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Physics Electronics Course Outline - Fall 2021

Term: Sep 07 - Dec 06, 2021
Time: TuTh 08:45-10:00h
Room: CC-314 (Loyola)
Fall 2021
Instructor: Prof. J. Shin
Office: SP367-25 x3280
Hours: Varies, best ask for it
email: j.shin@concordia.ca
Drop dates:
DNE ~ Mon. Sep 20, 2021; Mon. DISC ~ Nov 08, 2021 .
Final exam:
Dec 08 ~ Dec 22 (check online when available)
Electronics with Discrete Components. by Enrique J. Galves, Publisher =Wiley
Marking scheme: Assignments
One take-home mid-term exam (date open)
One project (circuit construction)
One closed book final exam
The course begins with digital electronics which will provides some insight into how a computer works. We will study
various ways to move the ones and zeroes to implement more complex binary logic operations. Although information are
processed digitally, many of the hardware are analog devices. Some analog basics can be useful for troubleshooting electronic
devices. Linear approximation of component characteristics affords solution using Ohm’s Law. Much can be learned in the
hands on circuit construction project. Examples and exercisers provide a sense of order of magnitude.
Week 1, 2
Chapter 1.
Representation of electric sources (real vs ideal), I-V characteristic.
Electrical components (R,L,C) and some basic circuit theory.
Chapter 2.
Number systems. ASCII code (7-bit) and Extended (8-bit).
Negative binary number representations.
1s and 2s complement and Arithmetic Operations.
Implementation of binary functions (AND, OR) with Gates (IC chips).
Matrix representation.
Week 3, 4
Chapter 3.
Boolean Algebra
Theorems (intuitive) without proof.
Boolean functions representations (a) Algebraic, (b) Truth table (c) Graphical
Introduction to Minterm and Maxterm
Karnaugh Map for logic expression reduction.
The Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU or CPU).
Chapter 4.
Implementation of Combinational logic ~ Adders, MUX and demultiplexer and other fun stuffs.
Chapter 5.
Different kinds of Flip-Flops and their applications, counters, registers, memory chip addressing.
Chapter 6.
Basic AC circuit analysis, Impedance concept.
Thevenin and Norton equivalence. Effect of loading and impedance matching.
Chapter 7.
Low-pass and high-pass filters. Time domain and frequency domain analysis.
Bode plots (frequency response)
Chapter 8
Understanding the diode (pn-junction) and other devices.
Load line concept.
Rectification, AC to DC power supply analysis. Filter and other means to reduce ripple.
Voltage doubler and n-tupler. Switching power supplies (more after Op-Amp of Chap.10).
Chapter 9.
Basic behavior of a Bipolar Junction Transistor. Transistor use as a switch and as a signal amplifier.
Base-emitter biasing. Order of magnitude of voltage current and impedances in transistor circuits.
Week 5, 6
Week 7, 8
Week 9, 10
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Week 11
Simplified model of the transistor as a 4-terminal device (2 in and 2 out)
JFET and MOSFET. General limitations of active devices.
Chapter 10.
The ideal Op-Amp. The effect of negative feedback (voltage and current feedback)
Gain-bandwidth product and Op-Amp applications..
The ubiquitous 555 timer and its applications.
Week 12, 13
More electronic circuits and analysis.
Homework Assignments
Problems from text
Due date
Chapter 1 (p. 30) Problems 5,8,11,12,18,20
Chapter 2 (p. 58) Problems 2,4,5,6,7,9,10,12
Sep 21, 2021
Chapter 3 (p. 81) Problems 1,3,7,8,9,10,11,13,14
Chapter 4 (p.103) Problems 1,3,5,7,9
Oct 05, 2021
Chapter 5 (p.134) Problems1,3,4,8,12
Chapter 6 (p.166) Problems 3,5,8,11,13
Oct 19, 2021
Chapter 7 (p.192) Problems 2,4,8,10
Chapter 8 (p.222) Problems 4,6,8,11,13,15
Nov 09, 2021
Chapter 9 (p.249) Problems 1,2,4,7,9
Chapter 10 (p.291) Problems 2,6,10
Nov 30, 2021
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