Curriculum Map Course Title: Public Speaking Grade: 9 to 12 Unit (Name/Number): Listening Skills Pacing: 5 to 8 Essential Question(s): Why is listening an important communication skill, and how can listening skills be improved? Content/Key Concepts Hearing versus Listening Kinds of Listening and Critical Thinking Standards Key Vocabulary CC.1.5.9-12.C, CC.1.5.9-12.D hearing listening CC.1.5.9-12.A, CC.1.5.9-12.B, CC.1.5.9-12.C appreciative listening empathic listening comprehensive listening critical listening Learning Activities/Resources Self-evaluation of listening PowerPoint comparing/contrasting hearing and listening Chapter 3 of The Art of Public Speaking textbook Provide types of listening examples, through use of video, skits, movie segments, etc. Listening identification activity Hypothetical situations of listening Following directions activity Evidence of Learning (Assessments; Performance Tasks) Chapter 3 quiz Pre and post listening evaluation Presentation of one example of each type of listening Quiz on Types of Listening