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Telling time in Spanish

¿Qué hora es?
Telling time in Spanish
We use the
verb “ser”
to talk
about what
time it is
If the time
starts with
1, we use
“es” - the
form of
For all
we use the
form of
“ser” SON.
When we talk
about times like
3:10, 4:05, 7:34, we
add the minutes
to the hour using
“and” or Y.
Es la una y diez.
It is one and 10.
With times like :55, :50, :45,
:40, :35 we subtract the
hours from the next hour.
For example, if it was
6:55PM I would say it’s 7
minus 5 (minutes
→ son las siete menos
A.M : de la mañana
P.M : de la tarde (afternoon), de la noche
- When we say at what time something is
happening (morning, afternoon, night)
we use “DE LA”
- It is 12:30 in the afternoon
= Son las doce y media de la tarde.
When a time
ends in :15 we
can say “y
quince” but it’s
more common to
use “y cuarto”
which means and
a quarter
because 15 is a
quarter of an
When a time
ends in :30 we
can say “y treinta
” but it’s more
common to use
“y media” which
means and a half
because 30 is a
half of an hour!
When a time ends in
:45 we can say “y
cuarenta y cinco”
but it’s more
common to use
menos cuarto.
To use, round up
the hour and
subtract a quarter
or “cuarto.”
In order to
say that
happens AT a
certain time,
use “A .”
La fiesta es a las siete
de la noche.