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2020, IEP

Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Meeting Notice
Tammy Kaplan
Student's Name:
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Letter Dates:
Date Sent To Participants:
This is to notify you that an IEP team meeting has been scheduled for the above student. Your participation and attendance at this
meeting are very important. This IEP meeting must be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time and place. The purpose of this meeting
is to (check all that apply):
X Review Current IEP
X Discuss Graduation
___ Review Instructional Needs
___ Review Placement
___ Discuss Attendance Issues
___ Functional Behavioral Assessment
___ Review of Existing Data
This meeting has been scheduled for:
___ Discuss Transition Services
___ Discuss Annual Goal Progress
___ Consider Termination of Services
___ Develop ESY IEP
___ Behavioral Intervention Plan
___ Discuss transition/post-secondary goals
___ Other:
Date ____________
Time _____________
10:30 AM
Location __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Smithfield High School
The following are invited to attend and participate in the IEP meeting:
Special Education Teacher
General Education Teacher
Tammy Kaplan, Parent
School Counselor
* If the purpose of the meeting includes the development of transition services needs (beginning at age 14 or younger) the student will be
invited. If the purpose of the meeting is the consideration of needed transition services (beginning at age 16 or younger) the student and
representatives of the following agencies will be invited:
The parent/adult student or school division may invite individuals who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the student,
including related services personnel, to participate. The determination of the knowledge or special expertise shall be made by the
person/party extending the invitation. If you, the parent or adult student, are bringing other individuals to the meeting, please let us
know. This will ensure that the meeting space will accommodate all team members.
If you have any questions or would like additional information or assistance to help you prepare for this IEP meeting, please contact
Marcie Spoonhoward at 357-3108, e-mail mspoonho@iwcs.k12.va.us.
Meeting Notice
Page 1
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Meeting Notice
Date of IEP meetings:
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
To the Parent/Student
Marcie Spoonhoward
Please check your choice. Detach and return this section to __________________________________
Fax ___________________
WILL ATTEND the IEP meeting as scheduled.
CANNOT ATTEND the IEP meeting as scheduled.
I understand the importance of attending. You may hold this meeting in my absence.
Please consider rescheduling this meeting.
(month/day/year)______________________ at (time/place)_______________________________________.
Please contact me at _________________________ to determine a mutually agreeable date, time, and place for this
IEP meeting.
I can participate by an alternate method (Select an option below).
Individual or Conference Telephone Call
I give permission to proceed without a meeting.
No response - Will proceed with meeting.
Would like my preferences, interests, concerns shared with the IEP team.
I will provide my input to you by: ___ Mail, ___ Telephone, ___ other means ________________ prior to the meeting.
I will need the following accommodations for this IEP meeting:
Signature ________________________________ Date _________________ Date received by the school ________________
Meeting Notice
Page 2
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Meeting Notice (Student)
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Student's Name:
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Letter Dates:
Date Sent To Participants:
This is to notify you that an IEP team meeting has been scheduled for the above student. Your participation and attendance at this
meeting are very important. This IEP meeting must be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time and place. The purpose of this meeting
is to (check all that apply):
X Review Current IEP
X Discuss Graduation
___ Review Instructional Needs
___ Review Placement
___ Discuss Attendance Issues
___ Functional Behavioral Assessment
___ Review of Existing Data
This meeting has been scheduled for:
___ Discuss Transition Services
___ Discuss Annual Goal Progress
___ Consider Termination of Services
___ Develop ESY IEP
___ Behavioral Intervention Plan
___ Discuss transition/post-secondary goals
___ Other:
Date ____________
Time _____________
10:30 AM
Location __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Smithfield High School
The following are invited to attend and participate in the IEP meeting:
Special Education Teacher
General Education Teacher
Tammy Kaplan, Parent
School Counselor
* If the purpose of the meeting includes the development of transition services needs (beginning at age 14 or younger) the student will be
invited. If the purpose of the meeting is the consideration of needed transition services (beginning at age 16 or younger) the student and
representatives of the following agencies will be invited:
The parent/adult student or school division may invite individuals who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the student,
including related services personnel, to participate. The determination of the knowledge or special expertise shall be made by the
person/party extending the invitation. If you, the parent or adult student, are bringing other individuals to the meeting, please let us
know. This will ensure that the meeting space will accommodate all team members.
If you have any questions or would like additional information or assistance to help you prepare for this IEP meeting, please contact
Marcie Spoonhoward at 357-3108, e-mail mspoonho@iwcs.k12.va.us.
Meeting Notice (Student)
Page 3
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Meeting Notice (Student)
Date of IEP meetings:
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
To the Parent/Student
Marcie Spoonhoward
Please check your choice. Detach and return this section to __________________________________
Fax ___________________
WILL ATTEND the IEP meeting as scheduled.
CANNOT ATTEND the IEP meeting as scheduled.
I understand the importance of attending. You may hold this meeting in my absence.
Please consider rescheduling this meeting.
(month/day/year)______________________ at (time/place)_______________________________________.
Please contact me at _________________________ to determine a mutually agreeable date, time, and place for this
IEP meeting.
I can participate by an alternate method (Select an option below).
Individual or Conference Telephone Call
I give permission to proceed without a meeting.
No response - Will proceed with meeting.
Would like my preferences, interests, concerns shared with the IEP team.
I will provide my input to you by: ___ Mail, ___ Telephone, ___ other means ________________ prior to the meeting.
