Uploaded by Michaela Kristelle Balanon Sanchez

Blended Learning and Personalized Learning

Saint Louis College
Beacon of Wisdom in the North
City of San Fernando (La Union)
First Semester
SY 2021-2022
Name: John Clyde P. Habon
Michaela Kristelle B. Sanchez
Schedule: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm S
Date: October 02, 2021
Course: Doctor of Education Major in Educational Management
Subject: Contemporary Educational Trends
Professor: Dr. Argel I. Hipol
Topic: Blended Learning and Personalized Learning
The learning landscapes worldwide have rapidly transformed overnight due to the current
health crisis resulting in the abrupt and sudden adoption of remote learning modalities. These
changes have led educational institutions to exhaust both their human and infrastructure resources
in addressing the crisis in learning. Moreover, these developments have paved the way for these
institutions to emulate better and relevant practices that have long been implemented in various
technologically privileged countries.
Blended Learning or BL for some countries have been around for years and these countries
have made significant innovations to make this learning model more effective and timelier.
According to various authors, blended learning is the integration of face to face and online
instruction (Graham, 2013) with the aim of each complementing the other (Austria, et al., 2015)
where the online component becomes a natural extension of traditional learning (Liebowitz and
Frank, 2011).
In the same context, COVID-19 has prompted experts to rethink the suitable pedagogies of
teaching-learning that will prove to be sustainable with the global health crisis going on. BL is one
of the models proposed by various scholars and educationalists and they are leaning towards the
adoption of the model once institutes reopen post-pandemic (Saboowala and Mishra, 2021). It has
become a perceived panacea once schools decide to reopen. Following the pronouncement of
a high-ranking official of the Department of Education that BL is a “good and valid way” to deliver
education as the agency looks into its implementation after COVID 19 (Inquirer.net, June 24, 2021).
What might have led the projection of the Department of Education to eventually adopt this
learning modality? According to Worldbank (2021), It is clear that “disruptions to instructional time
in the classroom can have a severe impact on a child’s ability to learn”. Thus, school closures and
learning loss during the COVID-19 pandemic can have a long-term negative impact on the current
cohort of school children as global evidence from past health and disaster-related emergencies
show that the impact extends well beyond the period of the disaster or pandemic (Worldbank,
2021). Therefore, there is high demand for returning to in-person classes, and such demand is higher
for lower-income households and women in the Philippines (Worldbank, 2021).
Likewise, Worldbank (2021) data on the Philippines shows that by the time schools reopen for
in-person classes, students will have been far behind the learning level of normal years, with some
groups experiencing wider learning gaps. With the inevitability of its adoption in the country, the
notion of “one size fits all” will be an ineffective driving force into its implementation. Hence, the
“situational instructional design” model fits well with the concept of BL (Nehru, 2014).
I. Introduction:
Personalized learning is tailoring learning for each student’s strengths, needs and interests including enabling student voice and choice in what, how, when, and where they learn - to provide
flexibility and support to ensure mastery at the highest standards possible.
II. Importance:
- Personalized learning promotes student agency.
- Personalized learning creates lifelong.
- Personalized learning increases student engagement.
- Personalized learning increases student achievement.
Personalized learning is what our students deserve.
Personalized learning is the future of learning.
III. Implementation:
- Start with a compelling and authentic “why”
- Develop an operational definition
- Create meaningful experiential opportunities
- Embrace the process of prototyping, testing, and iterating
IV. Risks:
- Lack of Clear Vision, Narrative, and Rationale
- Curricular and Instructional Misalignment
- Under-communication with Stakeholders
- Selecting the Wrong Devices
V. Personalized learning in the classroom
- Personalized learning is: Incorporating Self-Reflection and Goal-setting
- Personalized learning is: Flexible & Intentional Master Schedules
- Personalized learning is: Using Digital Content and Tools in a Purposeful Way
- Personalized learning is: Incorporating Personalized Playlists
- Personalized learning is: Planning for Flexible Seating
- Personalized learning is: Involving Students in Grading Conversations
VI. Measures of success
- Classroom walkthroughs
- Digital content data
- Mid-year student and teacher surveys
- Professional learning tracking
Austria, M.M., Dasig, D., & Valderama A.M. (2015, May). Exploratory Study on Learner-Driven
Blended Learning Environment. Retrieved September 26, 2021, from: ResearchGate:
Education Elements. (2020). Personalized Learning: The Present and Future of Education. Retrieved
Graham, C. (2013). Emerging paractice and research in blended learning. New York: Routledge.
Liebowitz, J. & Frank M.S. (2011). The Synergy between Knowledge Management and E-Learning.
Feldstein, M. & Hill, P. (2016). Personalized Learning: What It Really Is and Why It Really Matters.
Retrieved September 27, 2021, from: https://er.educause.edu/articles/2016/3/personalizedlearning-what-it-really-is-and-why-it-really-matters
Mendoza, J. (2021, June 24). DepEd eyeing blended learning scheme after COVID 19 pandemic.
Nehru, R. (2014). Blended Learning. New Delhi: S.B Nangia, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation.
Saboowala, R. & Mishra P.M.(2021). Readiness of in-service teachers toward a blended learning
approach as a learning pedagogy in the post-COVD 19 era. Journal of Educational
Technology, 19.
Worldbank. (2021). Philippine basic education system: Strengthening effective learning during the