NEW ERA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE School of Mechanical Engineering MANUFACTURING & INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES LAB (L) A LABORATORY MANUAL Compiled by Ortiz, Jon Paul Edward M. Laboratory Exercise No. 2 Laboratory tests of operational durability and energy – efficiency of conveyor belts NAME: Ortiz, Jon Paul Edward M. Program/Year: 4-BSME Day/Time/Group: T / 11am-2pm / #1 Date Performed: Date Submitted: 09/28/2021 Instructor: Erwin T. Sta. Maria Laboratory Exercise No. 2 Laboratory tests of operational durability and energy – efficiency of conveyor belts OBJECTIVES: 1. To learn what is Conveyer Belt 2. To learn the use and importance of Conveyer Belt 3. To learn the application in actual practice of mechanical engineering INTRODUCTION: Belts operated on conveyors are subjected to variety of loads which lead to damage[They undergo wear in process which depends on the type of conveyor, its length, the material transported and the working site. Laboratory tests of conveyor belt’s operational durability require determining number of its properties, such as tensile strength, longitudinal and transverse elongation strength, delamination strength, shear strength, flammability, and resistance to low temperature, as well as rubber cover tensile strength, abrasion resistance, aging resistance, etc. The methods for measuring the above mentioned properties are standardized. However, number of methods for testing belt puncture and cut resistance, as well as indentation rolling resistance have not yet been described in the form of standards. In most cases, belts are removed from conveyor due to worn rubber cover and defects caused by punctures and cuts. Therefore, the resistance of belts to punctures and longitudinal cuts is an important criterion in the evaluation of their operational durability. Regardless of their strength parameters, belts operated in underground mining industry should additionally meet safety requirements related to fire and explosion hazards. For this reason, belts are subjected to special flammability tests. Due to rising electricity prices and ecological expectations, low operating costs of conveyors are becoming concern. These costs may be lowered by decreasing the values of indentation rolling resistances. These resistances are in turn mostly affected by the dynamic properties of the belt's pulley side cover. Procedure: Tests of belt resistance to wear-related damage such as punctures and longitudinal cuts were performed on two conveyor belts having nominal tensile strength of 1250kN/m. The belts have the following symbols: 1250/2 5+3 and 1250/2 5T+3. They are textile belts with two textile plies in the core. The carrying covers and the pulley covers have identical thicknesses in both belts –5mm and 3mm, respectively. Total belt thickness is also provided: ca. 18÷19 mm. The belts differ only in the design of the carrying cover. The T symbol in the belt designated as 1250/2 5T+3 stands for reinforcement added perpendicular to the belt axis. The reinforcement is in the form of steel wires 1mm in diameter, spaced ca. 25mm from each other and ca. 1.5÷2.0mm from the belt core. The belts were chosen for tests in order to demonstrate the influence of the design of the carrying cover, i.e. of the presence of lateral reinforcement, on belt resistance to punctures and longitudinal cuts. The tested belts are used for material transportation in open-cast mining. They may be also used in underground mining, provided they meet additional flammability requirements. Indentation rolling resistance was tested on two steel-cord belts of the same type: ST 2000 8+8, used for material transportation in underground mines. They are slow-burning belts. Total belt thickness is ca. 22.7÷23.1mm. The carrying and pulley covers have identical thicknesses of ca. 8.6÷8.8mm. The belts differ only in the composition of the rubber compound used in the pulley cover. The belts have the following designations: • Belt No.1 has its pulley cover fabricated of standard slow-burning compound, typically used in underground mines; • Belt No.2 has its pulley cover fabricated of slow-burning compound which is, in addition to belt No.1, energy-efficient. Belts 1 and 2 were selected for tests in order to demonstrate how various rubber compounds in the pulley cover influence the values of indentation rolling resistance. The conveyor belt having lower indentation rolling resistances will at the same time prove more energyefficient in comparison to a belt with higher indentation rolling resistances. Documentation: Final Tabulation of Data: Graph: Data Analysis: The graph served to determine the value of critical energy Ek. This is the energy level which must be exceeded to cause damage in the belt. The graph equations served to calculate mean impact energy Em. The results are presented in table. As indicated infigure6, the size of the defect is not in linear dependence on impact energy. The reason for this phenomenon is in the textile core of the belt: its design causes the defects to propagate in the belt both lengthwise and crosswise. The tests of belt resistance to longitudinal cuts were performed with the use of two samples collected