Data Manipulation Insert, Update, Delete Inserting Data Data insertion can be done in mainly 2 ways: Inserting new data into a table Inserting into all fields of a table Inserting into some fields of a table Inserting Inserting data from another table into a table. data from another table without any manipulation Inserting data from another table after manipulation … Inserting new data: All fields General syntax: INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (column_1_value,column_2_value,…,column_n_value); NB: The order of values MUST be the same as the order of the columns of the table. … Example: Consider the customer table with columns: Customer(CustomerID,customerName, mobilenumber, email, birthdate, customer_hobbies, best_dish) INSERT INTO customer VALUES (NULL,’Mustafa Ali’,’00222228’,’’,’2001-1030’,’Reading,Programming’,’Bananas’); …. INSERT INTO supplier(supplierName,mobileNumber,phy sicaladdress) VALUES (‘Mukwano Industries’,’256702352258’,’Railway Station’) Task Insert the following data into the employee table EmployeeID EmployeeName 1 Kato Hussein 25670 16588 55 Adam Sebbit 25674 15855 52 Okello Joseph Adunga Juma 2 3 4 mobileN basicsalary umber 250000 Employee_s port Employee_ medals Hockey 2 Rugby 1 300000 200000 100000 … Create a table for GolfClubMember with the following fields: GOLFCLUBMEMBER MemberID [auto generated] Membername Membermobile [Optional] ExpiryDate [Optional] INSERT from another TABLE Insert data from table General Syntax: INSERT INTO table_name(column_1,column_2) SELECT column_1,column_2 FROM source_table; Example: Consider inserting data from the employee table into the GolfClubmember table: INSERT INTO golfclubmember(membername,membermobile) SELECT employeename,mobilenumber FROM employee;