I will need the following accommodations for this IEP meeting:
Signature ________________________________ Date _________________ Date received by the school ________________
Meeting Notice (Student)
Page 4
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Cover Page
Student's Name:
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Student ID Number:
Disability(ies) (if identified):
Parent/Guardian Name:
Home Address:
Grade: 9
Tammy Kaplan
501 Pagan Rd
Smithfield, VA23430
Phone # (H):
Phone # (W):
Most recent Eligibility date
Most Recent Re-evaluation
Next Re-evaluation
Date of Plan meeting
Copy of Plan given to parent/student by (Name):
Marcie Spoonhoward
IEP Teacher/Manager:
This IEP will be reviewed no later than this date
Date parent notified of Plan meeting
Date student notified of Plan meeting
(if transition will be discussed)
Marcie Spoonhoward
Phone Number:
The Individualized Education Program (IEP) that accompanies this document is meant to support the positive process and team
approach. The IEP is a working document that outlines the student's vision for the future, strengths and needs. The IEP is not written in
isolation. The intent of an IEP is to bring together a team of people who understand and support the student in order to come to
consensus on a plan and an appropriate and effective education for the student. No two teams are alike and each team will arrive at
different answers, ideas and supports and services to address the student's unique needs. The student and his/her family members are
vital participants, as well as teachers, specialists, outside service providers, and the principal. When all team members are present, the
valuable information shared supports the development of a rich student profile and education program.
Participants Involved:
The list below indicates that the individual participated in the development of this Plan and the placement decision; it does not
authorize consent. Parent or student (age 18 or older) consent is indicated on the "Prior Notice/Consent" page.
Name of Participant
Special Education Teacher
General Education Teacher
Tammy Kaplan
School Counselor
* The student must be informed at least one year prior to turning 18 that the IDEA procedural safeguards (rights) transfer to
him/her at age 18 and be provided with an explanation of those procedural safeguards.
Date informed: 12/08/2020
If the parent did not attend, what method was used to ensure their participation:
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Cover Page
Page 5
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Secondary Transition
I. Documentation of Transition Assessments
Are the postsecondary goals based upon age-appropriate formal and informal transition assessments?
If yes, identify these assessments in the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance or indicate which
age-appropriate transition assessments were conducted for development of measurable postsecondary goals and transition activities, as
well as the date they were conducted:
Formal and Informal Assessments (list name of assessment and date administered):
II. Transition Goals
Postsecondary Education
Elizabeth expressed no interest in postsecondary education. Elizabeth communicated in writing that she had no interest.
Describe how the student's courses of study support attainment of this postsecondary goal:
Elizabeth will be enrolled in academic courses 2017-208 to meet the requirements for a standard diploma which include Math,
English, Social Science, Science, and CTE courses that meet her interests.
Receive support with test-taking skills
Agency Name:
Local Education Agency (LEA)
Postsecondary Training
Elizabeth documented no interest in post secondary training.
Describe how the student's courses of study support attainment of this postsecondary goal:
Elizabeth will be enrolled in courses during the 2018-2019 school year that will lead to her earning a standard diploma which
include: Math, English, History, Science, and CTE courses that meet her interests and preferences.
Receive support with time management skills
Agency Name:
Local Education Agency (LEA)
Elizabeth expressed in writing no interest in employment.
Describe how the student's courses of study support attainment of this postsecondary goal:
Elizabeth will be enrolled in courses during the 2017-2018 school year that will lead to her earning a standard diploma which
include: Math, English, History, Science, and CTE courses that meet her interests and preferences.
Secondary Transition
Page 6
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Secondary Transition
Follow written/picture list of duties/chores
Agency Name:
Local Education Agency (LEA)
Independent Living
Considered, but not appropriate at this time
III. Transition Details
Elizabeth answered in writing that she currently has no interest in part time employment and post secondary at this time.
Secondary Transition
Page 7
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Factors for IEP Team Consideration
Student's Name:
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Student ID Number:
Meeting Date:
During the IEP meeting the following factors must be considered by the IEP team. Best practice suggests that the IEP team document
that the factors were considered and any decision made relative to each. The factors are addressed in other sections of the IEP if not
documented on this page.
1. Results of the initial or most recent evaluation of the student;
Broad Reading 104
Broad Math 75
Broad Writing 108
Oral Language 76
Listening Comprehension 70
Total Achievement 101
Elizabeth’s scores on the WJ-III fell in the average to low average range.
Visual Motor Integration Quotient 103
General Visual Perception 104
Handwriting rubric
Elizabeth scored an 11 out of 25 with a weakness noted in sizing, spacing and placement.
Verbal Index 82
Nonverbal Index 95
Memory Index 89
2. The strengths of the student;
Elizabeth's non-verbal working memory abilities fall in the above average range and is a relative strength for
Math is a relative strength for Elizabeth when she applies her strategies on test and quizzes. She performs
well in the Number Worlds program. She will work in the book on single concepts at a time, independently.
Elizabeth enjoys drawing and coloring pictures and activities that include these skills.
Elizabeth verbally communicates to her peers and adults (in her home environment) that she feels comfortable
with. She has a diagnosis of selective mutism. Elizabeth will use alternative communication means (device,
ipod, writing, etc) only with prompts/cues from a teacher.
3. The academic, developmental, and functional needs of the student;
Elizabeth does not interact in general education classes. She will often draw and ignore teacher directions.
4. The concerns of the parent(s) for enhancing the education of their child;
Parent is an active participant with her daughters educational planning.
5. The communication needs of the student;
Elizabeth verbally communicates to her peers and adults (in her home environment) that she feels comfortable
with. She has a diagnosis of selective mutism. Elizabeth will use alternative communication means (device,
ipod, writing, etc) only with prompts/cues from a teacher.
6. The student’s needs for benchmarks or short-term objectives;
Short term objectives are used when needed.
7. Whether the student requires assistive technology devices and services;
Not at this time.
Factors for IEP Team Consideration
Page 8
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Factors for IEP Team Consideration
In the case of a student whose behavior impedes his or her learning or that of others, consider the use of positive behavioral
interventions, strategies, and supports to address that behavior;
Behavior is not an issue at this point.
9. In the case of a student with limited English proficiency, consider the language needs of the student as those needs relate to the
student's IEP;
English is her first language.