from each belt type. Conclusion: In this experiment I learn that conveyer belt s the carrying medium of a belt conveyor system, one of the many types of conveyor systems available today. Each conveyor system requires different modules in order to function properly and do the tasks required by the belts. The different tasks can range depending on the weight required, the speed required, and the throughput of products on the conveyor system. A conveyor belt system consists of two or more pulleys (referred to as drums), with an endless loop of carrying medium – the conveyor belt – that rotates around them creating a pull effect for the goods it’s carrying. One or more of the pulleys will be powered moving the belt and the material on the belt forward and along the system. Belts consist of one or more layers of material. It’s common for belts to have three layers: a top cover, a carcass, and a bottom cover. However, there are situations where more layers are needed depending on the goods being moved on the conveyor system. Belt conveyor is necessary in the production line of gravel and construction waste, and is mainly used to connect the broken equipment of different levels, sand production facilities, and screening equipment. It is also widely used in cement, mining, metallurgy, chemical, foundry, and building materials industries. Mechanical conveying is a very efficient way to transfer large amounts of product from point to point, often over a long distance. Some mechanical conveyors cover distances of a half mile or more, and because of their speed and capacity, are ideal for quickly offloading vehicles like trucks, rail cars and barges. Because they’re more robust, mechanical conveyors can move a wide variety of product shapes, sizes or weights. They also offer a great deal of design flexibility since they can be installed almost anywhere. They’re very versatile systems as well, since they can convey material horizontally, at an incline or even vertically. When compared with pneumatic conveying, mechanical conveying can handle larger production rates. Blended materials that have components with differing bulk densities, such as feed mixes, will not stratify with bulk conveying. Mechanical conveying is also very effective at moving wet products. Whether you’re moving raw materials in and out of storage, moving them into and off of the production line or sending them out to shipping, though, a mechanical conveying system can do the job quickly and efficiently. Question to answer: 1. Draw a conveyor belt and the part of its. 2. What are the different types of conveyor belts and their application? ➢ Roller Bed Conveyor Belts - You can use these conveyor belts for packing, sorting, assembling, inspecting, and transporting items. Common applications of roller bed conveyor belts include postal sorting offices and airport baggage handling systems. ➢ Flat Belt Conveyors - Flat belt systems are often the conveyor of choice for industrial environments, wash down areas, and slow assembly lines. Fitted with the right belt, it can also convey small, soft, or irregularly shaped items without damaging them. ➢ Modular Belt Conveyors - This type of conveyor belt can be used to carry food products because it is easy to clean. Spacing between plastic segments are adjustable for applications where fluid should be either drained or retained as it is carried on the conveyor. The segments’ plastic composition also makes this conveyor belt useful for metal detection. ➢ Cleated Belt Conveyors - These cleats can keep loose materials secure during inclines and declines, to provide consistent spacing between items, and more. Furthermore, cleats come in different shapes, each with its own application. ➢ Curved Belt Conveyors - Curved belt conveyors are often used in bag handling systems to change items’ conveying direction. ➢ Incline/Decline Belt Conveyors - These systems can cross over with cleated belt conveyors to transport products to different elevations while keeping them from falling off the line. Aside from transferring objects between floors, these conveyor belts are also suitable for boosting gravity flow systems. ➢ Sanitary and Washdown Conveyors - These conveyor belts can carry objects with extreme temperatures straight out of furnaces or freezers. In addition, machines in the food industry, in particular, must survive running through glaze, breading, or hot oil. Because they can securely handle both wet and greasy items, larger washdown conveyors with flat wire belts are also suited for offloading break bulk goods, like oil drums and crates, from ships. ➢ Specialty Conveyor Belts - There are several other kinds of conveyors tailored for different applications, although they are not as common as the previous types. Name : Ortiz, Jon Paul Edward M. Day/Time: Tuesday: 11am-2pm Group No. 1 Laboratory Exercise No. 2 Laboratory tests of operational durability and energy – efficiency of conveyor belts PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Group no. 1 Leader : RS-Angel S. Calma Approved for finalization Members : For revision / correction 1. Jon Paul Edward Ortiz Remarks : 2. Aiveen Cruz 3. Raizen Gwen Duro 4. Ivan Vinson Linga 5. Malek Samlan 6. 7. Instructor