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General Botany & Plant Physiology: An Introduction

General Botany with Emphasis
on Plant Physiology
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• Botany is the scientific study of
• Concepts "plants" and "scientific
• What is a plant ?
• Plants have so many types and
variations that a simple definition
has many exceptions, and a
definition that includes all plants
and excludes all nonplants may
be too complicated to be useful.
Greek naturalist
A pupil of Plato and
Aristotle, who became
head of the Lyceum in
His original name was
Tyrtamus, but later
Aristotle named him as
Father of Botany
Major contributions of Theophrastus:
He is credited with having authored more
than 200 works
He described about 500 kinds of plants,
classified into four major groups : the trees,
shrubs, subshrubs and herbs.
He recognized the differences between
flowering plants and non – flowering plants,
superior ovary and inferior ovary, free and
fused petals and also fruit types
Major contributions of Theophrastus:
Two of his botanical works have survived
intact, available in English are:
1. Enquiry into plants (1916)
2. The Causes of plants (1927)