Uploaded by Mercedes Robinson


Sample Pacing Guide (Grade 3)
September – October
November – December
January – February
Sentence Skills
March – April
May – June
Continue previous sentence activities.
Continue previous sentence activities.
Continue previous sentence activities.
Continue previous sentence activities.
• Punctuation / Capitalization of
• Sentence Expansion
• Appositives
• Appositives
• Sentence Combining
First Word
o Expand kernel sentences with
o Identify an appositive in a
o Match an appositive to a noun or
o Combine sentences using
o Capitalize first word, proper
appropriate Q words: who, what,
noun phrase.
appositives, pronouns, and
nouns; use commas in a list; and
when, where, why, and how.
o Match appositives to noun
o Fill in blanks with appositives.
insert correct end punctuation.
o Determine whether a specified
o Given an appositive, write a
• Sentences Versus Fragments
part of a sentence tells who,
• Transition Words and Phrases
o Distinguish between a sentence
what, when, where, why, and
o Given a topic, write a T.S. using
o Fill in correct transitions in
and a fragment.
an appositive.
paragraphs with blanks
o Correct fragments.
• Sentence Combining
o (time-sequence, illustration,
• Transition Words and Phrases
o Identify and correct fragments
o Combine sentences with
change-of-direction, and
o Insert transition words or phrases
and run-ons in paragraphs.
compound subjects using
(time-sequence, illustration,
• Scrambled Sentences
pronouns, conjunctions (and, but,
o Follow a given sentence with
change- of-direction, and
o Rearrange sequences of words
because, and so), and transitions
another one beginning with an
conclusion) into given
into sentences, adding correct
when appropriate.
illustration or cause-effect
capitalization and punctuation.
conclusion transition (Colonists
• Subordinating Conjunctions
• Single-Sentence Summary
• Sentence Types
needed transportation for their
o Complete sentences beginning
o Given the subject, use question
o Write a statement, question,
goods. As a result, ________
with subordinating conjunctions
words without a kernel sentence
exclamation, and command
o Blacksmiths needed certain
after, before, whenever, even
to create a summary sentence.
about a picture, topic, or text.
tools. Specifically, ________
though, since, and if.
o Write questions about a topic,
o Practice writing T.S.s with
picture, or text.
subordinating conjunctions
• Conjunctions (because, but, so)
o Complete sentence stems with
because, but, and so.
o Independently write sentences
with because, but, and so.
Outline and Paragraph Skills
Continue previous paragraph activities.
Continue previous paragraph activities.
Continue previous paragraph activities.
Continue previous paragraph activities.
• Single-Paragraph Outline
• Note-Taking
• Single-Paragraph Outline
• Revise and Edit
• Single-Paragraph Outline
o Brainstorm or relate details for a
o Convert sentences into key
o Use time-sequence and
o Revise with peer without
o Independently generate
given topic sentence.
words and phrases.
conclusion transitions.
narrative or expository SPO and
o Generate SPOs and paragraphs
o Convert key words and phrases
o Generate SPOs using key words
o Have students improve their own
as a class.
into sentences.
and phrases.
work given specific directions.
o Practice developing T.S.s with
o Distinguish a topic sentence
o Deconstruct a given paragraph
appositives, subordinating
from supporting details.
into an SPO.
conjunctions, and sentence
o Given a topic, generate a T.S.
• Note-Taking and Underlining
o Select details from a list to
o Practice outlining (SPOs) and
Key Words and Phrases
support a given T.S., eliminating
writing drafts of compareo Introduce common abbreviations
irrelevant details.
contrast, problem-solutions, and
and symbols (+, =, →, /).
• Note-Taking
opinion text structures.
o Introduce and model taking
o Model underlining key words in
notes using key words and
• Revise and Edit (Unelaborated
o Revise unelaborated paragraphs
as a class.
o Revise with a peer with specific
o Put unelaborated paragraphs on
board. Students suggest
o Revise with peer without directions.
o Have students improve their own
work given specific directions.
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