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Employee Pretax Spending Enrollment with Alice

Giving America a Raise
Employee Pretax Spending Enrollment
Take out your smartphone
Visit bit.ly/SGxAlice
Complete your profile. Connect your credit or debit cards.
Alice will identify your eligible transactions going forward and text you to confirm.
Sweetgreen & Alice do some accounting work in payroll.
Your income taxes go down. Your take-home pay goes up!
to get to work: Subway,
Train, Ferry, Bus
Eye care
Glasses, contacts, vision
exams, etc
Street parking, parking lots
and garages
Dental care
Cleanings, x-rays, procedures
Child care
Daycare, nannies, some
Medical Expenses
Doctor co-pays,
coinsurance, etc
Day camps
Summer camp, before school,
after school
Adult care
Includes transportation costs
Questions? Call or text us at 347-308-6036 hello@thisisalice.com
© 2018 This Is Alice, Inc. All rights reserved.
Mass-Transit & Parking Expenses
Who is eligible?
All W-2 employees.
What expenses are eligible?
Mass-transit and parking—train, bus,
ferry, subway, parking meters, parking
garages, Uber Pool, Lyft Line, Via,
How much can I spend?
Up to $260 each month on mass-transit
and another $260 each month on parking.
How much will I save?
Right now in New York people adding
$531.62 to their paycheck each year, in
Seattle $221. It depends on how much
commuting costs for you.
When can I enroll or make changes?
What else?
After enrolling, spend on commuting
costs as usual with the card(s) you
connected to Alice.
A couple days after a transaction, Alice
will text you to confirm.
How does my paycheck go up?
Alice makes the amount you just
confirmed tax-free on your next paycheck
—this is money you get back that
normally is paid toward your taxes.
Think of it as a tax refund that you get on
your next paycheck that you can’t get at
tax time!
Vision, Dental, & Medical Expenses
Who is eligible to for pre-tax spending on vision,
dental, and medical purchases?
All W-2 employees.
What expenses are eligible?
Qualified medical costs for you, your
spouse, and your dependents.
Examples include: Doctors visits,
prescriptions, eyeglass, contacts,
surgeries/operations, X-rays, medical
supplies, etc. See full list.
How much can I spend?
Depending on the type of health
insurance plan you have, between
$2,650-$6,900 each year. Don’t worry,
Alice helps you figure this out.
How much will I save?
It depends how much you think you’ll
spend on medical expenses you plan to
make this year.
When can I enroll or make changes?
Anytime, if you have an HSA-eligible
health insurance plan. If you aren’t sure,
Alice helps you figure this out.
Otherwise, you have 30 days to enroll and
make changes to the amount you’re
budgeted to spend on vision, dental, and
medical expenses.
What else?
You can make changes later if you have a
big life event like having a child.
What if I pay with cash?
You can upload your receipt on your Alice
Child care
Dependent Care: Who is eligible?
All W-2 employees with a qualified dependent.
What expenses are eligible?
Care of your children or other
dependent while you’re at work.
Examples include: Childcare, adult care,
after-school programs, nanny, summer
day-camp, preschool, etc. See full list.
How much can I spend?
Up to $5,000 each year.
How much will I save?
Most people paying for child care or adult
care spend more than $100 a week,
which is the maximum annual election.
Using up the full election will add $1,000$2,500 each year to your paycheck.
When can I enroll or make changes?
You have 30 days to enroll and set your
elections. You can make changes later if
you have a big life event like having a
What else?
We help you set an election amount that
will come out of each paycheck. This be set
aside for the dependent care expenses you
plan to make this year.
How does my paycheck go up?
Spend on dependent care expenses as
usual with the card(s) you connected to
Alice. You can also use cash or checks
(we’ll text you to help us keep track of
them). Alice will text you to confirm. On an
upcoming paycheck, Alice automatically
applies the tax savings to your pay.