10. In the case of a student who is blind or is visually impaired, provide for instruction in Braille and the use of Braille unless the IEP
team determines after an evaluation of the student's reading and writing skills, needs, and appropriate reading and writing media,
including an evaluation of the student's future needs for instruction in Braille or the use of Braille, that instruction in Braille or the
use of Braille is not appropriate for the student; When considering that Braille is not appropriate for the child the IEP team may use
the Functional Vision and Learning Media Assessment for Students who are Pre-Academic or Academic and Visually Impaired in
Grades K-12 (FVLMA) or similar instrument;
Student is not blind or visually impaired. She does wear corrective lenses.
11. In the case of a student who is deaf or hard of hearing, consider the student's language and communication needs, opportunities for
direct communications with peers and professional personnel in the student's language and communication mode, academic level,
and full range of needs, including opportunities for direct instruction in the student's language and communication mode. The IEP
team may use the Virginia Communication Plan when considering the student's language and communication needs and supports
that may be needed.
Student is not deaf or hard of hearing.
12. Extended School Year (ESY)
The IEP team considered the following in determining ESY eligibility: regression/recoupment of skills, degree
of progress, emerging skills/breakthrough opportunities, interfering behaviors, nature and severity of the
disability, and special circumstances or other factors. It is the consensus of the IEP team that Elizabeth
does not meet eligibility requirements for ESY services.
Factors for IEP Team Consideration
Page 9
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance
Student's Name: Elizabeth
Student's Number: 26164
Meeting Date:
D. Kaplan
The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance summarize the results of assessments that identify the
student's interests, preferences, strengths and areas of need. It also describes the effect of the student's disability on his or her
involvement and progress in the general education curriculum, and for preschool children, as appropriate, how the disability affects the
student's participation in appropriate activities. This includes the student's performance and achievement in academic areas such as
writing, reading, math, science, and history/social sciences. It also includes the student's performance in functional areas, such as
self-determination, social competence, communication, behavior and personal management. Test scores, if included, should be
self-explanatory or an explanation should be included, and the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
should be written in objective measurable terms, to the extent possible. There should be a direct relationship among the desired goals, the
Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance, and all other components of the IEP.
Student's Strengths
Elizabeth's non-verbal working memory abilities fall in the above average range and is a relative strength for
Math is a relative strength for Elizabeth when she applies her strategies on test and quizzes. She performs well
in the Number Worlds program. She will work in the book on single concepts at a time, independently.
Elizabeth enjoys drawing and coloring pictures and activities that include these skills.
Elizabeth verbally communicates to her peers and adults (in her home environment) that she feels comfortable with.
She has a diagnosis of selective mutism. Elizabeth will use alternative communication means (device, ipod,
writing, etc) only with prompts/cues from a teacher.
Student's Areas of Need
Elizabeth does not interact in general education classes. She will often draw and ignore teacher directions.
Elizabeth shows no interest in her general education classes. In her academic skills class she will listen to
stories read aloud and answer comprehension questions. She will read silently and complete related activities.
Elizabeth feels more comfortable in a smaller setting.
Effect of disability on Student
On November 20,2018, the IEP committee met and determined that Elizabeth remains a student with a disability.
Specifically, Elizabeth is a student with Autism and displays behaviors associated with the disorder. She also
displays a significant discrepancy between her verbal and nonverbal reasoning skills. She displays average
nonverbal skills and below average verbal skills.
A review of the Reynolds Intellectual Ability Scale (RIAS) conducted on July 6, 2010 indicated Elizabeth displays
statistically significant discrepancy between her verbal and nonverbal reasoning skills. She displays average
nonverbal reasoning abilities and below average verbal reasoning abilities. Elizabeth demonstrates above average
nonverbal working memory, where as her verbal working memory falls in the significantly below average range. The
Verbal Intelligence Index (VIX) standard score of 82, fell within the "Below Average" range. The Nonverbal
Intelligence Index (NIX) standard score of 95, fell within the "Average" range. The Composite Memory Index (CMX)
standard score of 89, fell within the "Below Average" range indicating similar development of skills in both
verbal and nonverbal memory.
A review of the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition (GARS-2) conducted on August 4, 2010 indicated that
the probability of autism is very likely. Mrs. Kaplan, (parent) expressed that verbally reported that Elizabeth
has a medical diagnosis of Autism evaluated by her pediatrician. Elizabeth does display significant behaviors
related to deficits in social interactions, communication, and stereotyped behaviors.
On 2/3/2016 Elizabeth was administered the Norris Educational Achievement Test (NEAT) Word Recognition sub-test
and she scored a standard score lower than 65 with a percentile rank below the 1st percentile. Due to her
deficits in decoding skills she qualifies for the read aloud accommodations in all subject areas.
Elizabeth was administered the Picture Span task from the WISC-V which allowed her to respond non-verbally and
provides comparable information. She scored a 105 on the task. Though she did show some difficulty with sequencing
at the upper limits of her memory capacity she showed sufficient memory as compared to peers.
Behavior and Socio/Emotional Performance:
Elizabeth is selective mutism. She can be verbal when she is interested in a topic or displays strong feelings
when she is around her peers. Elizabeth exhibits behaviors in class where she is often drawing instead of
completing her independent assignments. Elizabeth becomes easily upset and frustrated and defiant when support is
offered. She has difficulty concentrating and completing required tasks. Elizabeth often avoids making eye
contact and is frustrated by changes in her routine. Elizabeth has difficulty with social situations. She needs to
work on acknowledging an interaction initiated by others by giving an appropriate response, either verbally or
Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance
Page 10
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance
Attention/Focus: Elizabeth has difficulty staying focused and on task during whole and small group instruction and
when completing independent assignments.
Academic Performance
Elizabeth has no high school SOL scores. Her grades do not reflect what she can do. She does not participate in
her classes. She will draw and do her own thing even with several prompts to join in. The more you push or try
to include her the more she becomes withdrawn.
