l then N(xn ) converges to N(l).
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Definition: Strength of a Norm
Let E be a vector space.
Na is stronger than Nb if
there exists a non-negative constant Ca
Such that for all x in E ,
Nb (x ) ≤ Ca Na (x ).
The balls of Na can be included in the balls Nb .
(after a possible homothetic transformation)
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Definition: Norm Equivalence
Let E be a vector space.
Na and Nb are equivalent if
there exists two non-negative constant C1 and C2
Such that for all x in E ,
C1 Na ≤ Nb (x ) ≤ C2 Na (x ).
Norms are equivalent iff:
associated balls can be included in one another.
(after a possible homothetic transformation)
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Norm Equivalence
Let E be a finite-dimensional vector space.
All norms on E are equivalent.
Let E be a finite-dimensional vector space.
There is only one topology induced by the norms.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
The usual topology of Rn
There is only one topology induced by the norms.
It is called the usual topology of Rn .
What do the open sets look like?
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Norm Equivalence
Br (x ) = {y ∈ X | ||x − y || < r }
T = {O ⊆ E | ∀x ∈ O, ∃r > 0, Br (x ) ⊆ O}
A stronger norm will provide a stronger topology.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
We will consider Ω an open set of Rn
equipped with the Lebesgue measure.
The set of Lebesgue-integrable functions from
Ω to R will be noted L1 (Ω) or simply L1 when
no confusion is possible. Functions that are equal
almost everywhere ∫are "identified".
We note: ||f ||L1 = Ω |f (x )|dx .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
We note Lp the set of measurable functions.
from Ω to R whose p-th power belongs to L1 (Ω).
Functions equal almost everywhere are identified.
We note Lp when no confusion is possible.
We note ||f ||Lp = ||f ||p =
Ω |f (x )| dx .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
We note L∞ (Ω) the set of measurable functions.
from Ω to R for which there exists a real number C .
s.t. for almost every x in Ω, |f (x )| ≤ C .
Functions equal almost everywhere are identified.
We note L∞ when no confusion is possible.
We note ||f ||L∞ = ||f ||∞ = inf{C , |f (x )| ≤ C a.e.on Ω}.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Let p ∈ [1, ∞].
A function f belongs to Lploc (Ω) when
f 1K belongs to Lp (Ω) for every compact K ⊆ Ω.
(1K is the characteristic function of K :
1K (x ) = 1 if x ∈ K and 0 otherwise)
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Let p ∈ [1, ∞].
We call Hölder conjugate (or dual index) of p,
the number p ′ = 1 + 1/(p − 1) so that 1/p + 1/p ′ = 1
(if p = 1 then p ′ = ∞ and p = ∞ then p ′ = 1)
Note that the Hölder conjugate of 2 is 2.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Norm on Lp
Proposition (Hölder’s inequality)
Let p ∈ [1, ∞] and p ′ be its Hölder conjugate.
Let f ∈ Lp and g ∈ Lp .
Then fg ∈ L1 and ||fg||1 ≤ ||f ||p ||g||p ′ .
Let p ∈ [1, ∞].
|| × ||p is a norm on Lp .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Interpolation Inequality
Let {fi , i ∈ I}be a family functions with fi ∈ Lpi .
and 1/p = ∑ 1/pi ≤ 1.
Then ∏ fi ∈ Lp (Ω) and || ∏ fi ||p ≤ ∏ ||fi ||pi .
If f ∈ Lp ∩ Lq ,
then f ∈ Lr for any r s.t. p ≤ r ≤ q.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Approximation of π
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Q is dense in R
Approximation of π
There exist a and b in Q with
|b − a| as small as desired (but not 0)
such that a < π < b.
For any x in R
There exist a and b in Q with
|b − a| as small as desired (but not 0)
such that a < x < b.
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Let (x , d) be a metric space.
Y ⊆X
Y is dense in X if
for all x ∈ X and for all ε > 0,
there exists y ∈ Y s.t. d(x , y ) < ε .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Let (x , d) be a metric space.
Y ⊆X
Y is dense in X if
for all x ∈ X there exists a sequence (yn ) of
elements of Y converging to x .
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Chapter 2
What we will learn this chapter
Distance Function
Underlying Topology in a Metric Space and Completeness
Convergence in a Metric Space and Completeness
Normed Vector Spaces
Underlying Metric and Topology in a Normed Space
An Example of a Normed Space: Lp
Thank you for your attention!
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