California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo Cal Poly Magic the Gathering Bylaws Article I. Preamble Section A Intent of Organization 1. It i s the i ntent of this organization to a bide by pertinent State laws, University regulations a nd ASI policies. Article II. Purpose Section A Purpose 1. To provi de a means for Ma gic the Gathering players to find each other on ca mpus. 2. To crea te organized events for Ma gic the Gathering players to play a nd compete with each other. Article III. Identification Section A Affiliations 1. There a re no current a ffiliations. Article IV. Membership Section A M embership Restrictions 1. Onl y a cti ve members may be elected to office, vote, debate, or represent the organization. 2. Thi s organization or a ny of i ts members cannot conspire to commit any a ct which ca uses or is l i kely to ca use, bodily danger or physical or emotional harm to any member of the campus community. Section B M embership Requirements 1. Membership in this organization s hall be open to all those regularly­enrolled students who a re i nterested in membership. There shall be no other requirements for admission to active membership. Each regular member has equal rights and privileges. 2. Thi s organization s hall maintain a minimum of eight a ctive members i n order to establish and ma i ntain University recognition. 3. Al l a ctive members have equal ri ghts and privileges within the organization. Section C M embership Classifications 1. Acti ve Membership a. Requirements i. Acti vely participate in events. ii. Acti vely participate in meetings. iii. Sta y engaged with the community (either on the official Ca l Poly Ma gic discord s erver or during on­campus events) b. 2. Incl udes the following i. Regi stered students ii. Gra duate students iii. Fa culty Advi sor Ina ctive Membership a. Criteri a i. Fa i ls to participate i n the cl ub frequently (e.g. doesn’t a ttend on­campus events or i s not active on the official Ca l Poly Ma gic discord server) b. Incl udes the following i. Indivi duals with unpaid dues, i f a ny. Article V. Nondiscrimination and Hazing Section A Discrimination 1. There must be no membership discrimination or rules that discriminate on the basis of ra ce, rel i gion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender i dentity, ma rital status, ci tizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. Section B Hazing 1. In rega rd to all conduct, i ncluding a dherence to the prohibition of hazing and nondiscrimination, student organizations must operate within the laws of the State of Ca l i fornia and the policies a nd procedures of the Ca lifornia Po lytechnic State University a nd the As sociated Students, Inc. a s stated i n the Ca mpus Administrative Policies (CAP). 2. Thi s organization s hall prohibit all members and officers from engaging i n hazing or committing a ny a ct that injures, degrades, or disgraces a ny fellow student. 3. Thi s organization s hall comply with Title 5, Section 41301, Sta ndards for Student Conduct. Article VI. Officers Section A Officer Requirements 1. There must be a minimum of three officers on the charter a t all times. 2 2. Officers must have a t least a 2.0 Ca l Poly cumulative GPA a t the time of nomination and el ection, a nd must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA while in office. Section B Officer Positions 1. Pres i dent a. Qua l ifications i . Should preside i n a manner that a ll members will feel free to ta ke part i n the club ii. Should be someone a ll members a re comfortable with iii. Should have no conflicts of interests i v. Prefera bly not also the president of another cl ub v. b. Be a n a ctive member of the cl ub Duti es i . Be the fa ce of the cl ub ii. Res ponsible for the direction of the club and create goals for the club iii. Schedules meetings with other officers i v. Runs meetings unless another officer or member ta kes charge v. Hel p solve a ny disputes between members vi . As s ist in the planning a nd execution of events vii. Modera te and post announcements on the official Ca l Poly Ma gic discord server 2. Vi ce President a. Qua l ifications i . Exhibit similar properties of the President ii. Be a ble to work with the President b. Duti es i . Be prepared to ta ke over the functions of the President whether temporarily or perma nently ii . Di s close any mi sconduct of other officers iii. As s ist other officers a s needed iv. Modera te and post announcements 3. Trea surer a. Qua l ifications i . Ha ve experience with dealing with cl ub finances ii. Be a n a ctive member of the cl ub b. Duti es i. Appl y for ASI Cl ub Sponsorship funding as soon a s the club is re ­chartered ii. Keep tra ck of a nd ma nage cl ub bank account a nd funds iii. Pl a n and execute fundraisers (if necessary) i v. As s ist other officers i n budgeting a nd planning for on­campus tournaments or events that require ASI funds 3 v. 4. Modera te and post announcements on the Ca l Poly Ma gic discord server Secretary a. Qua l ifications i . Ha ve great writing skills ii. Be a ble to ta ke organized notes iii. Be a n a ctive member of the cl ub b. Duti es i . Ma i ntain a l ist of active members and their academic emails; s end out weekly ema ils (if necessary) ii. Orga ni ze a nd execute internal elections iii. Ha ndle club social media outlets (if any) i v. As s ist other officers a s needed v. Section C Modera te and post announcements on the Ca l Poly Ma gic discord server Elections 1. Ti me of elections a. Elections will ta ke place during the final meeting of the school year (June) to prepare for the comi ng year. 2. Voti ng a. Onl y a cti ve members may vote in elections. b. Votes will be ca st by online ballot and/or s how of hands at the meeting the elections ta ke place. c. Votes will be ta llied by the Secretary a nd certified by both the Secretary a nd the Vi ce Pres i dent. d. A s i mple majority i s required to win an election. 3. Term of office s hall be for a period of one year, or until the results of the following elections. 