Algebra I: 30
Academic Skills: 94
PE 10: 35
English 9: 50
American Reading Company: She is currently on white level which is grade 3. She will read silently and complete
activities for the read. Then there are times when she refuses to complete the work. All her work is written and
she has labored writing. Her spelling is phonetic and often incorrect. It is hit and miss with journal writing.
She likes to make lists and easy answer journals. She does not use paragraphs but will use simple sentences.
I-Ready Diagnostic Tests: She has refused to complete the tests.
Still trying to get her to complete them.
It is difficult to get to know what she comprehends or knows due to the fact that she will not communicate with
me. She will show me her drawings if I ask her. She will hide the drawings at times as well.
Functional Performance
The services described in this IEP are designated for implementation in a school and/or remote location. The IEP
services designated for implementation in a specific location will be available to Elizabeth Kaplan on the days
Elizabeth Kaplan is administratively assigned by the school division to that location during the regular school
year. The assignment of Elizabeth Kaplan to a location for IEP implementation may vary during the course of the
school year based on the ability of the school division to offer services in the particular location. If, during
the school year, the School Board, as a result of a health emergency or other concerns, changes the number of days
per week that Elizabeth Kaplan is assigned to attend instruction at school, then the IEP services designated for
delivery in a school location will be adjusted to align with the number of days that the Elizabeth Kaplan is
assigned to attend instruction at school.
If the School Board increases the number of days per week that Elizabeth Kaplan is assigned to attend school, then
the IEP services designated for delivery in school will increase proportionately, and conversely the IEP services
designated for remote instruction will decrease proportionately. The opposite situation may also occur if the
School Board decreases the number of days per week that Elizabeth Kaplan is assigned to attend school.
Despite any other statement in the IEP to the contrary, the IEP services will not be implemented, and the school
division has no obligation to make-up any missed services, on days when the school division does not offer
instruction, whether virtually or in-person, for reasons such as inclement weather, closures due to teacher
unavailability, pandemics, health emergencies, the Elizabeth Kaplan’s illness, the Elizabeth Kaplan’s inability to
participate for safety or health reasons, holidays, partial days, partial weeks, and teacher planning days. The
IEP services will also not be provided during the summer months unless services are specified for Elizabeth Kaplan
in the Extended School Year section of the IEP.
By signing and granting consent to this IEP, the parent(s)/guardian(s) grant consent for the adjustment of IEP
services between the school and remote locations based on the School Board’s: assignment of Elizabeth Kaplan to a
location for IEP implementation; the School Board’s decision to open and close school buildings or classrooms;
and/or the availability of specific services at a particular location. The parent(s)/guardian(s) are further
granting consent to adjusting the means of delivery of instruction (in-person vs. telephonically or virtually),
without holding an IEP meeting before implementing such a change in methodology. Nothing prevents the
parent(s)/guardian(s) or school staff from requesting an IEP meeting to discuss amendments/revisions to the IEP.
Services: Virtual
(S)Reading @ 40 minutes per week
(S)Writing @ 30 minutes per week
(S) Math @ 30 minutes per week
(S) Behavior @ 15 minutes per week
Services: Hybrid
(S)Reading @ 50minutes per week
(S)Writing @ 40 minutes per week
(S)Math @ 40 minutes per week
(S) Behavior @ 20 minutes per week
Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance
Page 11
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Diploma and Transition Status
Student's Name:
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Student ID Number:
Discuss at least annually, more often as appropriate. This student is a candidate for a(n):
X Applied Studies Diploma
Advanced Studies Diploma
Certificate of High School Equivalency Exam
Certificate of Program Completion
GAD (General Achievement Diploma)
Modified Standard Diploma*
X Standard Diploma
Not Discussed
Projected Graduation/Exit Date:____________________
Is the student projected to graduate/exit school this year? X No
If yes, inform the student and parents that a Summary of Performance will be provided prior to graduating/exiting school.
It has been determined that the student is eligible to use credit accommodations to obtain the Standard Diploma.
If yes, the signed participation criteria form and supporting documentation must be completed and made available upon request.
* The Modified Standard Diploma will not be an option for students with disabilities who enter the ninth grade for the first
time after 2012 – 2013.
Special education and related services end upon receiving an Advanced Studies Diploma, or Standard Diploma. If the student receives a
Modified Standard Diploma, Applied Studies Diploma, Certificate of Program Completion, a GAD or a Certificate of High School
Equivalency Exam, the student remains entitled to a free appropriate public education through age 21. If the student will graduate with
an Advanced or Standard Diploma during the term of the IEP, prior written notice must be completed.
Summary of Performance
Will the student be graduating with a Standard, Technical, or higher level diploma or exceeding the age of eligibility this year?
X No
If yes, a Summary of Performance must be provided to the student prior to graduating or exceeding the age of eligibility.
Interagency Release of Information Form
Is there a current signed (by parent or adult student) release of confidential information on file with the school?
X No
If no, discuss form for transition planning with student and family.
Diploma and Transition Status
Page 12
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Student's Name: Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Date: 12/08/2020
Student ID Number: 26164
Disability Autism
Measurable Annual Goal: Math
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will after instruction, increase from 3rd to 4th grade level the ability to
select and apply mathematical operations in a variety of contexts at 70% accuracy for problems within the
domains listed in the objectives.
The IEP team considered the need for short-term objectives/benchmarks.
X Short-term objectives/benchmarks are included for this goal. (Required for students participating in the VAAP)
Short-term objectives/benchmarks are not included for this goal.
Does this annual goal help the student make progress towards a postsecondary goal?
If YES, which Postsecondary goal?
