MATH Q1) fxpress S o J ~ L.e-1:. X Qzı -t.he s.e ,, .- t.ı •- X :5 3 X-1 ' b x ~ ~ "d Le-1; us Make a - nuındr~-tor --.. - x-1 - C) There 1ore,. -t.he +- o roo-ts o1 x=1• + + -- + + - - o -the 1 -1 x+1 dnd b-9 t.tsiı\j -0\i.s ll\formc\i,on. -tdbRe t- x.=-5 and x.==-1 - - <O x+s- ?) lx+1)Cx-1) 5 x+5 ()(+!)(x. n 1/j 1//ıı to, 5] . >C+1 Cx.- ı) X-1 Cx-H) -5 () İl\-ler'\J;ıl ı_ _.l:_ -<0 21 x+\ rooi -lİ1e _,:, ı<~ Xi1 X.-1 irıe qua2;-t~ < 2:.. of de"ornin~i(;) r are X-t 5 clef ine 5 ( x+ 1)(x. -1) -oo • • - nwınbe r ; ••• h•• V VJ\aiW ,r, , , ..lUC.X• V• , =, .3(x+1) -2.Cx-f) < O ı"-e o" -the rea f l\um be-rs 5 ~~----o•.,.,ı,pl...,"w"r:~o.M-.-~~,ıı,,.,-ııı~~A5.,___ SoRve -the Sol : dl\ Ô 5 x :,/ O Sc / dS ( dl\J X qÔ X. '!5 5 nuınbers x. real aU Set of us s ho \A.) >" Ü X ,S -!.he anJ x ~. o l PS-1 101 . 1 - n Ct:> + t- sol"iiof\ sei - is (-oQ,-5)V(-f,1~" l,f\e. 1 )(+t \ Sol : *~emember lxt11 Xt1 =O lx-t 1 \ = l..e-l lx\::: S"x' ><>,o ı ~nd x;,-1 l-x.-1, us lx+1 l-l x-3»l >0 ~nd x.-?> =O ~ =) x.:-1 S X-+t x<-1 ma~e L-x-+~,. )(.<3 <) -Xf 3 x-3 - 4- Hence, -i..he Wri-te /x+1l-l,<.-3>\ so1-t•f iof\ ;ı n ~ 2x-2- = .sei equ,Hion (-2, f) Söl : ıhe )( >.., 3 ' ~ There-fore 1 pOif\-lS =$ x.-~ l x-3\ x+1 X+1 x-3 lx-+1 \ -l x.-; \ Q 4-) x=.3 3 -x-1 o -1 )(-3l lf(x)l =iflx ),;C~ )~ o l-;(x) ' f(x)< O bj l.fSİAj -lk,s il\\Otma-tion. tdbie el -1 lX4-1\ a"J l-x. , x< O > l>l-~\ ==> > \ x-; l. dıtd -4. x~-t 2.x-ı .,-1<x~3 ➔ *• 1 I 4-- 'J..>3 / a ncl >< >1 . (1,00 ). is -ror the li,ı e -throu.9h ~he (2., -2) . of -the Rif\e passing -{:.hrou.3h the po ,nts. (x,, ~") an d ( X:ı, ~2.) ıs founJ b~ the formuJ d m = ~:ı. - 31 .siope X:ı. -X1 rn ::: (- 2)- 1 .( 1)-(-ı) -ıhe equ.ıiiOfl fH = -t ( e quO-liof'\ 1t- . -the tine wi-th s4ope m (a,b) is !i-b :::mCx-a) pdssiııs -throu3h lf ıJJe choose -the poınt ~ine is .ı1 - 1 -= x +.2. ') Qine ~ dS (-1,f l, -the • Hence, 3x+ ~j ::- -2. ıJJe .ıııd equdt ion c;;," ot -the f il\d -the Q5) For whai vaDue Of k per p,e fl d ic ı.ı i~r -lhe lil\e uıhere. * ·- ihe dr ~ So! : tf ·* ! k o-f €/Pı ~ lirı.e -t he -i.o is -the ~X +~ = 1 1,/\e 2x +k~ :: 3 ,~ v;lı.ıe w h~t For l ,nes f>ard lJeJ? equa-t:.iol' hcıs 1orm .9=mxtn -f.he -ıhe .slope of -the }ine ,s m. <ô-Nef\ -two 1,1\es d1 = ~::'.nı 1 x+n 1 df\d d2 : ~=m2 x+n1 d1 ~"J dı dfe perpencl,cuJar <=~ m1 .m.2. =--1 d1 ~11d d1 are p;)raJl"J ~..., m1 =m~ We m, f\ c;ıt\ ~ We wri-te c~n ~ri-ıe i i/\ e.s ff -th e ; re ~f'd C ( ;.,-4.) .S o, -the ~= 1 + ! .: : ) m1"' -½ x ~x+ ~ = 1 as ~ =--4-x t1 => m.2. ::- 4p e r p. , -ih e" m1 . m1 = -.E:.. . (- ı..) = -1 -) k = - <& ; k fnt=m.