Giving America a Raise
Security FAQs
Keeping your information secure is our top priority. We understand how important it is to
keep your company and personal sensitive information secure. We work hard to make Alice
a secure place to help you and your employees maximize their pre-tax spending.
Q: How is data secured and stored?
All data is transmitted over military-grade 256-bit end-to-end encryption. We encrypt all sensitive
data before inserting into the database and then encrypt the database at rest as an extra safeguard
for your data. We are fully PCI compliant and do not store any credit card account or bank login
information within our system. Our data integration partners store this information, and they each
have their own strict security policies. They undergo routine and regular internal and external
network penetration tests and third-party code reviews.
Q: How do you prevent malicious attacks online?
Our code includes features that addresses the Open Web Application Security Project’s top ten
security risks. These risks account for the majority of attacks online. Every deployment of new code
undergoes a security scan to ensure no new issues are introduced.
Q: How do you protect access to our employee’s data by Alice employees?
Inside Alice we take access to customer information seriously. Our staff only have access to the
information they need to serve our customers. Our highly trained advisors have access to some
information, but only so they can provide excellent support when you ask for help. Employees must
log in using two factor authentication. All activities in the system are tracked with an audit trail so
we know who made changes and from where.
Q: Will Alice sell my information or my employee’s information?
No, we will never sell your information or share it with any third party, except where required by
Q: Can you tell me about the security measures you have in place for protecting access
to the payroll systems Alice connects to?
Alice is your authorized third-party Benefit Administrator. Access to payroll systems is limited to
our highly trained Payroll Specialists. Our technology works in the background to review and
prevent mistakes or human error. We also maintain insurance coverage to protect you from any
errors or theft.
Questions? Call or text us at 347-308-6036 hello@thisisalice.com
© 2018 This Is Alice, Inc. All rights reserved.
Open Enrollment para ALICE ya está disponible, lo que significa que es hora de ahorrar!!!
Si actualmente está inscrito en Alice, debe volver a inscribirse para seguir recibiendo sus beneficios
antes de impuestos. Haga clic aquí para ingresar.
Algunas funciones nuevas e interesantes:
- Solicite una tarjeta Alice en lugar de conectarse a una cuenta bancaria. Esta tarjeta de gastos flexible
se puede utilizar para cualquier compra elegible para Alice. Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener más
- Transporte compartido (a través de Uber Pool) disponible
- Nuevos artículos de atención médica elegibles (productos menstruales y medicamentos de venta libre
como tylenol, medicamentos para la alergia, etc.)
¿Eres nuevo en Alice? ¡Definitivamente considere registrarse! Este beneficio le permite ahorrar entre un
25% y un 40% en gastos diarios, como tomar el metro, comprar anteojos nuevos o consultar a un
médico. Pulsa aquí para saber más.
¿Qué es elegible actualmente?
- Transporte masivo (tren, metro, ferry, etc.)
- Estacionamiento (estacionamiento en la calle, garajes, etc.)
- Cuidado de niños (guardería, niñeras, algunos preescolares)
- Cuidado de adultos (incluye costos de transporte)
- Campamento diurno (verano, antes de la escuela, después de la escuela)
- Cuidado de la vista (anteojos, lentes de contacto, examen de la vista, etc.)
- Cuidado dental (limpiezas, radiografías, procedimientos)
- Gastos médicos (copagos del médico, coseguro, etc.)
- Recetas (pedido por correo, farmacia, etc.)
- Artículos de venta libre (antifebriles, medicamentos para la tos, suministros de primeros auxilios)
- Productos para el cuidado menstrual (tampones, toallas sanitarias y copas menstruales)
Busque los correos electrónicos de Alice en su bandeja de entrada o abra la Guía de activación a
continuación para registrarse.
¡La fecha límite es el 6 de diciembre!
Registra su información aquí: http://bit.ly/SGxAlice
Si tiene alguna pregunta, consulte su página de preguntas frecuentes
Correo electrónico: hola@thisisalice.com
Llamar / Texto: (718) 313-3486
Lunes-Viernes, 10am-7pm EST