How will progress toward this goal be measured? (check all that apply)
Criterion-referenced test
Norm-referenced test
X Tests and quizzes
Classroom Participation
Data Collection
Written Reports
Report of Student Progress*:
3 weeks
9 weeks
X Classwork
Special Projects
4.5 weeks
6 weeks
Progress of Goals:
Progress on this goal will be reported using the following codes.
- The student has Mastered this annual goal.
- The student demonstrates Emerging Skill but may not achieve this annual goal within the duration of this IEP.
- The student is making Sufficient Progress to achieve this annual goal within the duration of this IEP.
- The student is making Insufficient Progress to achieve this annual goal and may not do so within the duration of this IEP.
- The student has Not been provided Instruction on this annual goal.
*Progress reports will be provided at least as often as parents are informed of the progress of their children without disabilities.
Short Term Objectives or Benchmarks
Objective/Benchmark #:
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will solve addition problems for combining, joining or comparison situations
with 80% accuracy.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Page 13
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
80% accuracy
Evaluation method:
Other evaluation method:
Objective/Benchmark #:
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will identify fractions (1/2, 1/4, 3/4,) as parts of a whole using pictures
with 70% accuracy.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
70% accuracy
Evaluation method:
Other evaluation method:
Objective/Benchmark #:
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers with 70% accuracy.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
70% accuracy
Evaluation method:
Other evaluation method:
Objective/Benchmark #:
Number Operations
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will know multiplication facts through 9 times 9 with 70% accuracy. with 70$
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
70% accuracy
Evaluation method:
Other evaluation method:
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Page 14
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Measurable Annual Goal: Reading: Comprehension
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will improve her reading comprehension skills from the 3rd grade level to the
4th grade level with least a 75% accuracy on teacher made assessments and checkpoint assessments.
The IEP team considered the need for short-term objectives/benchmarks.
X Short-term objectives/benchmarks are included for this goal. (Required for students participating in the VAAP)
Short-term objectives/benchmarks are not included for this goal.
Does this annual goal help the student make progress towards a postsecondary goal?
If YES, which Postsecondary goal?
How will progress toward this goal be measured? (check all that apply)
Criterion-referenced test
Norm-referenced test
X Tests and quizzes
Classroom Participation
Data Collection
Written Reports
Report of Student Progress*:
3 weeks
9 weeks
X Classwork
Special Projects
4.5 weeks
6 weeks
Progress of Goals:
Progress on this goal will be reported using the following codes.
- The student has Mastered this annual goal.
- The student demonstrates Emerging Skill but may not achieve this annual goal within the duration of this IEP.
- The student is making Sufficient Progress to achieve this annual goal within the duration of this IEP.
- The student is making Insufficient Progress to achieve this annual goal and may not do so within the duration of this IEP.
- The student has Not been provided Instruction on this annual goal.
*Progress reports will be provided at least as often as parents are informed of the progress of their children without disabilities.
Short Term Objectives or Benchmarks
Objective/Benchmark #:
Reading Comprehension
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will use reading strategies (highlight, context clues, re-read paragraphs,
and look back into passage) to answer questions correctly on grade level passages.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
100% of the time
Evaluation method:
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Page 15
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Other evaluation method:
Objective/Benchmark #:
Reading Comprehension-context clues
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will use context clues to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
Evaluation method:
Other evaluation method:
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Page 16
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Measurable Annual Goal: Reading: Decoding
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will increase her reading decoding skills by achieving at least 80% accuracy
in word recognition on a third grade passage in 3 out of 4 attempts.
The IEP team considered the need for short-term objectives/benchmarks.
X Short-term objectives/benchmarks are included for this goal. (Required for students participating in the VAAP)
Short-term objectives/benchmarks are not included for this goal.
Does this annual goal help the student make progress towards a postsecondary goal?
X No
If YES, which Postsecondary goal?
How will progress toward this goal be measured? (check all that apply)
Criterion-referenced test
Norm-referenced test
Tests and quizzes
Classroom Participation
X Data Collection
Written Reports
Report of Student Progress*:
3 weeks
9 weeks
Special Projects
X Other: Informal Classroom
4.5 weeks
6 weeks
Progress of Goals:
Progress on this goal will be reported using the following codes.
- The student has Mastered this annual goal.
- The student demonstrates Emerging Skill but may not achieve this annual goal within the duration of this IEP.
- The student is making Sufficient Progress to achieve this annual goal within the duration of this IEP.
- The student is making Insufficient Progress to achieve this annual goal and may not do so within the duration of this IEP.
- The student has Not been provided Instruction on this annual goal.
*Progress reports will be provided at least as often as parents are informed of the progress of their children without disabilities.
Short Term Objectives or Benchmarks
Objective/Benchmark #:
Reading Decoding
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will apply phonetic strategies and break words apart to decode words while
reading to increase her accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
80% accuracy
Evaluation method:
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Page 17
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Other evaluation method:
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Page 18
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Measurable Annual Goal: Social /Focus Development
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will display productive school behaviors by following classroom routines
during each class period with no more than 3 verbal reminders by her teacher.
The IEP team considered the need for short-term objectives/benchmarks.
X Short-term objectives/benchmarks are included for this goal. (Required for students participating in the VAAP)
Short-term objectives/benchmarks are not included for this goal.
Does this annual goal help the student make progress towards a postsecondary goal?
X No
If YES, which Postsecondary goal?
How will progress toward this goal be measured? (check all that apply)
Criterion-referenced test
Norm-referenced test
Tests and quizzes
X Classroom Participation
Data Collection
X Observation
Written Reports
Report of Student Progress*:
3 weeks
9 weeks
Special Projects
4.5 weeks
6 weeks
Progress of Goals:
Progress on this goal will be reported using the following codes.
- The student has Mastered this annual goal.
- The student demonstrates Emerging Skill but may not achieve this annual goal within the duration of this IEP.
- The student is making Sufficient Progress to achieve this annual goal within the duration of this IEP.