4. Tra ns ition of officers a. Wi nners will be a nnounced at the elections meeting and on the official Cal Poly Ma gic di s cord server. b. Tra ns ition of officers will ta ke place at the first meeting of the new school year. c. Elected officers must be tra ined a nd a dvised before the first meeting of the new school yea r. Section D Recall 1. Reca ll Cri teria a. An offi cer ca n be recalled due to a ny ci rcumstances which prevents them from properly ful filling their duties, failure to exhibit the a ppropriate behavior fi tting of a n officer, or a loss of confidence. 2. Notification 4 3. a. Offi cers will be notified of a vote to recall by email. b. Club members will be notified of vote to recall by email. Voti ng a. Onl y a cti ve members may vote i n recalls. b. Votes will be ca st online or at the next general meeting. c. Votes will be ta llied a nd certified by the Secretary, if the officer in question is the Secretary, then by the Treasurer. 4. d. 51% of the a cti ve membership is required to recall an officer. e. If pa ssed, the recall will take effect immediately. Va ca ncies a. Va ca ncies will be filled by a special election run by the Secretary, or the President in the ca s e the vacancy is the Secretary position. b. Sta ndard election procedures s hall a pply, except newly­elected officers will presume as s oon as they complete the necessary tra ining (e.g. not when the new s chool year s tarts). Article VII. Advisor Section A Duties of the Advisor 1. Overs ees the organization. 2. Ens ures the University policy i s followed. 3. Provi des continuity from year to year a nd during tra nsition periods. 4. As s ists in developing and reaching the organization’s short a nd l ong term goals. And provides gui dance to help reach those goals. 5. Encoura ges l eadership and group development. 6. Overs ees the expenditures of the organization, including the planning of the budget, and the monitoring of financial reports. 7. Revi ews and approves paperwork, s uch as E­Plans, PRFs, Ca sh Securities Forms, etc., in a ti mely ma nner. 8. Section B Provi des oversight to protect the safety of s tudents and the interests of the University. Advisor Requirements 1. The a dvisor must be a Ca l Poly State faculty or s taff member. Article VIII. Meetings Section C Regular M eetings 1. The cl ub officers a re responsible for scheduling regular meetings. 2. A cl ub officer (or member recommended by a n officer) is responsible for conducting meetings. 5 3. Section D Regular meetings should occur approximately once a week. Special M eetings 1. Al l officers have the authority to ca ll special meetings. 2. Cl ub members and officers will be notified of special meetings via the official Ca l Poly Ma gic di s cord server and by email. Section E M eeting Policies 1. Quorum s hall be 50% of the active membership. Article IX. Finances Section A Requirements 1. Funds must be a dministered through the ASI Cl ub Services and within ASI policies and procedures. 2. No cl ub funds ca n be used towards the purchase of alcohol. 3. The Advi sor or Dean listed on the current cl ub Cha rter must sign a ll requests for payment. 4. A cl ub officer with financial authorization on the current cl ub Charter must sign all requests for pa yment. 5. Section B Cl ub officers are not authorized to sign their own reimbursement request(s). Dues 1. The a mount of dues will be determined by a proposal from the Treasurer a nd a simple ma jority of members at the s econd meeting after the proposal. 2. Dues will be collected in a manner decided by the officers following ASI guidelines. Article X. Discipline of Members Section A Complaints 1. Al l complaints alleging violations of the Student Conduct Code, Title 5, s ection 41301, et s eq., s ha ll be i nvestigated pursuant to Executive Order 1073 a nd/or 1074 (i n cases involving a l legations of unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation based on protected s tatus). Investigations and other proceedings under Executive Orders 1073 a nd 1074 s hall be conducted by ca mpus administration, not s tudent organizations, and this organization shall refer a ny complaints a lleging subject matters covered by Executive Orders 1073 a nd 1074 to the ca mpus Vice President for Student Affairs or other designee for investigation a nd res olution. 2. Complaints may a lso be brought to the attention of the Office of the Dean of Students. A wri tten charge may be filed with the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students shall review the 6 cha rges and may conduct a preliminary investigation if deemed appropriate. If the prel iminary i nvestigation concludes that misconduct appears to have occurred, the Dean of Students s hall conduct a hearing on the matter. The member alleged to have engaged in the mi s conduct s hall be gi ven a t least 72 hours’ notice of the hearing and be given an opportunity to present a defense. Dean of Students Office s hall determine whether mi s conduct occurred. If i t determines that misconduct did occur, the Dean of Students shall prepa re a report to the membership of i ts findings a nd recommended sanctions, which may i ncl ude expulsion, suspension, or l esser sanction(s) i ncluding, but not limited to, a reprimand, remova l from office, a fine or corrective remedies. Section B Voting 1. The membership shall revi ew the hearing report i n executive session, and the member a ccus ed of misconduct shall have a n opportunity to rebut the information i n the report. After provi ding a s tatement to the membership, the member a ccused of misconduct s hall l eave the room for the remainder of the deliberations. 2. The membership shall vote first on whether the memb er has engaged in misconduct. If by a two­thi rds vote, the membership shall then by a two­thirds vote, determine appropriate s a nction(s). The a ccused member s hall be i mmediately notified of the outcome. 3. By two­thirds, the membership may reinstate a member who has been s uspended or expelled. Article XII. Amendments Section A Procedure 1. Propos al to make a mendments to these bylaws may be brought forward a t any meeting. 2. Propos als to make any amendments must gain a two­thirds approval vote in order to be pa ssed. 7