Tut 5 OMRRAY001 1 C 2 9 3 C 4 Workers 5 6 Totalcost TotalProduct 5 100 MC The an 120 8 DO 00 30 marginal increase in cost is the quantity 126.67 per perhour cost attributed change in produced surfboard perunit So increasing production from 5 to 8 surfboards additional surfboard costRb67 per 5 9 Decreasing returns been doubled 601 to scale The inputs have but output This is not hasonly increased by economies of scaleas dis we do not know what has happend to costs b necesarily Per unit costs 398 are 9 528 neither economies not changing as output perunit 120.25 dieconomies of scale My answer from a is unaffected to increases 6 9 2 I b 4 Total ProductTotalfixedcostTotalvariablecottarTotal cost Labour 40 as 652 35 2558 356855 43 15 go 40 40 40 on 40 b 406 46 4012 52 5840 18 24 This is achieved by gg 64 increasing AryCost MarginalCost ÉÉ1 75 643 8 1.66 149 workers from 0.6 9 4 t to 2