- The student is making Insufficient Progress to achieve this annual goal and may not do so within the duration of this IEP.
- The student has Not been provided Instruction on this annual goal.
*Progress reports will be provided at least as often as parents are informed of the progress of their children without disabilities.
Short Term Objectives or Benchmarks
Objective/Benchmark #:
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will will begin assignments immediately and work for at least 15 minutes
with no more than one verbal reminder.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
15 minutes
Evaluation method:
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Page 19
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Other evaluation method:
Objective/Benchmark #:
Social Development
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will appropriately acknowledge an interaction initiated by others by giving
an appropriate response, either verbal or non-verbal in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
4 out of 5 opportunities
Evaluation method:
Other evaluation method:
Objective/Benchmark #:
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will seek assistance ask for help and or seek additional information when
given visual prompts to do so in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
4 out of 5 opportunities
Evaluation method:
Other evaluation method:
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Page 20
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Measurable Annual Goal: Written Expression
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will improve her writing skills to obtain a score of 75% on assigned writing
The IEP team considered the need for short-term objectives/benchmarks.
X Short-term objectives/benchmarks are included for this goal. (Required for students participating in the VAAP)
Short-term objectives/benchmarks are not included for this goal.
Does this annual goal help the student make progress towards a postsecondary goal?
X No
If YES, which Postsecondary goal?
How will progress toward this goal be measured? (check all that apply)
Criterion-referenced test
Norm-referenced test
X Tests and quizzes
Classroom Participation
Data Collection
X Observation
X Written Reports
Report of Student Progress*:
3 weeks
9 weeks
Special Projects
4.5 weeks
6 weeks
Progress of Goals:
Progress on this goal will be reported using the following codes.
- The student has Mastered this annual goal.
- The student demonstrates Emerging Skill but may not achieve this annual goal within the duration of this IEP.
- The student is making Sufficient Progress to achieve this annual goal within the duration of this IEP.
- The student is making Insufficient Progress to achieve this annual goal and may not do so within the duration of this IEP.
- The student has Not been provided Instruction on this annual goal.
*Progress reports will be provided at least as often as parents are informed of the progress of their children without disabilities.
Short Term Objectives or Benchmarks
Objective/Benchmark #:
Written Expression
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will demonstrate the ability to write a paragraph on topic with a topic
sentence, 2 or more detail sentences and a conclusion sentence.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
Evaluation method:
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Page 21
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Other evaluation method:
Objective/Benchmark #:
Written Expression-Editing
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will be able to edit her writing for proper capitalization, and punctuation.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
Evaluation method:
Other evaluation method:
Objective/Benchmark #:
Written Expression-graphic organizer
By 12/07/2021, Elizabeth D. Kaplan will generate ideas before writing with the use of a graphic organizers such
as a four square, web, and/or list.
Proficiency (Baseline)
Mastery Criteria:
100% of the time
Evaluation method:
Other evaluation method:
Measurable Annual Goals and Objectives
Page 22
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Services - Least Restrictive Environment - Placement
Student's Name:
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Student ID Number:
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE):
When discussing least restrictive environment and placement options, the following must be considered:
- To the maximum extent appropriate, the student is educated with children without disabilities.
- Special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of the student from the regular educational environment occurs only if the
nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be
achieved satisfactorily.
- The student's placement should be as close as possible to the child's home and unless the Individual Education Plan of the student
with a disability requires some other arrangement, the student is educated in the school that he or she would attend if he or she did
not have a disability.
- In selecting the LRE, consideration is given to any potential harmful effect on the student or on the quality of services that he/she
- The student with a disability shall be served in a program with age-appropriate peers unless it can be shown that for a particular
student with a disability, the alternative placement is appropriate as documented by the IEP.
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE):
When discussing FAPE for this student, it is important for the IEP Team to remember that FAPE may include, as appropriate:
Educational Programs and Services
Proper Functioning of Hearing Aids
Assistive Technology
Non-academic and Extracurricular Services and Activities
Physical Education
Extended School Year Services
Length of School Day
Identify the service(s), including frequency, duration, and location, that will be provided to or on behalf of the student in order
for the student to receive a free appropriate public education (see above). These services are the special education services and, as
necessary, the related services, supplementary aids and services, assistive technology, supports for personnel, accommodations and/or
modifications*, and extended school year services* the student will receive that will address area(s) of need as identified by the IEP
team. Address any needed transportation and physical education services including accommodations and/or modifications.
The student's services as described will be provided in accordance with scheduled delivery by staff. Services are not provided or
compensated for on days the school is closed for any reason (holiday/weather) and may not be provided during a partial day.
(S) Math
100.00 Minutes /
1.00 Times
Special Ed
12/08/2020 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 12/07/2021
(S) Reading
120.00 Minutes /
1.00 Times
Special Ed
12/08/2020 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 12/07/2021
Special Education
Services - Least Restrictive Environment - Placement
Page 23
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Services - Least Restrictive Environment - Placement
(S) Writing
100.00 Minutes /
1.00 Times
Special Ed
(S) Behavior
45.00 Minutes /
1.00 Times
Special Ed
12/08/2020 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 12/07/2021
12/08/2020 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 12/07/2021
* These services are listed on the "Accommodations/Modifications" page and "Extended School Year Services" page, as needed.
Medical Limitations/Concerns:
Nursing Services Required:
Consent for Medicaid Billing:
Not Medicaid
X Special
No single model for the delivery of services to any population or category of children with disabilities is acceptable for meeting the
requirement for a continuum of alternative placements. All placement decisions shall be based on the individual needs of each student.
The team may consider placement options in conjunction with discussing any needed supplementary aids and services,
accommodations/modifications, assistive technology, and supports for school personnel. In considering the placement continuum
options, check those the team discussed. Then, describe the placement selected in the PLACEMENT DECISION section below.
Determination of the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and placement may be one or a combination of options along the continuum.