ı. fo r -lhe r~dius r= 5 ) circ Oe -½ =-4- ~ UJiih ½f ceııier el shows -lhe ,grcıp h 8 = ıc." .:ıııJ s hifie J versıof\S dre as ft>JloUJS . e q u ati oAs for i.he .shi f -le d vers iof\5. lDri-t2 Q 1- ) f ou r k= circJe u.Jİ-(h c€rrter C ( a, b) ~f\J (x - a ):ı... + ( ~ - b) 2. = r .2.. • equ,Hioıı o f -üıe ci rcle ıs (x-3 l + (~ +4f.::: !;2., e qu~iion for r ( r >o) is r~ di us ı;ı s rJrı equoı-c,orı Q6) Wri-te T he 1.ıc-t kj =3 ~re p~ra!~e~, -llıe11 (f the fil\e~ So ~ : -lhen :;ı Figvre 1 g o ~v ,j ~= x.t Fi.gure i ,'} X ( ~,-l} Version ~ 3ı (;ı) Ut\¾~ 2 c.~r+3 ) = X ~=Xz.-~f/ Ve,sioll (bJ ➔ 4- U(\t"t:5 Ver~iorı (c) J 3 dfld 4J ~ex -aJ" ~:: (X- 4 )2 (~ - .s) ~ = x~ gx+16I' ~::: x'1-6 x +1.ll V~r sio " -lı :ı. ( d) dfid ➔ 4. Qj +2.) =(x.-~f ~ = x:ı.- gx+14~ Qı') Ske-ich -fhe curve represeMed ı:::;c~ Reınem be r ; at cE>n-tered : Jt. a :: 1 1.: b" ..(he origin. {he Rtl\g..fh Here, t- 1 c).2.. equı¾lOn elt, ps.e ~ c"2rı We vJri-t.e b:ı. eqodi,on minor are .1~ col\sider -lhe uJe -then <:1xises -lh; s s ~m e -f-he is cerı-ter cu -d"e poi n-t (x., ~o) · e qu;ı-tiofl (x- ~ f + (8 tl.)2..:: 1 dS "t he 4' 9 H.s bu-t (8 +ı )ı. : 1 . The (x:-3 )" t 3" " - cef\ter of -f.hi5 eJJi pse ( ?,, -2"). •~ 2.2. are Also / ~ -lhe ~en9-lh of m;Jor Jf\cl minor ;)(i:ses ~Ad 4,.{2d=.2- ~=6 ~Ad 1. b::. ı.ı:: 4-). b J 2. (')(-5) T he gr~ph o,: z. + (~ +21 = t 4- 9 -2. - ı,.. lx 1+l ~ l ::: 1. 09) Ske-tch -lhe 9rllph of So~ :1) { f x.~O ~nd ~~o / X-tj:=1 lf x~O ;rıd ~-< o , X-~=1 ı) 3] 'r) x<O lf X lf <O l (d>b). -a rtspecii'le (J. dnd 1 b 'l.. 2. /., e qw a-t ro" ~ - xo) + ( ~ - ~o) _ 1 - Lr 9 ell,fse Mo\Jor a/\d ADso, i f o~ (x-3)2. + C~+.1)2. _" b~ dl\d c:U\cl ~ ~o / ~<.o / -' +x x ~ ·t -x+j=1 -X-j = 1 x ~ -1 j ts 1} -ih e 3rd p h of lx I t Ij ( = 1 . 3) Q iO) uJha{ r po.ssess So~: · f : A fu nc-t,on f Cx) oJd 'ı f - f (x ) -= f {- xı Relr'leıtl ber i .s eve(\ . 4 f -f (x') Q11) Le-1:. coın pos i-ie 6J f cı co Cx) J s tJnd .2. = = f(x) a" ıs even -ytAl'ıl-{ıO il . 2 = X 2 1X -J d) 303( x) D ( f of) =- ~ x ~ 1 I' = ~ = ı -x) - 2.cX1-x) foiOOlOincı -ihe dOMdİ" of each · pec if ~ c) .9of (x) h) fo.9(x) f of (x:) So2 : d) 1-X X . Corıs-t.r\.lc,t -lt\e g(x): :- ~ . ~ ~"d f CAAliions fof (~) ;J) == ~ 8-ax is. uır-e. s3mme-ltic is f So/ fl-x )-::: -l-X ) t-1= X2.