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Elizabethan English: Greetings, Farewells & Pronoun Guide

_________, what cheer?
God save you, _________!
How, sweet _________!
Good dawning to thee, _________!
How dost thou, sweet _________?
Good day, _________!
How do you, _________?
The good time of day to you, _________!
How now, _________?
Good morrow, _________!
How fares _________?
Give you good morrow, sir
Well be with you, _________!
Many years of happy days befall _________!
You are well met, _________!
Hail to _________!
Bless thee, _________!
Heigh ho! Come thee hither!
God bless you, _________!
How sayest thou!? How now?
God keep you!
God bye to you
I do commend me to you
Rest you merry
Good e’en to _________
Give you good morrow!
God save you, _________!
Good night, _________
Give me now leave, to leave
Fare you well, gentle
Give you good night
_________ [also: thee, ye]
I commend my duty to
Go thy ways
God bye, _________
Adieu, adieu, adieu
Adieu! I have too grieved a heart to take a tedious
Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.
And whether we shall meet again I know not. Therefore
When I am forth, Bid me farewell, and smile
our everlasting farewell take: For ever, and for ever,
Go thou further off; Bid me farewell, and let me hear
farewell, _________! If we do meet
thee going
again, why, we shall smile; If not, why then, this parting
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow!
was well made.
How to use weird pronouns
1. NEVER use you except when addressing someone superior to you~~such as the Queen or a noble! In
Elizabethan times, such a mistake might have cost you your head!!
2. Thou is used instead of you as the subject in a sentence: THOU ART A KNAVE! (You are no good!)
3. Thee is used instead of you as the object in a sentence: I SHALT GIVE IT TO THEE. (I shall give it to
4. Thy is used instead of the word your: thy house, thy dog, thy book.
5. Thine is used before words beginning with a vowel: thine apple.
6. Ye is used instead of saying all of you: Ye all shalt come.
7. Some of our contractions that we use today are don’t and won’t and can’t. The Elizabethans had some
different ones that we no longer use; here are some of them: Tis- It is T’would- It would T’will- It will Is’tIs it
8. These are the main verbs that they used differently
I do
Thou dost
He/she/they doth
I have
Thou hast
He/she/they hath
I am
Thou art
He/she/they art
I say
Thou sayeth
He/she/they sayeth
9. Spelling: Just like it sounds, and if it’s not the same as someone else’s, it’s no big deal.
10. When in doubt, add the letters “eth” to the end of verbs (he runneth, he trippeth, he falleth).
11. Handy phrases to know:
Aye — Yes
Nay — No
Faith! — That’s right!
Prithee — Please
Fie on thee!
Shame on you! OR Darn you!
What hast thou wrought!
Oh no! OR What have you done now!?
Beshrew me
Darn it!
Shucks! OR Darn! (Like you’re disappointed)
T’would be folly!
That’s bananas! OR No way!