Placement Continuum Options Considered:
X Regular School Setting
Private Day School
Private Residential School
Homebased Placement
Correctional Education Program
Public Separate School
Public Residential School
Homebound Placement
Hospital Program
Placement Decision: Regular School Setting
Based upon identified services and the consideration of least restrictive environment (LRE) and placement continuum options, describe
in the space below the placement. Additionally, summarize the discussions and decision around LRE and placement. This must include
an explanation of why the student will not be participating with students without disabilities in the general education class(es),
programs, and activities. Attach additional pages as needed.
Explanation of Placement Decision:
Services - Least Restrictive Environment - Placement
Page 24
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Services - Least Restrictive Environment - Placement
For the 2020-2021 school year, Elizabeth Kaplan’s parent opted for Elizabeth Kaplan to receive instruction on a face-to-face
continuum. Such decision reflects consent for the adjustment of IEP services between the traditional school, hybrid and
temporary remote locations based on the School Board’s current decision.
Services will be maintained as reflected on the service page of the IEP during traditional instruction. Hybrid instruction
represents a reduction of direct instruction from 5 days a week to 2 days a week. The temporary remote model represents a
reduction of 32 hours per week to 9 hours per week. Services will be reduced proportionately.
Special Education services are provided when schools are in session and Elizabeth Kaplan is in attendance on the date and
time of scheduled service delivery.
Related services, if indicated in the IEP, are provided when schools are in session and Elizabeth Kaplan is in attendance on
the date and time of scheduled serviced delivery.
Services - Least Restrictive Environment - Placement
Page 25
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Student's Name:
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Student ID Number:
This student will be provided access to the general education, special education, other school services and activities including
non-academic activities and extracurricular activities, and education related settings:
with no accommodations/modifications
with the following accommodations/modifications
Accommodations/Modifications provided as part of the instructional and testing/assessment process will allow the student equal
opportunity to access the curriculum and demonstrate achievement. Accommodations/Modifications also provide access to
non-academic and extracurricular activities and educationally related settings. Accommodations/Modifications based solely on the
potential to enhance performance beyond providing equal access are inappropriate.
Accommodations/Modifications may be in, but not limited to, the areas of time, scheduling, setting, presentation, and response. The
impact of any accommodations/modifications listed should be discussed.
Accommodations/Modifications (please list, as appropriate):
Instructional Setting
Duration m/d/y to m/d/y
Extended time up to 50 percent
Graded Assignments
General Education
12/08/2020 - 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 - 12/07/2021
Read aloud, or audio, or text
reader-RAC required for Reading
Small group testing
Quizzes, Tests,
Checkpoints & SOL
Math, Science,
History, Reading,
Reading, Science,
History, Writing,
Resource Classes
Math, Reading,
Writing, Science,
General Education
12/08/2020 - 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 - 12/07/2021
General Education
Setting in school
12/08/2020 - 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 - 12/07/2021
Reading, Math,
Science, History
Reading, Math,
Science, Writing,
General Education in
General Education in
12/08/2020 - 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 - 12/07/2021
Reading, Math,
Special Education in
Science, History
History and Science General Education in
12/08/2020 - 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 - 12/07/2021
Assessment Accommodation
Quizzes, and Test
over 25 questions
Behaviorally Related
Preferential seating away from
Redirection when displaying off task
12/08/2020 - 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 - 12/07/2021
Classroom Accommodation Only
Difficult assignments to be
completed in special ed. setting
Per teacher or student
Hard copy of notes to supplement
those taken by student
When notes are
copied from board
12/08/2020 - 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 - 12/07/2021
Online Audio Version SOL Accom.
Online Audio Version
Reading, Science,
Writing, History
Testing Environment
12/08/2020 - 06/18/2021
09/07/2021 - 12/07/2021
Page 26
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Participation in the State and Division-Wide Accountability/Assessment System
Student's Name: Elizabeth
Student ID Number: 26164
D. Kaplan
This student’s participation in state or division-wide assessments must be considered and discussed annually. During the duration of
this IEP:
Yes No N/A
Will the student be at a grade level or enrolled in a course for which the student must participate in a state and/or
division-wide assessment? If yes, continue to next question.
Based on the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance, is this student being considered for
participation in the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP), which is based on Aligned Standards of
Learning? If yes, complete the “VAAP Participation Criteria”.
Does the student meet the VAAP participation criteria? If yes, refer to the Aligned Standards of Learning for
development of annual goals and short-term objectives or benchmarks.
Based on the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance, is this student being considered for
participation in the Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program (VSEP)? If yes, complete the “VSEP Participation
Criteria” for each content considered.
Does the student meet the “VSEP participation criteria”? If yes, determine for specific content area.
Based on the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance, is this student being considered for
participation in the Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA)? If yes, complete the “VGLA Participation Criteria” for
each content considered and attach justification statement.
Does the student meet the VGLA participation criteria? If yes, determine for specific content area.
Based on the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance, is this student being considered for
participation in the Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST)? If yes, complete the “VMAST
Participation Criteria” for each content considered.
Does the student meet the VMAST participation criteria? If yes, determine for specific content area. Note: The
VMAST assessments will only be available to eligible students with disabilities during the 2012-2013 and 2013-14
school years. Beginning in 2014-2015, the VMAST will no longer be available as a separate alternate assessment.
