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12 ATAR Health Studies Inquiry Assignment

12 ATAR Health Studies
Inquiry 1
Use the inquiry process outlined on the syllabus to explore the factors causing health inequities in a
specific population within Australia. You are required to provide your inquiry as a written report.
 Write an introduction (200-300 words) to outline the purpose of your inquiry. Introduce your
chosen population group and outline the topics that you will cover in your research. (5 marks)
 Identify and describe three key characteristics of this population group. (9 marks)
 Construct four focus questions to guide your research. (8 marks)
 Identify five key sources from which you will find most of your information. Justify why you have
selected each resource. (5 marks)
 Answer each focus question using data and evidence to justify your responses. (20 marks)
 Summarise three key factors that are causing poor health for your chosen population. (6 marks)
 Bibliography (2 marks)
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
5 marks - Introduction is clear and concise, outlining chosen population group
and all topics to be discussed in the inquiry. Very high level of health vocabulary
/5 used and in text citations used effectively.
4 marks - Introduction outlines chosen population group and all topics to be
discussed in the inquiry. Health vocabulary is advanced and in text citations used
3 marks - Introduction outlined chosen population group and all topics to be
discussed in the inquiry. Health writing is developing, and vocabulary used is
appropriate. In text citations are limited.
2 marks - Introduction includes necessary information, but health vocabulary is
limited. In text citations are limited or non-existent.
1 mark - Introduction is vague and does not include all required information.
Key characteristics of 3 marks - Highly detailed description, utilising data effectively to support the
chosen specific
characteristic. In text citations used, uses data from a range of sources.
2 marks- identifies and describes in detail key characteristic of the specific
population. Uses data to support characteristic.
1 mark - identifies and briefly describes key characteristic of specific population.
/9 3 marks - Highly detailed description, utilising data effectively to support the
characteristic. In text citations used, uses data from a range of sources.
2 marks- identifies and describes in detail key characteristic of the specific
population. Uses data to support characteristic.
1 mark - identifies and briefly describes key characteristic of specific population.
3 marks - Highly detailed description, utilising data effectively to support the
characteristic. In text citations used, uses data from a range of sources.
2 marks- identifies and describes in detail key characteristic of the specific
population. Uses data to support characteristic.
1 mark - identifies and briefly describes key characteristic of specific population.
Focus Questions
2 marks - Focus question is well-constructed, open ended, specific and requires
an analytical response.
1 mark - Focus question is relevant to the topic, but lacks key components of
question construction.
2 marks - Focus question is well-constructed, open ended, specific and requires
an analytical response.
1 mark - Focus question is relevant to the topic, but lacks key components of
question construction.
2 marks - Focus question is well-constructed, open ended, specific and requires
an analytical response.
1 mark - Focus question is relevant to the topic, but lacks key components of
question construction.
2 marks - Focus question is well-constructed, open ended, specific and requires
an analytical response.
1 mark - Focus question is relevant to the topic, but lacks key components of
/8 question construction.
Key Sources
1 mark - Appropriate source of information chosen, with justification.
1 mark - Appropriate source of information chosen, with justification.
1 mark - Appropriate source of information chosen, with justification.
1 mark - Appropriate source of information chosen, with justification.
1 mark - Appropriate source of information chosen, with justification.
Focus Question
5 marks - Focus question is answered in detail, using data and statistics as
evidence. In-text citations have been used consistently. All statements are
referenced and evidence has been provided.
4 marks - Focus question is answered in detail, data and statistics have been
used regularly. Some statements are referenced, evidence is unclear.
3 marks - Focus question is answered in satisfactory detail. Evidence is lacking,
statements are often made with no data to support the claim.
2 marks - Focus question is limited in quantity and depth of information.
Evidence is lacking, personal opinions are common.
1 mark - Focus question is answered by personal opinion, evidence and data is
5 marks - Focus question is answered in detail, using data and statistics as
evidence. In-text citations have been used consistently. All statements are
referenced and evidence has been provided.
4 marks - Focus question is answered in detail, data and statistics have been
used regularly. Some statements are referenced, evidence is unclear.
3 marks - Focus question is answered in satisfactory detail. Evidence is lacking,
statements are often made with no data to support the claim.
2 marks - Focus question is limited in quantity and depth of information.
Evidence is lacking, personal opinions are common.
1 mark - Focus question is answered by personal opinion, evidence and data is
5 marks - Focus question is answered in detail, using data and statistics as
evidence. In-text citations have been used consistently. All statements are
referenced and evidence has been provided.
4 marks - Focus question is answered in detail, data and statistics have been
used regularly. Some statements are referenced, evidence is unclear.
3 marks - Focus question is answered in satisfactory detail. Evidence is lacking,
statements are often made with no data to support the claim.
2 marks - Focus question is limited in quantity and depth of information.
Evidence is lacking, personal opinions are common.
1 mark - Focus question is answered by personal opinion, evidence and data is
5 marks - Focus question is answered in detail, using data and statistics as
evidence. In-text citations have been used consistently. All statements are
referenced and evidence has been provided.
4 marks - Focus question is answered in detail, data and statistics have been
used regularly. Some statements are referenced, evidence is unclear.
3 marks - Focus question is answered in satisfactory detail. Evidence is lacking,
statements are often made with no data to support the claim.
2 marks - Focus question is limited in quantity and depth of information.
/20 Evidence is lacking, personal opinions are common.
1 mark - Focus question is answered by personal opinion, evidence and data is
2 marks - Key factor is outlined in detail, including how it is impacting the health
status of chosen population.
1 mark - Key factor is outlined, mention is made of how it is impacting the health
status of chosen population
2 marks - Key factor is outlined in detail, including how it is impacting the health
status of chosen population.
1 mark - Key factor is outlined, mention is made of how it is impacting the health
status of chosen population
2 marks - Key factor is outlined in detail, including how it is impacting the health
status of chosen population.
/6 1 mark - Key factor is outlined, mention is made of how it is impacting the health
status of chosen population
2 marks - bibliography is widely varied and uses credible sources, all referenced
/2 1 mark - bibliography is limited or referenced incorrectly.
0 marks - bibliography is not included.