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Econ 218: Statistics for Economists Course Outline

Prof. W. Mikhail
Fall 2011
Econ. 218
Statistics for Economists
Recommended Texts:
Main Text:
- Webster, Allen L., Applied Statistics for Business and Economics,
3rd edition, McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1998.
- Doane, David P. and Seward, Lori, Applied Statistics in Business and
Economics, second edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwiu, 2009.
Other Texts:
- Freund, J.E.; Williams, F.J.; and Perles, B.M., Elementary Business
Statistics: The Modern Approach, 6th edition, Prentice-Hall
International Editions.
- Keller, G., Warrack, B., and Bartel, H., Statistics for Management and
Economics, 3rd edition, Duxbury Press, 1994.
Prof. W. Mikhail
Fall 2011
Course Outline:
Estimation :
 Point Estimation and Interval Estimation
 The Desirable Properties of Estimators
Sampling Distributions :
Variance and Standard Error of the Sampling Distribution
Effect of the Sample Size
The Central Limit Theorem
The Sampling Distribution of Proportions
Interval Estimation :
 Intervals for the Population Mean.
 Intervals for Population Proportions
 Determination of Appropriate Sample Size
Testing Hypotheses :
Critical Regions
Two-Tailed Tests for μ
One-Tailed Tests for μ
Interpretation of p-values
Tests for π
Two Population Tests :
Interval Estimates with Independent Sampling
Interval Estimates with Paired Sampling
Intervals for the Difference between Two Proportions
Tests about Two Means
Tests with Paired Data
Tests for the Difference between Two Proportions
Analysis of Variance :
 One-Way Analysis of Variance
 Two-Way Classification Analysis
Simple Regression and Correlation :
Correlation Analysis
Ordinary Least Squares
Estimating the Linear Regression Model
Testing the Coefficients
The Chi-Square and Other Nonparametric Tests
 Chi-Square Distribution
- Goodness-of-Fit Tests
- Contingency Tables
 The Sign Test
 Mann-Whitney U Test
First Exam:
Second Exam:
Monday 10 October, 2011
Thursday 10 November, 2011