Assessment Type*
or Board of Education Approved Substitute)
X ______________________________________
Not Enrolled in Course w/ EOC Assessment
X Yes
If Yes,
List Accommodation(s)
Read aloud, or audio, or
text reader-RAC required
for Reading Assessment,
Small group testing,
Online Audio Version
X ______________________________________
Not Enrolled in Course w/ EOC Assessment
X Yes
Small group testing,
Online Audio Version
X ______________________________________
Not Enrolled in Course w/ EOC Assessment
X Yes
Read aloud, or audio, or
text reader-RAC required
for Reading Assessment,
Small group testing,
Online Audio Version
Participation in the State and Division-Wide Accountability/Assessment System
Special Education Department
Page 27
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Participation in the State and Division-Wide Accountability/Assessment System
X ______________________________________
Not Enrolled in Course w/ EOC Assessment
X Yes
Read aloud, or audio, or
text reader-RAC required
for Reading Assessment,
Small group testing,
Online Audio Version
X ______________________________________
Not Enrolled in Course w/ EOC Assessment
X Yes
Read aloud, or audio, or
text reader-RAC required
for Reading Assessment,
Small group testing,
Online Audio Version
An IEP team may not exempt a student from participation in a content area assessment, only determine how the student will
be assessed.
Accommodation(s) must be based upon those the student generally uses during classroom instruction and assessment. For
the accommodations that may be considered, refer to “Accommodations/Modification” page of the IEP.
Participation in the State and Division-Wide Accountability/Assessment System
Special Education Department
Page 28
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Student's Name:
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Student ID Number:
Placement Decision
The school division proposes to implement this IEP. This proposed IEP will allow the student to receive a free appropriate public education
in the least restrictive environment. This decision is based upon a review of current records, current assessments and the student's
performance as document in the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance. Other options considered, if any,
and the reason(s) for rejection is attached, or can be found in the Placement Decision section of this IEP. Additionally, other factors, if any,
that are relevant to this proposal are attached. Parents and adult student rights are explained in the Procedural Safeguards. If you, the parent
(s) and adult student, need another copy of the Procedural Safeguards or need assistance in understanding this information, please contact
Marcie Spoonhoward
e-mail mspoonho@iwcs.k12.va.us
Parent(s) initials here indicate that the parent(s) has read the above prior notice and attachments, if any, before giving permission
to implement this IEP and the placement decision.
Parent/Adult Student Consent: Indicate your response by checking the appropriate space and sign below.
X I give permission to implement this IEP and the placement decision.
I do not give permission to implement this IEP and the placement decision.
X I have received a copy of my rights as a parent of a child eligible for special education services.
I have been given information on assessment participation for students with disabilities.
Parent Signature or Adult Student Signature (if appropriate)
Transfer of Rights at the Age of Majority (Age 18):
Indicate the date that the student and parent were informed of the transfer of parental rights under IDEA to the adult student at
the age of 18. This must occur at least one year prior to the age of 18.
School Official Signature
I was informed of the parental rights under IDEA and that these rights transfer to me at age 18.
Student Signature
I was informed of the parental rights under IDEA that transfer to my child at age 18.
Parent Signature
Page 29
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Prior Notice
Actions proposed or refused by Isle of Wight County Schools:
Rationale for why actions were proposed or refused:
Other options considered:
Reasons why options were rejected:
Prior Notice
Page 30
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
Prior Notice
Description of any assessment data or reports used to make the decision:
Other factors relevant to proposal or refusal:
Follow-up meeting date, if appropriate:
The parents of a child with a disability have protection under Your Family's Special Education Rights--Virginia Procedural
Safeguards Notice of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. A copy of Your Family's Special Education
Rights--Virginia Procedural Safeguards Notice has already been given to you OR is enclosed with this document. Should you
need an additional copy of Your Family's Special Education Rights--Virginia Procedural Safeguards Notice, please contact the
Special Education Office. To obtain assistance in understanding the provisions of this notice, contact the Office of Special
Education at:
Marcie Spoonhoward
e-mail mspoonho@iwcs.k12.va.us
Prior Notice
Page 31
Special Education Department
Elizabeth D. Kaplan
Isle of Wight County Schools
Student ID: 26164
Student Testing ID: 1015623105
Date of Birth: 07/22/2004
Special Education Department
820 West Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
The school division must obtain your written consent before using any public or
private benefits or insurance, and must provide annual notice of your rights
related to the use of public benefits or insurance.
Local educational agencies may request the use of Medicaid or other public benefits or insurance programs in which a child participates
to provide or pay for services required under IDEA, Part B, as permitted under the public benefits or insurance program. The IDEA
requires that public agencies obtain one-time parental consent before accessing the child's or the parent's public benefits or insurance
for the first time. The one-time parent consent must specify:
1. The personally identifiable information that may be disclosed.
2. The purpose of the disclosure.
3. The agency to which the disclosure may be made.
4. That the parent understands and agrees that the public agency may access the parent's or child's public benefits or insurance to pay for
services under Part B of the IDEA.
Local educational agencies must also provide written notification to the child's parent before accessing the child's or the parent's public
insurance for the first time, prior to obtaining the one-time parental consent, and annually thereafter.
Parents have the right to withdraw their consent to disclosure of their child's personally identifiable information to the agency
responsible for the administration of the state's public benefits or insurance program at any time. Withdrawal of consent or refusal to
provide consent to disclose personally identifiable information does not relieve the public agency of its responsibility to ensure that all
required services are provided at no cost.
Local educational agencies:
1. May not require parents to sign up for or enroll in public benfits or insurance programs in order for their child to receive FAPE
under IDEA Part B;
2. May not require parents to incur an out-of-pocket expense such as the payment of a deductible or co-pay amount incurred in
filing a claim for services provided pursuant to this part, but the local educational agency may pay the cost that the parents
otherwise would be required to pay;
3. May not use a child's benefits under a public benefits or insurance program if that use would:
a. Decrease available lifetime coverage or any other insured benefit;
b. Result in the family paying for services that would otherwise be covered by the public benefits or insurance program and that
are required for the child outside of the time the child is in school;
c. Increase premiums or lead to the discontinuation of benefits or insurance; or
d. Risk loss of eligibility for home and community-based waivers, based on aggregate health-related expenditures
Notification of Parental Rights Concerning the Use of Public Benefits or Insurance
Special Education Department
Page 32