- t-1= f(x) . f-ıef\leı f Cx) =f (-x ) , i-f ~ven is ocid ~ or or i 3; f'ı. w i-Lh r es pec.f. -lo 9 -f f Yff\ funciio~s. are sjmmei<ic Af;o ., oJJ f ul\C-liol\s Q re s1nı m eiric ~ - axis . respec~ -io wH.h f lx'l =i-+1 does -lhe grdp h ot (if anj) s~n, metf j p:Jr-licuQ;r / İS l11 / X *ÔJ D(fos ~= { xaA l x *o,1f X/{1 3(x) = .9 of(><:)==- f(x) = ı/x 2 1- /x 1-fCx ) 2 X-2 X = 1-x. d; 303(x) = 1 -3Cx) 3lx) 1- L / x = I 1- 2 x. 1-X -t.he. fun,-tion wi-t.h domcHr1 [0,2 ] ~,ıJ [ô,1] ., whose 3rtıph i~ .shown beOOıJJ. Ske-tc.h -the _gr~ph of 1+ f C-x/ı.) ancl speci f~ its domQirı ;Jrıc/ r~rı3e . Q.11 ) rtlr'\Je f rete rs .j -/;.o (1,1) SoJ : 1 + f ' :5 .2 ._ 0 ~ - ~ ~ .:ı o tt* *♦ >< f ( -;_ ) ıneenS , we 4- ~ X ~ Ô shi ft IY\l,Jjt - . +1 wıe~ns wc u p -lo 1 uoi-t.. MUS, t Jt :t:*.!J( , uJe d r~w -l~is. -i:he fvf\ (tion ~=1+ -x coıı~iJer -dıe s3mr neirj ot -lhe fun ciion wr i . 3 -Gxi s ➔ ¼ we cO/\s ;Jer * , -ıteı< ~f1cl For doındill: (-xı.2.) , • • _,,,., • -~4-- ---;_ Do~irı : C-~,oJ - t Pı;k,ge : -ol- -.. . -;. 1 i 1 >< Q12~ f xpres.s -ihe or iero de8ree -t.h~n {he JeAo-mi~ f. SmJtQer has ~s. -dıe sum. Of 1uflc-lion nvmeTa--t.or ~fl(.(JOI) ancl ~"o--{"ıer f'd"tiof\dj a poi~Aom;~i ,~ e i-(hrr r~iion;.Q x.3 x2-+1x+,; use Sc Q: UJe mus-( divislo"' ~i9or iirttl'l . Xı.+lx 3 X3 l t-ıl·+;x. X - 2._ - -1x. ;x. 2.. - _ - 2X2. - 4,..x - 6 Xt6 Q 13J Express 5 0 .Q; *~ We 1(-t* lf lf ➔ Fo r 2 ~ alj u;e co/\si Je r x as acu-i.e f:lrıgle . eli\ sın ( 3;' - ><- / , ~ n <3} - x < ¾[ . So' it cha,ıges- C S11\ ~ Cos). i-'> Mg 0-tıve . Hence, -X) = -coS)(. Q 14-; Express s 0 Q: cosx . de-fermi"e -ine s;grı o1 i.he fL<l\c-i.ion ( + or - ) k = 1t, 2.rc , -the -tuf\c-iion does l\oi chaAge. k.= 4, 3:f' , ,the func.-liOn chdAgff.(si f\~Co.s / -ta~ co-c ) ARso, 1J,e f•tııc-tlo/l Sif\ ( .sinx ~Ad cos(kıı+xı, -l::>"(k1t:rx'\,. co-f.(krı~x~ sin(kn+x) , ~ Fi r s-i ın -t.erlfls of sil\ ( 3 "- - x / co.s3x ıf\ -ierrns of >İf\X ~lld cosx. ~ si n ( a+ b).= sina . cosb+ cos~ . sirıb * .sin.2.x =2 . sinx.ros;ıc. 2 1t cos Ca +b1:: cosa.cos b :t sil\a. sin b co~2x.::-2.cos x-1 * cos3x = ros(2.x-txı = cos2x.rosx -s1nlx . .sir1X == (2..cosrı.x - t ') co sx - (.ı . s;ııx.cosx') .s;nx :::: 2cos3 x - cosx - 2. s;,{2-·x.cos>t; -==- 2 c-os3x. - cosx - ..2. (1- cos:ıx)cosx = .2cos~x- cosx +2ros3 x -2cosx =- 4cos 3 X. -&osx. ~ef\ce, . ı~ sın v = 1. 7 0 4-- CT) S1 Thı.ıs,, r 5cos4 ~ cose rıo-t A!so/ 1-cos2. (1rcsz. ~ =- 4- €Jn d İS ne1;).tjve be pos iti ve. -l~n e= = 1 Ol\ ıt- ~ ~ cos v '+-- 4-ccs2. & = cos2 & As' // =-2.. -the İ/\"terva1 [n:, 3_;]- 1-t c-~ -1 ~ _ 1 siıı G- _ j_ =;> :Sif\Ô __ =;> Sirn7 = ır: ıfl cos f li b 1. -.2 / ıf5 ::ı._ e